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DOUBLE OBJECT PRONOUNS. Vamos a repasar…. The DIRECT OBJECT is the thing that receives the action of the verb in a sentence. We can replace the D.O. with a pronoun:. It can go in 3 places BEFORE THE CONJUGATED VERB Attached to the INFINITIVE Attached to the PROGRESSIVE
Vamos a repasar… • The DIRECT OBJECT is the thing that receives the action of the verb in a sentence. • We can replace the D.O. with a pronoun: It can go in 3 places • BEFORE THE CONJUGATED VERB • Attached to the INFINITIVE • Attached to the PROGRESSIVE • Attached to a POSSITIVE COMMAND
Vamos a repasar… • The INDIRECT OBJECT answers the question “to whom” or “for whom” the direct object is given. • We can replace the I.D.O. with a pronoun: It can go in 3 places • BEFORE THE CONJUGATED VERB • Attached to the INFINITIVE • Attached to the PROGRESSIVE • Attached to a POSSITIVE COMMAND
Vamos a practicar… Identify theDIRECTandINDIRECTobjects. I give Jasmin the book. We deliver the hungry people tacos. I give the sad little girl a hug. You have to give your mom a present. Nate is writing his girlfriend a note.
Ahora en español… Identifica los objetosDIRECTOSyINDIRECTOS. Nosotros servimos los arepas a los profesores. Yo tengo que dar un beso a mi mamá. Tú estás mandando a mi una carta. Rosa va a explicar la lección a tu abuela. Mariano y yo leemos a los estudiantes un cuento.
How do we use pronouns if we have a D.O. and an I.D.O.? Lets look at this sentence: Identify the D.O. and the I.D.O. Remove and replace with PRONOUNS. BUT WHERE DO WE PUT THE PRONOUNS?! me Mario da . el bolígrafo lo a mí
Pronoun placement… We can still place the D.O. and the I.D.O. in the same 3 places: • Before the conjugated verb • Attached to the INFINITIVE • Attached to the PROGRESSIVE • Attached to the positive command 2 RULES: 1. Indirect always goes before Direct!!! 2. LE and LES may have to change to SE
Indirect always comes before Direct. Jose . me da a mi los los boligrafos Jose gives me the pens. Jose gives methem. Nosotros . se tenemos que servir la la comida a ellos We have to serve them the food. We have to serve themit.
LE and LES may have to change to SE When both pronouns are in the 3rd person, we change theI.D.O.to“SE” EXAMPLES: • Julio da. • Ana y Maria hacen. • Paco tiene que preparár . se le los les se la se le lo
¡Practica! Re-write en español Yo voy a dara ellala flor. Yosela voy a dar. Yo voy adársela. Tú estás escribiendola carta a mi novia. Sela estás escribiendo. Estás escribiéndosela. Mi mamá leea nosotrosla revista. Mi mamá nos la lee.
¡Practica! Re-write en español ¡sin ayuda! Yo reparto las pruebas a ustedes. Los profesores enseñaban el español a las clases. Tú quisiste mandar el regalo a su mamá. Maria recomienda los enchiladas de pollo a mí. Adan y Eva compraron las peras para los niños.