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- Did the Brits really have a Blitz spirit?

- Did the Brits really have a Blitz spirit?. L/O:. Starter: Look at the photograph. Can you give it a caption? What is the ‘blitz spirit?’. Number smart starter.

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- Did the Brits really have a Blitz spirit?

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  1. - Did the Brits really have a Blitz spirit? L/O: • Starter: • Look at the photograph. Can you give it a caption? • What is the ‘blitz spirit?’

  2. Number smart starter After the bombings began, life was completely turned upside down for civilians. People began to sleep in the tube stations to be safer. Every day people woke up to see if anything of theirs was hit. If their home was destroyed, the whole family would live in a temporary shelter until they could find some other accommodation. They always tried to keep life normal, but that is hard during a war. Record 3 figures which would help you understand the severity of the Blitz.

  3. Introductory Tasks • Working in your groups send one person out at a time to walk around and read- come back to your group and create • A definition of the Blitz Spirit • A list of at least four reasons why there was a Blitz Spirit

  4. "Everything was blown to pieces, you could see it all by the red glow reflecting from the fires that were still raging. I looked out the back and saw that where my father's shed had been was just a pile of rubble. Then I saw two bodies, two heads sticking up. I recognised one in particular: it was a Chinese neighbour, Mr Say. He had one eye closed and I realised he was dead. I just convulsed, I was shaking all over. I thought, well, I must be dead because they were, so I struck a match and tried to burn my finger. I kept doing it to see if I was still alive. I could see, but I thought, I cannot be alive. This is the end of the world." Len Jones recalls emerging from an air raid shelter in east London after the first night of the Blitz (from The Blitz: The British Under Attack) • Class Discussion: • Who has studied the Blitz before? What happened? • Was Croydon bombed? • What was the Black out? • What happened to the children in London?

  5. Juliet Gardner’s interpretation of the Blitz Spirit • Angus Calder’s interpretation of the Blitz Spirit

  6. St. Paul’s was a symbol of survival A reason Londoners retained hope in winning the war was because St. Paul’s Cathedral was never destroyed. It was damaged when a bomb smashed through it, but it never showed damage on the outside. One London citizen, Tom Stothard, said, “I think if St. Paul’s had shown damage, the heart would have gone out of Londoners. But there it was, hope.” The reason people saw hope in St. Paul’s is because they saw a spiritual landmark amid great devastation. It was a symbol of survival amid the devastation of the rest of Europe.

  7. Churchill’s Speeches Winston Churchill rallied the people’s spirits and efforts. He inspired the people on to their own heroic efforts and “Their finest hour” by his speeches. Churchill’s expertise at writing speeches brought the British people together for a common cause. Churchill was the embodiment of the British people’s determination to stay alive and not to give up. “We shall Never Surrender”

  8. Propaganda - The government used its control over all forms of the media to present a picture of life going on as normal despite the constant nightly attacks.

  9. The people themselves by volunteering for work helped keep spirits up during the Blitz Reserved Occupations Women joined armed forces Rationing Home Guard Air Raid Wardens Weapons Factories Evacuation

  10. What is the interpretation of Juliet Gardiner about Londoners in WW2? "There was endurance in the face of an external danger. People were going through it together, putting up with eight months of constant bombardment. People were absolutely exhausted, but on the whole there was very little panic, they went to work, went about their daily lives. There were no - or very few - calls for surrender, the morale didn't implode" Juliet Gardiner

  11. What is the interpretation of Angus Calder about Londoners in WW2? “Behind the jaunty bulldog-Britain façade cultivated by the Government’s propaganda machine, crime rates almost doubled as looting, black marketeering and armed robbery spiralled out of control!” Find the hidden evidence. Can you make a list of crimes which occurred during the Blitz Angus Calder

  12. Where do you stand?(and can you justify your position…?) “There was endurance in the face of an external danger. People were going through it together.” “crime rates almost doubled as looting, black marketeering and armed robbery spiralled out of control!” Angus Calder Juliet Gardiner

  13. Where do you stand?(and can you justify your position…?) "Even though looting and incidents of crime shot up during the war, I still think the British people did pull together." “There was endurance in the face of an external danger. People were going through it together.” “crime rates almost doubled as looting, black marketeering and armed robbery spiralled out of control!” Mrs Buxton

  14. Which interpretation is best supported by the evidence and your own knowledge? • Does the evidence support the idea that there was a Blitz Spirit? – give examples

  15. Can you give your self a level for your work today? Did you meet your learning objectives? Learning Objectives: All To be able to DESCRIBE mood of Londoners during the Blitz MOST To be able to EXPLAIN reasons why people behaved in certain ways during the Blitz SOME To be able to JUSTIFY your views on the interpretations offered.

  16. Juliet Gardiner

  17. Angus Calder

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