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exec Function calls. Used to begin a processes execution. Accomplished by overwriting process imaged of caller with that of called. Several flavors, use the one most suited to needs. exec Function calls. int execv( char *path, char *argv[]) ;
exec Function calls Used to begin a processes execution. Accomplished by overwriting process imaged of caller with that of called. Several flavors, use the one most suited to needs.
exec Function calls int execv( char *path, char *argv[]) ; path: directory path to executable image. Can be your program, or system program. argv: Array of pointers to null terminated strings. These are the arguments to the program being executed.
exec Function calls two conventions with argv: 1) argv[0] should hold the name of the program to be executed. 2) The last element must be NULL.
main (int argc, *argv[]) { int pid ; char *args[2] ; pid = fork() ; if (pid ==0) { args[0] = “./a.out” ; All executed by args[1] = NULL ; child process i = execv(“./aout”, args) ; printf(“OOOpppssss.\n”) ; } else printf(“Not a problem!\n”) ; Executed by parent }
int pid ; char *args[2] ; pid = fork() ;
Parent Child int pid ; char *args[2] ; pid = 0 int pid ; char *args[2] ; pid = ? fork
Child int pid ; char *args[2] ; pid = fork() if (pid == 0) {args[0] = “./a.out” ; args[1] = NULL ; i = execv(“./aout”, args) ; printf(“OOOpppssss.\n”) ; } else printf(“Not ….”);
Parent int pid ; char *args[2] ; pid = fork() if (pid == 0) {args[0] = “./a.out” ; args[1] = NULL ; i = execv(“./aout”, args) ; printf(“OOOpppssss.\n”) ; } else printf(“Not ….”);
Child int pid ; char *args[2] ; pid = fork() if (pid == 0) {args[0] = “./a.out” ; args[1] = NULL ; i = execv(“./aout”, args) ; printf(“OOOpppssss.\n”) ; } else printf(“Not ….”); Parent int pid ; char *args[2] ; pid = fork() if (pid == 0) {args[0] = “./a.out” ; args[1] = NULL ; i = execv(“./aout”, args) ; printf(“OOOpppssss.\n”) ; } else printf(“Not ….”);
Parent a.out int pid ; char *args[2] ; pid = fork() if (pid == 0) {args[0] = “./a.out” ; args[1] = NULL ; i = execv(“./aout”, args) ; printf(“OOOpppssss.\n”) ; } else printf(“Not ….”);
Processes: program + execution state • Pseudoparallelism • Multiprogramming • Many processes active at once • With switching: • process execution is not repeatable • processes should make no assumptions about timing • Process consists of: • Process’ core image: program, data, run-time stack • Program counter, registers, stack pointer • OS bookkeeping information
Process State • As a process executes, it changes state • new: The process is being created. • running: Instructions are being executed. • waiting: The process is waiting for some event to occur. • ready: The process is waiting to be assigned to a process. • terminated: The process has finished execution.
Diagram of Process State X X X
PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB Process Table One entry per process. Pr 0 Pr 1 Pr 2 Pr 4 …..Pr N
PCB: Process Management • registers, program counter, program status word, stack pointer • process state • time process started, CPU time used, children’s CPU time used • alarm clock setting • pending signal bits • pid • message queue pointers, other flag bits
PCB: Memory-Related Information • pointers to • text • Data • stack segments • Pointer to page table
PCB: File-Related Information • root, working directory • file descriptors • User ID • Group ID
Context Switch (or Process Switch) • Currently executing process looses control of CPU • Its “context” must be saved (if not terminated) into PCS. • New process is chosen for execution. • New process context is restored. • New process is given control of the CPU.
Process Scheduling Queues • Job queue – set of all processes in the system. • Ready queue – set of all processes residing in main memory, ready and waiting to execute. • Device queues – set of processes waiting for an I/O device. • Process migration between the various queues.
Low Level Interrupt Processing • Each HW device has slot in interrupt vector (IV). • On interrupt, HW pushes PC, PSW, one or more registers. • Loads in new PC from IV. • END OF HW • Assembly code to save registers and info on stack (to PCB). • Assembly sets up new stack for handling process. • Calls C interrupt handling routing to complete interrupt processing. • Scheduler is called and determines next process to run. • Assembly language restores registers and other necessary items (e.g., memory map) of selected process and begins its execution.
Schedulers • Long-term scheduler (or job scheduler) – selects which processes should be brought into the ready queue. • Short-term scheduler (or CPU scheduler) – selects which process should be executed next and allocates CPU.
Schedulers (Cont.) • Short-term scheduler is invoked very frequently (milliseconds) (must be fast). • Long-term scheduler is invoked very infrequently (seconds, minutes) (may be slow). • The long-term scheduler controls the degree of multiprogramming.
Schedulers (Cont.) • Processes can be described as either: • I/O-bound process – spends more time doing I/O than computations, many short CPU bursts. • CPU-bound process – spends more time doing computations; few very long CPU bursts.
Context Switch • When CPU switches to another process, the system must save the state of the old process and load the saved state for the new process. • Context-switch time is overhead; the system does no useful work while switching. • Time dependent on hardware support.
#include <unistd.h> • #include <stdio.h> • main() • { char *ptr ; • char input[1024] ; • char *tmp, *tmp1 ; • int i ; • while(1) • { i = read(0, input, 512) ; • printf("Ret %d\n", i) ; • ptr = input ; • while (*ptr != '\n') • { if (*ptr == ' ') • printf("Space!\n") ; • else • printf("Read %c\n", *ptr) ; • ptr++ ; • } • } • }