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UAB Development

UAB Development. Beyond Grants: How to Find Financial Support for Projects Rebecca J. Gordon April 8, 2008. SOM Development Staff . Dr. Shirley Salloway Kahn Vice President for Development, Alumni and External Relations Dr. Kenneth Burke Associate Vice President for Major Gifts

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UAB Development

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  1. UAB Development Beyond Grants: How to Find Financial Support for Projects Rebecca J. Gordon April 8, 2008

  2. SOM Development Staff • Dr. Shirley Salloway Kahn Vice President for Development, Alumni and External Relations • Dr. Kenneth Burke Associate Vice President for Major Gifts • Rebecca Gordon Executive Director of Development – School of Medicine

  3. SOM Development Staff • Tom Brannan Director of Development – Department of Neurology • Erica Hollins Director of Development – Comprehensive Diabetes Initiative • Jeannie Horton Director of Development – Department of Surgery • Evelyn Jones Director of Development – School of Medicine

  4. SOM Development Staff • Lindsay Knox Director of Development – Department of Ophthalmology • Virginia Gilbert Loftin Director of Development – Department of Medicine • Sherri Van Pelt Director of Development – Comprehensive Cancer Center • Eve Rhea Director of Development – Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology

  5. SOM Development Staff • Roberta Shapiro Director of Development – Women and Infants Initiative and Rays of Hope • Samika Williams Major Gift Officer – Department of Medicine • Meredith Burns Director of Special Projects • Sabrina Latham Director of Annual Fund

  6. What is Development? • It is a systematic, integrated method of managing relationships to increase an institution’s support from key constituents.

  7. It’s About Relationships National Composition of Donors • Individuals 57% • Grateful Patients • Fellows and Residents • Foundations 23% • Corporations 13% • Other 7%

  8. Where Do the Dollars Go? Based on AAMC Development Survey • Current Support / Operations 62% • Endowment 18% • Building / Equipment 13% • Realized Bequests 7%

  9. National Trends in Development • Designation of gifts • Accountability • Planned Gifts – beyond bequests • Women and Philanthropy • New Wealth – Intergenerational / Entrepreneurial • Family Foundations

  10. UAB Endowment Levels • Endowed Chair $1.5 million • Endowed Professorship $500,000 • Endowed Graduate Fellowship $250,000 • Endowed Research Fund $100,000 • Endowed Scholarship $ 25,000 • Endowed Program Support $ 25,000 • Endowed Award Fund $ 10,000

  11. Other Funding Opportunities • Eminent Scholar Awards • Sponsored Research or Program Support Funds • Laboratory Naming (renovation expense) • Purchase Laboratory or Technology Equipment • Resident Program Support Funds

  12. SOM Development Strategy • Projects should reflect the six areas of the SOM strategic research plan • Donor Driven • Major initiatives must have approval of Dean

  13. Coordination is Key • Prospective donors often have multiple interests • Systematic, integrated approach • Cultivation strategies and solicitations must be coordinated through development office

  14. Know Your Case for Support • You should always have a short list of strategic funding priorities • Communicate how the gift will make the program / research stronger • You should be able to articulate how your program fits the SOM research priorities

  15. The Basics • Identification – Prospects come from a variety of connections • Information – Increase the prospect’s awareness / understanding of your activities • Interest / Involvement – Create interest and move potential donors towards involvement • Investment – Take the right steps when the donor is ready to make gift

  16. Identification It is important to listen for subtle clues that may help you identify prospective donors • Grateful Patients – “help you out” or “return the favor” • Families whose loved ones have received care • Departmental alumni and / or former residents

  17. Information The Development Office can work with you to provide the right information to prospects in the right format • Translate your work into lay terms • Develop proposals • Arrange personal visits

  18. Interest / Involvement You should share your progress and provide opportunities for interaction to current donors and prospects • Share you vision for your work and illustrate its impact • Personal contact

  19. Investment Partner with the Development Office to create a comprehensive strategy to meet the interest and needs of prospects while enhancing your work • Develop gift options that fit prospect’s needs and interests • Provide stewardship

  20. All Gifts Count • Small gifts can lead to more significant contributions • It can take 11 small gifts before a donor makes a major gift of six figures or more • In soliciting major gifts, gift options can be important

  21. Corporate and Foundations • The Development Office works at the “wholesale” level • We focus on initiatives that are at the school-wide or departmental level and follow the six research themes outlined in SOM Research Strategic Plan

  22. Corporate and Foundations To grow our corporate and foundation revenue, we can not underestimate the importance of: • cultivating relationships with a wide range of foundations (corporate, family, community, etc) • intensive and thoughtful program planning • developing compelling and thorough grant proposals

  23. HIPAA – Patient Confidentiality and Development • Fundraising is considered an essential part of healthcare operation – Development can review certain personal health information • All information shared regarding patient, prospect or donor is held in the strictest confidence • Information you can share • Demographic • Non-Medical information pertaining to philanthropic interest

  24. Become a Partner with Development • The Development Office is an important part of SOM operations • Development Directors are advocates for you and your work • Development Directors can help you identify and cultivate donors while maintaining the sanctity of the physician / patient relationship

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