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The WikiLeaks Controversy

The WikiLeaks Controversy. Professor Eric Freedman 5 December 2011 Tallinn University Institute of Communication freedma5@msu.edu. Themes. Role of the press in bringing events to light, helping to set the public agenda for discussion & action by citizens and policymakers.

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The WikiLeaks Controversy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The WikiLeaks Controversy Professor Eric Freedman 5 December 2011 Tallinn University Institute of Communication freedma5@msu.edu

  2. Themes • Role of the press in bringing events to light, helping to set the public agenda for discussion & action by citizens and policymakers. • Manipulation of the press. • Conflicts between those with political & economic power on one side & those with less power or no power on the other side. • Secrecy, transparency & sensationalism.

  3. Julian Assange

  4. Revolution Truth: In Defense of WikiLeaks & Assange www.youtube.com/watch?v=hd0Z4G8V1uo

  5. Estonia in WikiLeaks • Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania press NATO for defense commitment • Estonia & Lithuania protested France’s proposed sale of naval ships to Russia • Lukashenko meets secretly with Urmas Paet

  6. Angry Response: Chief Minister Mayawati of India’s Uttar Pradesh state www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5MbAEBHuoc

  7. Highlighting Contradictory Positions on Issues: Climate Change www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1eL3_Q4aVY

  8. “Cuba will translate and publish more than 2,000 US diplomatic WikiLeaks cables that pertain to the Communist-ruled island in a bid to highlight US ‘imperialist’ policy.”

  9. U.S. Newspaper Editorial Cartoons

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