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Bringing Case Discussions to Life: The Whip Interactive CD Case

Bringing Case Discussions to Life: The Whip Interactive CD Case Professor Brian Wansink BusAdmin, AgEcon, & Advertising What do you mean, “Case Study”? They’re used to teach decision making “Here’s a scenario, what are you going to do?” Learn by “virtual” doing

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Bringing Case Discussions to Life: The Whip Interactive CD Case

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bringing Case Discussions to Life: The Whip Interactive CD Case Professor Brian Wansink BusAdmin, AgEcon, & Advertising

  2. What do you mean, “Case Study”? They’re used to teach decision making “Here’s a scenario, what are you going to do?” Learn by “virtual” doing There is often no one “right answer” The focus is on process rather than content

  3. Case Studies: Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages They can motivate with real situations They train people to think and communicate Disadvantages They can be overwhelming or boring (“20/20” cases) They need discussion & interaction for full value They can’t be used for distance learning

  4. Phase 1. Paper Case: WWHP FM -- The “Whip” A struggling new radio station in Farmer City, IL “The best in blues, rock, country rock & bluegrass” Lots of problems--> Mktg, acctg, econ, finance, ob Wrote a paper case in 1998 27 meetings; 34 interviews; 15 months; 4 people Took video footage Practice tested in summer 1998 Ready for fall MBA courses

  5. Phase 1. Paper Case: Results Used across 6 different classes with 200 MBAs in 9/98 Integrated: 6 different angles at the case Paper version with video-taped interviews Case was a big hit Illini-grown Small business in a cool industry Video made it work

  6. Phase 2. Interactive CD-ROM Interactive CD-Rom --> $5,900 ETB grant (12/98) CD-based case Embedded point-and-click interviews -------------------------------------------------------------- Three questions to answer --> with feedback! Meet Your “Virtual MBA Team” Real MBA students -- scripted advice

  7. Phase 2. Interactive CD-ROM: Objectives . . . Offer a vivid, engaging, interactive learning tool Promote Illinois Technology & Integrative Core Showcase student talent, smarts, and character Web-compatible Use as a recruiting tool Disseminate to other schools

  8. Phase 2. Interactive CD-ROM: Results Ed Tech Grant for $5,900 --> Actual cost = $19,400 $6,200 from other sources; $7,300 from BW Burned 300 CDs ($4.70/apiece) 1 CD per team of 4 MBAs “Use and return” policy Great student feedback (see Daily Illini story) Great professor feedback Ultimate Dream . . .

  9. Ultimate Dream It’s amazing what they’re doing with educational technology at Illinois. This Whip case is a great example. It leverages interactive technology and goes over really big with the students. It’s even starting to be used in other schools.

  10. Phase 3. Web version Web version Mary Ellen Micheal --> Hassan Aref --> Lanny Arvan --> CET Increase the interactivity Modify it for distance learning Develop an interactive teaching note for all courses Mini-version for program and tech promotion purposes Channels of Distribution Distance learning programs? Textbooks?

  11. Phase 3. Web version:Next Steps in Dissemination How can we promote the Illinois Ed Tech advantage? How can we disseminate this widely? What are sources of funding exist? What distance learning programs could use this?

  12. Special Thanks Case Team Stephen Cheng (MBA 1999) --> Developer Adam Brasel & Kyle Harimoto --> Co-authors Actors, play-testers, brain-stormers Illinois MBA program Lanny Arvan & CET ETB and its committee members A lesson on gambling . . .

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