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Beamlines Transition to Operations

Beamlines Transition to Operations. Qun Shen NSLS-II Experimental Facilities Director NSLS-II Project Advisory Committee Meeting February 8-9, 2011. Outline. Beamline Readiness for CD-4 Key performance parameters Beamline Commissioning & Ops Ramp-up Technical readiness Science readiness

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Beamlines Transition to Operations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Beamlines Transition to Operations Qun Shen NSLS-II Experimental Facilities Director NSLS-II Project Advisory Committee Meeting February 8-9, 2011

  2. Outline Beamline Readiness for CD-4 Key performance parameters Beamline Commissioning & Ops Ramp-up Technical readiness Science readiness Integrated Science Team Summary

  3. Project Beamline Schedule Baseline

  4. Beamline Readiness Plan for CD-4 and Beyond • It is expected that the initial scientific capabilities will be achieved only after certain time period of beamline commissioning, not immediately after the completion of the NSLS-II construction project (CD-4). • Beamline Readiness Plan describes the planned beamline transition to operations and the required beamline readiness at each stage of beamline readiness and commissioning • CD-4 readiness • Technical readiness • Science readiness • User operations • Estimated time duration for each stage is based on the number of beam hours needed for commissioning each technical component, and the assumption of usable stored beam availability. The actual time required may vary from beamline to beamline.

  5. Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) for Beamline Readiness at CD-4 Key Parameters: • Beamline subsystems installed and tested (without beam), including enclosures, beam transport, personnel protection system (PPS), and associated equipment protection system (EPS), utilities, & controls systems • Main beamline optical systems installed and associated mechanics tested • Diagnostic instrument installed at endstation to enable beamline commissioning Key Milestones: • Beamline safety configuration review & walkthrough completed • Beamline readiness report submitted to Experimental Facilities Director

  6. Beamline Readiness Plan – Readiness Goals

  7. Beamline Readiness – Administrative Procedures

  8. Technical Readiness Tasks and Est. Durations • Beamline technical readiness commissioning tasks and schedule have been developed based on standard beamline commissioning procedures at existing facilities and assumed accelerator availability • Additional beamline-specific components may require add’l commissioning • Total duration for technical commissioning is estimated to be ~ 6 months, assuming 35% accelerator availability

  9. Science Readiness Commissioning • Beamline science readiness commissioning focuses on • commissioning of endstations • performing test experiments • Test experiments will be aimed at demonstrating baseline initial science capabilities, and will be conducted by integrated science teams consisting of beamline staff and external collaborators and/or BAT members • Time needed for initial science readiness commissioning is estimated to be ~ 6 months for a typical beamline

  10. Integrated Science Teams (ISTs) • NSLS-II strategy is to involve the scientific community early during beamlines commissioning and transition to operations • Plan to form Integrated Science Teams that consist of • Beamline scientific and technical staff • BAT members and/or external collaborators • Including expertise in every aspect of the experiment – sample and its environment, experimental controls and data acquisition, as well as data analysis and theoretical interpretation • ISTs will perform first sets of well-planned experiments at NSLS-II during science readiness commissioning • ISTs are being formed now to plan for first experiments at NSLS-II, as well as to develop data analysis software and conduct feasibility experiments at existing SR facilities

  11. Summary • Initial plan for beamlines transition to operations has been developed, including definitions of key performance parameters for CD-4 and definitions of technical and science readiness for operations • Such plan will be refined and detailed out in FY11-12 • NSLS-II beamline groups have already engaged the community (e.g. BAT members) to plan for first sets of experiments to be conducted at each beamline; Integrated science teams are being formed to discuss detailed experiment plans from sample environments to data acquisition and analysis • Goal is to produce high impact science at NSLS-II soon after operations

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