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Sangita Bose, Bombay

Sangita Bose, Bombay. Welcome !!!. Antonio Bianconi , Rome . A. Garcia-Garcia, Cambridge. Carbon Superconductors. STO/LAO Heterostructures. Mesoscopic effects in conventional superconductors. High T c heterostructures. << BCS ≥ No BCS. Enhancement?.

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Sangita Bose, Bombay

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sangita Bose, Bombay Welcome !!! Antonio Bianconi, Rome A. Garcia-Garcia, Cambridge

  2. Carbon Superconductors STO/LAO Heterostructures Mesoscopic effects in conventional superconductors High Tc heterostructures << BCS ≥ No BCS

  3. Enhancement? How to enhance SC substantially? Mechanism of SC in cuprates? ? $106 Question $10 Question

  4. Why control? Grains and thin films in conventional superconductors

  5. Thin films Abeles, Cohen, Cullen, Phys. Rev. Lett., 17, 632 (1966) A.M. Goldman, Giaver.....

  6. Thin Films  <  Single grains Shape Resonances Shell Effects Blatt, Thompson Phys. Lett. 5, 6 (1963) Parmenter, Phys. Rev. 166, 392 (1967)

  7. Ralph, Black,Tinkham, Superconductivity in SingleMetal Particles PRL 74, 3241-3244 (1995). No isolated, size/shape unknown Fluctuations Theory beyond BCS  ~  Richardson Equations J. vonDelftet al., Phys. Rep., 345, 61 (2001)

  8. Thin Films  >  atomicscalecontrol of the thickness over a macroscopic area Shih et al., Science 324, 1314 (2009) Xue et al., Science 306, 1915 (2004) PRB 74 132504 (2006) Shanenko, Peeters, PRB 75 014519 (2007)

  9. Islands  ?  Schneider, et al., PRL 102, 207002 (2009) PRL 108, 126802 (2012) Theory: Ribeiro, AGG. PRL 108, 097004 (2012)

  10.  ?  Grains Sn S. Bose, AGG., Nature Materials 9, 550 (2010), PRB 84 104525 (2011) Pb Theory: PRL 108, 097004 (2012) PRL 100, 187001 (2008) PRB, 74, 052502 (2006)

  11. SMS Josephson junctions Spin Filtered Mason, Goldbart et al, Nature Physics 8 59 (2012) Blamire et al, Nature Materials 10 849 (2011) Kresin, Deutscher

  12. +Experimental Control No Control High Tc superconductors? +Predictive power Theoreticians Drift

  13. Quantum size effects in high Tc  >  Stripes Blatt’s Shape resonances for high Tc SC Bianconi, et al. Solid State Comm, 89, 933 (1994) Bianconi, Perali, at al, Solid State Comm, 100, 181 (1996)

  14. Cuprates high TcHeterostructures Why? Bozovic et al., Nature 455, 782 (2008) SC 1 Single Layer Intrinsic inhomogeneities

  15. Iron PnictidesHeterostructures Xue et al.: Arxiv: 12015694

  16. Enhancement of Tc by disorder FractaldistributionsofdopantsenhanceTcincuprates Bianconi, et al., Nature 466, 841 (2010) Inhomogeneities Higher Tc PRL 108, 017002 (2012)

  17. LaAlO3 /SrTiO3 Heterostructures Control &Tunability Spin-Orbit Disorder Magnetism E Field effect Anderson, Mott Localization Triscone, Nature 456 624 (2008) Lesueur, arXiv:1112.2633 Exotic Quantum Matter PRL 104, 126803 (2010) PRB 85 020457 (2012)

  18. Carbon nanotubes Fluctuations < High Tc? Phase Slips Lehtinen, PRB 85 094508 (2012) How to suppress fluctuations? Ropes Dissipation Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2416 (2001) PRB 80, 214515 (2009) Electric field effect Yang,PRB 74 155414 (2006) Single Science 292, 2462 (2001)

  19. CONTROL Theory PREDICTIVE POWER Enhancement = $106

  20. Conference dinner Tomorrow, 7:30PM Everybody is invited! THANKS! Lunch < 1:45PM Talks on time!

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