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Mobile & Web Design Trends

Mobile & Web Design Trends. Presented by: Michelle LeFeve, Courtland Consulting, Strudell Studios Creative Division. 5/2014. 116 million US Consumers use smartphones 150 times per day mobile phone users checks their devices 3x iPad growth rate compared to iPhone.

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Mobile & Web Design Trends

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mobile & Web DesignTrends Presented by: Michelle LeFeve, Courtland Consulting, Strudell Studios Creative Division 5/2014

  2. 116 million US Consumers use smartphones 150 times per day mobile phone users checks their devices 3xiPad growth rate compared to iPhone Reference: "2013 Internet Trends Report", Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, www.kpcb.com/insights/2013-internet-trends

  3. 78% Internet users do online product research 40% US smartphone owners compare prices while in-store, shopping 78% business people use their mobile device to check email Reference: "It's Time to Transform Your Marketing", Hubspot www.hubspot.com

  4. Speak Up National Initiative of Project Tomorrow

  5. Responsive Web Design

  6. One-Page Websites Fixed Header Bars

  7. Sliding Webpage Panels

  8. 50% of smartphone users have scanned a QR Code 60% of QR Codes scanning audience is male 37%of QR Code audience is aged 18 to 34 years old Reference: "2013 Internet Trends Report", Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, www.kpcb.com/insights/2013-internet-trends

  9. Web Design Coding Evolution

  10. Connect With Us sales@strudellstudios.com (517) 908-3951 StrudellStudios.com facebook.com/courtlandconsulting linkedin.com/in/courtlandconsulting

  11. Credits • BusinessInsider.com • ComScore • Econsultancy • eMarketer • Internetlivestats.com • Jake Rocheleau • JeffKoran.com • Kpcb.com/insights • MediaBistro • Pb.com • Prezi.com • SearchEngineJournal.com • Statista • The-WebDesign.net • Tomorrow.org

  12. Stay Sweet-n- Tech Savvy!

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