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706 神的福音,何等有福 BLESSED BE THE GLORIOUS TIDINGS. 神的福音,何等有福! Blessed be the glorious tidings 來救痛苦的人世; To a suff'ring world revealed; 耶穌已為疾病救贖, Jesus has atoned for sickness, 祂的鞭傷有醫治。 And by His stripes we are healed. (副) 讚美救主完全救贖, Blessed be the great atonement, 來救痛苦的人世;
706 神的福音,何等有福BLESSED BE THE GLORIOUS TIDINGS 神的福音,何等有福! Blessed be the glorious tidings 來救痛苦的人世; To a suff'ring world revealed; 耶穌已為疾病救贖, Jesus has atoned for sickness, 祂的鞭傷有醫治。 And by His stripes we are healed. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 讚美救主完全救贖, Blessed be the great atonement, 來救痛苦的人世; To a suff'ring world revealed; 讚美救主作我大夫, Blessed be the great Physician, 祂受鞭傷我得治。 For by His stripes we are healed. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(二) 無論是誰求祂設法, Jesus ever welcomed suff'rers 祂都歡迎不推辭; To His mercy who appealed; 祂叫我帶疾病尋祂, He bids us bring Him our sickness, 因祂鞭傷能醫治。 For by His stripes we are healed. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 讚美救主完全救贖, Blessed be the great atonement, 來救痛苦的人世; To a suff'ring world revealed; 讚美救主作我大夫, Blessed be the great Physician, 祂受鞭傷我得治。 For by His stripes we are healed. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(三) 讚美祂的神聖膏油- Blessed be the sacred 'nointing, 藉著聖靈來恩賜; By the Holy Spirit sealed; 求袮來為我們按手, Jesus lay Thy hand upon us, 因袮鞭傷能醫治。 For by Thy stripes we are healed. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 讚美救主完全救贖, Blessed be the great atonement, 來救痛苦的人世; To a suff'ring world revealed; 讚美救主作我大夫, Blessed be the great Physician, 祂受鞭傷我得治。 For by His stripes we are healed. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(四) 當那撒但火箭環攻, Saviour, "mid the darts of Satan, 求作盾牌來抵制; Be our refuge and our shield; 我們必定安全到終, Safely shall we walk through danger, 因袮鞭傷有醫治。 For by Thy stripes we are healed. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 讚美救主完全救贖, Blessed be the great atonement, 來救痛苦的人世; To a suff'ring world revealed; 讚美救主作我大夫, Blessed be the great Physician, 祂受鞭傷我得治。 For by His stripes we are healed. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(五) 主,我奉獻所有肢體, Jesus to Thy glory ever, 我要榮耀袮不止; All our members we would yield; 使我不至有日忘記 Ne'er let us cease to remember, 袮的鞭傷有醫治。 That by Thy stripes we are healed. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(副) 讚美救主完全救贖, Blessed be the great atonement, 來救痛苦的人世; To a suff'ring world revealed; 讚美救主作我大夫, Blessed be the great Physician, 祂受鞭傷我得治。 For by His stripes we are healed. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly