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Recap & Reminders

Recap & Reminders. The Gospel According to John. One of the “Sons of Thunder”. Left a profitable business to follow Jesus. The Beloved Disciple. Took in Mary after Jesus died. John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

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Recap & Reminders

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Recap & Reminders

  2. The Gospel According to John

  3. One of the “Sons of Thunder”

  4. Left a profitable business to follow Jesus

  5. The Beloved Disciple

  6. Took in Mary after Jesus died

  7. John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

  8. Entole - stresses the authority of what is commanded.

  9. “A New Command?” Leviticus 19:18Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people. Love your neighbor as yourself. I am God.

  10. So how did Jesus love his disciples?

  11. “There is no greater love than this... that a man would lay down his life for his friends... and you are my friends.”

  12. The kind of love to choose them from the crowd, serve them like a servant and die for them like a Savior

  13. St. Jerome: “It is the Lord’s command. If this alone be done, it is enough.”

  14. Clement: “...for your life, I will give my own.”

  15. Tertullian: “See...how they love one another!”

  16. E.R. Dodds: love was a “major cause” for the spread of Christianity

  17. What about the Next Christians? Will there be any?

  18. Barna Group 2009 survey

  19. 91% describe Christians as antihomosexual87% describe Christians as judgemental85% describe Christians as hypocritical72% describe Christians as out of touch with reality70% describe Christians as insensitive to others

  20. Are we really who say we are?

  21. The Miracle of the Early Church

  22. Hostile EnvironmentsNo buildings for worshipNo scriptural canon Just the words of Jesus... and their lives.

  23. So what can we do to recapture the kind of love that creates a movement?  What kind of love can actually get us off of our butts and moving?

  24. 1. Love God

  25. The problem with relationshipsWhat is keeping us from living the life God means for us?What are we holding back?

  26. 2. Love People

  27. It’s only an idea until you do something... Then it’s an actionIt begins in our own church family

  28. Miracle on the River Kwai

  29. 3. Love The World

  30. How did God love the world? He SO loved it.

  31. Random Acts of Resurrection

  32. Are you up to the challenge?

  33. What will people say of us?

  34. Are you loving God, Loving People and Loving the World?

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