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Science Eight 8/12/13. Agenda Seedfolks Creating a Science Footprint. Bell Work Find your seat again . Science Eight 8/13/13. Bell Work None. Agenda Bullying d iscussion with all of Hibberd Intermediate. 2. Science Eight 8/14/13. Reminder: Signed Class Contract due TOMORROW!.
Science Eight 8/12/13 Agenda • Seedfolks • Creating a Science Footprint Bell Work Find your seat again
Science Eight 8/13/13 Bell Work None Agenda Bullying discussion with all of Hibberd Intermediate 2
Science Eight 8/14/13 Reminder: Signed Class Contract due TOMORROW! Bell Work What is the purpose of a science notebook? What are some challenges you have had in the past with keeping a science notebook? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr7roogzM8c Agenda • Pass out books • Set up Science Notebook
Science Eight 8/15/13 Bell Work What is a mistake that you have made while in a Science lab? Agenda • Activity One: Crime Scene Lab • Safety Making Meaning Conference 4
Science 8 8/19/13 Homework: Turn footprint in by tomorrow Bell Work: Complete in Bell Work section of notebook… WRITE SMALL! Number by the date. What is a safety mistake you or others have made while in a Science lab? • Complete ‘What happened to Monkey Man?’ • Safety Video • Making Meaning Conference: Safety http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr7roogzM8c
Collect our lab participation cards! Science 8 8/20/13 Homework: Turn footprint into tray • Hazmat Observations • Handling an Unknown Substance List • Complete Analysis Questions 1 and 3 with group. Put all answers in notebook. Activity 1: Handling Hazardous Materials Challenge: Copy from page A-4 in text Key Words: evidence, hazardous material, mixture Add to Word Bank and create vocabulary cards Bell Work: How do you solve problems? Do your ways of solving problems depend on the kind of problem you have to solve?
Collect our lab participation cards after today! Science 8 8/21/13 Homework: Activity 2: Types of Hazards Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Create your own Page #: A6 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: corrosive and flammable *On this side of the page, create your own definition for each of the words. Skip two lines between them. *Also add to word bank. • Demonstration Observation Notes • Analysis Questions #1-4 (Short answers will be fine) Tape Student sheets onto this side as well. Only tape the side of them so they flap open. Bell Work: What types of hazards did the scientists check for in the hazmat video yesterday?
Thursday Science 8 8/22/13 Homework: Complete UC Question if not complete Activity 2: Types of Hazards Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Create your own Page #: A6 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: corrosive and flammable *On this side of the page, create your own definition for each of the words. Skip two lines between them. *Also add to word bank. • Demonstration Observation Notes • Analysis Questions #1-4 (Short answers will be fine) Tape Student sheets onto this side as well. Only tape the side of them so they flap open. Bell Work: Which demonstration from yesterday showed us something that was corrosive? How?
Friday Science 8 8/23/13 Homework: Activity 3: A Plan to Separate the Mixture Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Fill out with group Hypothesis Reflection: After we discuss Page #: A10 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: mixture, observation When your entire group has read and checked materials and procedures, you may get your supply tub and proceed. DATA: • Observations of substance • #4 – group plan for separating materials DETAILS • Include materials, safety, and procedure Analysis Questions: • Complete #1, 4, & 5 in your notebook (short answers will do) • Be prepared to discuss 2 & 3 with the class. Conclusion: Bell Work: What are some examples of mixtures?
Monday Science 8 8/26/13 Homework: Complete Individual Analysis Questions if not Complete, Observation Worksheet Activity 3: A Plan to Separate the Mixture Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Fill out with group Hypothesis Reflection: After we discuss Page #: A10 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: mixture, observation When your entire group has read and checked materials and procedures, you may get your supply tub and proceed. DATA: • Observations of substance • #4 – group plan for separating materials DETAILS • Include materials, safety, and procedure Analysis Questions: • Complete #1, 4, & 5 in your notebook (short answers will do) • Be prepared to discuss 2 & 3 with the class. Conclusion: Bell Work: How do you observe a substance?
Tuesday Science 8 8/27/13 Homework: Make sure your notebook is organized- quiz Friday Activity 4: Hazardous Materials at Home Challenge: Copy from textbook Hypothesis: I think unused hazardous materials should be _________ because ____________. Page #: A13 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: toxic • Tape Intra-act discussion here • Answer analysis questions #1, 2, 3, 4 Bell Work: How many hazardous materials do you think are in your home? Give three examples.
Wednesday Science 8 8/28/13 Homework: If not complete with analysis, do so Activity 5: Separating the Mixture Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Page #: Read A19 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: none • Data: record all information on your chart. Record only what you have learned from this activity. There will be some blanks! • Claims/Evidence Table: Create a t-chart with your claims and evidence. Evidence must be a qualitative/quantitative observation. • Analysis: #1-3 Update your procedure for separation. You will write this formally when you have separated all the substances. Bell Work: How would you separate a mixture like a bowl of Lucky Charms?
Thursday XC Opp.: What is today the anniversary of? What are some impacts of this event? Science 8 8/29/13 Homework: None… will finish lab tomorrow! Activity 6: Identifying Liquids Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Create your own with your group Hypothesis Reflection: Will fill in after Page #: A21 (Copy) Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: chemical properties, miscible, miscibility, physical properties *Vocab. Papers for chemical properties, miscible, and physical properties* Grab them from the front! • Procedure: Follow EXACTLY as it is written in your book!! • Do NOT spill anything on the paper testing strips- set them aside. Analysis: Complete all questions Conclusion: Identify the liquids Bell Work: Evaluate your group’s work in cleaning up the lab, organizing the separate substances for identification, and overall appropriate lab procedures.
Science 8 8/30/13 Friday Homework: Complete Analysis if not complete Complete all vocab. cards Activity 6: Identifying Liquids Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Create your own with your group Hypothesis Reflection: Will fill in after Page #: A21 (Copy) Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: chemical properties, miscible, miscibility, physical properties *Vocab. Papers for chemical properties, miscible, and physical properties* Grab them from the front! • Procedure: Follow EXACTLY as it is written in your book!! • Do NOT spill anything on the paper testing strips- set them aside. Analysis: Complete all questions Conclusion: Identify the liquids AND STATE YOUR EVIDENCE WHY!!! Bell Work: Which of the tests do you think look for chemical properties and which do you think look for physical properties? Notebook Quiz First Thing!
Tuesday Science 8 9/3/13 Homework: Activity 7: Identifying Solids Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Create with your group! Hypothesis Reflection: Leave blank and complete at end Page #: A26 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: conductivity, density, reactivity, evidence **Create Vocab. Cards for density, reactivity, and conductivity Data: Create a table like on A28. Leave two lines for each section. Analysis: #1 – should be complete with evidence sited. #2- Complete #4 - Make sure you have completed chart 5.1 #5 – prewrite this!– you may be asked later to write this formally. Bell Work: What did you identify the two liquids as? Did you have some data that did not support the identification?
Wednesday Science 8 9/4/13 Homework: Activity 7: Identifying Solids Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Create with your group! Hypothesis Reflection: Leave blank and complete at end Page #: A26 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: conductivity, density, reactivity, evidence **Create Vocab. Cards for density, reactivity, and conductivity Data: Create a table like on A28. Leave two lines for each section. Analysis: #1 – should be complete with evidence sited. #2- Complete #4 - Make sure you have completed chart 5.1 #5 – prewrite this!– you may be asked later to write this formally. Bell Work: How are you interpreting your results?
Thursday Science 8 9/5/13 Homework: Update all vocabulary cards, metric worksheet Activity 8: Measuring Volume Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Create with group before starting Page #: A32 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: cubic centimeter, liter, metric system, milliliter, qualitative, quantitative, volume *Create vocab. Card for volume Making meaning conference- -what are the identities of solids and liquids DATA: Use the 8.1b sheet to record your measurements. Make sure you write the formula each time and plug in the values. ANALYSIS: #1; 3-5 in your notebook – short answers #6 will be a formal writing – complete a “complete” rough draft NOTES: Volume: the amount of space a material takes up measured in liter (L) or milliliter ( mL) measured by measurement/calculation v = l x w x h or v = 3.14 r2h water displacement v = vfinal – vinitial • Bell Work: Organize the items listed in order of volume – least to greatest: ruler; eraser; capped empty 2-liter bottle; beaker half filled with water; brick; capped full 2-liter bottle
Friday Science 8 9/6/13 Homework: Activity 8: Measuring Volume Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Create with group before starting Page #: A32 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: cubic centimeter, liter, metric system, milliliter, qualitative, quantitative, volume *Create vocab. Card for volume DATA: Use the 8.1b sheet to record your measurements. Make sure you write the formula each time and plug in the values. ANALYSIS: #1; 3-5 in your notebook – short answers #6 will be a formal writing – complete a “complete” rough draft NOTES: Volume: the amount of space a material takes up measured in liter (L) or milliliter ( mL) measured by measurement/calculation v = l x w x h or v = 3.14 r2h water displacement v = vfinal – vinitial • Bell Work: Organize the items on the demo desk (black desk in front of your face ) from least to greatest volume!
Monday Science 8 9/9/13 Homework: Update Vocab. Cards DATA: Use the 8.1b sheet to record your measurements. Make sure you write the formula each time and plug in the values. ANALYSIS: #1; 3-5 in your notebook – short answers #6 will be a formal writing – complete a “complete” rough draft NOTES: Volume: the amount of space a material takes up measured in liter (L) or milliliter ( mL) measured by measurement/calculation v = l x w x h or v = 3.14 r2h water displacement v = vfinal – vinitial Activity 8: Measuring Volume Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Create with group before starting Page #: A32 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: cubic centimeter, liter, metric system, milliliter, qualitative, quantitative, volume *Create vocab. Card for volume • Bell Work: What are the 3 formulae for finding the volume of a solid object? Give an example of how you might use each one on “real” items?
Science 8 9/10/13 Tuesday Homework: Activity 9: Measuring Mass, Calculating Density Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: create Hypothesis Reflection: do last Page #: A36 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: mass, weight *Create vocab. Cards for each Data: • Discussion/demo notes • Create a data table like on A38. Leave 2 lines for each section Analysis: • All questions • Something like 3e will be a formal writing on Thursday Bell Work: Arrange the items on the table in order from least to greatest volume. Then, in your own words, what is volume?
Science 8 9/12/13 Thursday Homework: Mass vs. Weight worksheet Activity 9: Measuring Mass, Calculating Density Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: create Hypothesis Reflection: do last Page #: A36 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: mass, weight *Create vocab. Cards for each Data: • Discussion/demo notes • Create a data table like on A38. Leave 2 lines for each section Analysis: • All questions • Something like 3e will be a formal writing on Thursday Bell Work: Compare and contrast mass and weight. Have two things in each section of your Venn Diagram.
Science 8 9/13/13 Friday Homework: Activity 10: Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Create with your partner after you design your procedure Page #: A41 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: • Mass/Density Writing Assignment Procedure: • You will be designing an investigation to discover the identity of the 2 solids from your original cup. (must have my OK) Data: • Create a data table like on A43 Bell Work: If you have a material with a density of 1.27 g/mL, will it sink or float in water? Why? If I have 2 pieces of the same material, but they have different weights, will they have the same density?
Science 8 9/16/13 Monday Homework: Complete Analysis Questions, Complete Part C Activity 10: Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Create with your partner after you design your procedure Page #: A41 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: Data: • Create a data table like on A43 • Lab Sheet 5.1 will have the data you have already collected from the unknown cup of materials. Analysis: #1-4 INDIVIDUALLY Bell Work: Explain why the density of an object stays the same regardless of its mass/weight. Include a diagram.
Science 8 9/17/13 Tuesday Homework: Activity 10: CONTINUED • Today you will complete a label for the unknown substance that you have been working with. (Part C) • Use the information sheet for your data (Activity 5 – 5.1) • Write your final product on an index card. (front/back) • At end- Mini-lesson Density Bell Work: Make a list of items that you feel should generally be on the label of a hazardous material.
Science 8 9/17/13 Wednesday Homework: Complete Analysis Activity 11: Choosing a Cleaner Challenge: Copy Page #: A45 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: trade-offs *Create a vocab. Card for trade-offs* This is the culminating activity in this unit which shows that you can apply what you have learned from the activities, group discussions, and readings!! Data: • List of categories • Record data on sheet 11.1 Analysis: • Complete #1-3 INDIVIDUALLY • Complete evidence/trade-offs writing frame Bell Work: If a liquid is more dense than water, it will float above or sink below the water? Answer this question using an example density for the liquid and a diagram.
Science 8 9/19/13 Thursday Homework: Complete Analysis, study Activity 11: Choosing a Cleaner Challenge: Copy Page #: A45 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: trade-offs *Create a vocab. Card for trade-offs* This is the culminating activity in this unit which shows that you can apply what you have learned from the activities, group discussions, and readings!! Data: • List of categories • Record data on sheet 11.1 Analysis: • Complete #1-3 INDIVIDUALLY • Complete evidence/trade-offs writing frame Bell Work: Liquid A has a density of 3.5 and Liquid B has a density of 5. Which one will rest toward the top of the graduated cylinder?
Unit One Test Today! After your test today, you may continue reading Wine to Water. Do not go past 224! Pay special attention to Lisa in Haiti. (She is our guest speaker on October 8th!) Bell Work: What is an example of a mixture that can be separated using a filter? • Water and ethanol • Iron and zinc granules C. Cheerios and milk D. Coca-Cola
Science 8 9/23/13 Monday Homework: Activity 12: Evaluating Materials Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Preview the text and complete a hypothesis. I think _____ because ______. Page #: B4 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: material, materials scientist, materials engineer *Create a vocab. Card for material • Unit pretest • Create a cover page for this new unit, The Chemistry of Materials • Data table (procedure step 1) • Analysis # Bell Work: Which of 3 materials – aluminum, glass, or plastic – would make the best drink container? WHY? What are some of the properties that make the material you chose the best choice?
Science 8 9/24/13 Tuesday Homework: Complete Analysis Activity 12: Evaluating Materials Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Preview the text and complete a hypothesis. I think _____ because ______. Page #: B4 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: material, materials scientist, materials engineer *Create a vocab. Card for material • Complete the Analysis questions on p. B-6. • #5 should be a rough draft of an official assessment. Read the directions carefully and support your answer with evidence. Bell Work: What are some general properties of the drink container material that made you choose it as the best yesterday?
Science 89/25/13 Wednesday Homework: Complete Analysis Activity 12: Evaluating Materials Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Preview the text and complete a hypothesis. I think _____ because ______. Page #: B4 Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: material, materials scientist, materials engineer *Create a vocab. Card for material • Complete the Analysis questions on p. B-6. • #5 should be a rough draft of an official assessment. Read the directions carefully and support your answer with evidence. Bell Work: What are some iPad apps that you have seen that would work well for Science?
Science 8 9/17/13 Tuesday Homework: Activity Challenge: Copy Hypothesis: Page #: Materials: Check when you have them Key Words: Bell Work: