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“ Recreational Activities Community Events ” www.racemt.com. Our Mission Statements. To organize, promote and foster the development of athletic events that will provide Montanans an opportunity to enhance their overall physical fitness and emotional well being. [ Status: Ongoing].
“Recreational Activities Community Events” www.racemt.com
Our Mission Statements • To organize, promote and foster the development of athletic events that will provide Montanans an opportunity to enhance their overall physical fitness and emotional well being. [Status: Ongoing] www.racemt.com
Our Mission Statements • To target resources such as athletic equipment, coaching or training expertise as well as financial backing in order to allow athletes of all ages to gain the most optimal level of fitness in events involving running, biking or swimming. [Status: Ongoing] www.racemt.com
Our Mission Statements • To provide a diverse number of athletic endeavors of varying levels of difficulty in order to challenge participants of all abilities. [Status: Ongoing] • To develop and manage an official running club in association with Road Runner Clubs of America (RRCA) for Central Montana. [Status: Club organized and functional 2011. Ongoing development]
2014 Sponsors www.racemt.com
Where Did We Come From?? A Historical Perspective www.racemt.com
Race Montana, Inc. was originally developed by a group of athletic enthusiasts who were interested in promoting fitness to individuals and groups throughout central Montana. We started out with the idea we would organize events in a logical fashion throughout the year to allow maximal participation at each event. Over time, several race directors decided to discontinue promoting and organizing a number of their events on our race calendar. www.racemt.com
The prospect of not having a number of events in the region prompted several of us on the board to move into a race directing role. In 2011 Race Montana put on the Harvest Thunder Triathlon. In 2012 we changed the name of the triathlon to the Race Montana Triathlon. This year, the Race Montana Triathlon had over 180 participants. Our Burn the Bird 5K and 10K had over 395 participants. We are slowly growing. www.racemt.com
Our Trail Series had 3 off-road events this year and will post 4 events in 2014. Currently we are planning to either partner with another organization or direct 15 events in 2014. We will be partnering with Scheels to put on the Scheels Red, White and Blue Duathalon & 5K as well as the Race Montana Triathlon. www.racemt.com
Organizations We Work Closely With www.racemt.com
2014 Sponsorship Levels www.racemt.com
Diamond Sponsorship $2500 and Above • Unlimited advertising at all Race MT events • Race MT web site advertisement with a link to your site • Display of your business logo at all events and fitness fairs attended by Race MT • 2 Complimentary calendar year Race MT Running Club memberships • 1 Complimentary entry to all of Race MT events • Sponsorship plaque www.racemt.com
Platinum Sponsorship $1500 • Unlimited advertising at all Race MT events • Race MT web site advertisement with a link to your site • Display of your business logo at all events and fitness fairs attended by Race MT • 1 Complimentary calendar year Race MT Running Club membership • 1 Complimentary entry to 5 Race MT events • Sponsorship plaque www.racemt.com
Gold Sponsorship $1000 • Race MT web site advertisement with a link to your site • Display your business logo at all events and fitness fairs attended by Race MT • 1 Complimentary calendar year Race MT Running Club membership • 1 Complimentary entry to 3 Race MT events www.racemt.com
Silver Sponsorship $500 • Race MT web site advertisement • 1 Complimentary calendar year Race MT Running Club membership • Bronze Sponsorship $250 • Race MT Website advertisement www.racemt.com
Become a Sponsor and Invest in Central Montana’s Future Here is Where You Can Help…. www.racemt.com
Provide a monetary donation. • We need heated storage space for our equipment (approx. 600 sq. ft.). • We could always use more volunteers for races, sports/health expos, etc. • We need individuals with advertising experience to promote our product – Fitness Events and Enhancing Wellness. www.racemt.com
Does your business have a product we could use? Consider donating it to Race Montana: • We always need printing. • Banner or sign production. • Food or beverage donations. • Swag bags for race materials • Swag (prizes/product/goodies) for our race bags: • Chapstick, Hand Balms or lotions, etc. • Food/Treats or Beverages • Socks, Caps, Headbands, Arm or Leg Warmers, Pedometers, etc. • Other unique products www.racemt.com
Thanks for Looking Into Race Montana, Inc. LOOK FOR US ON THE WEB AT: WWW.RACEMT.COM “LIKE US” ON FACE BOOK