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Assertion-Based Verification

Assertion-Based Verification. ABV. Assertion. Assertion: is a conditional statement that checks for specific behavior and displays a message if it does not occur. In Traditional Languages:

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Assertion-Based Verification

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  1. Assertion-Based Verification ABV

  2. Assertion • Assertion: • is a conditional statement that checks for specific behavior and displays a message if it does not occur. • In Traditional Languages: • Designers historically had the ability to craft assertions using both the Verilog and VHDL design languages. • Lacking an assertion statement, the Verilog designer used a conditional statement to trigger the output of an error message. • The VHDL designer used the assert statement inherent in VHDL to check for the violation of a condition and to output a message.

  3. Benefits • Providing internal test points in the design. • Simplifying the diagnosis and detection of bugs by localizing the occurrence of a suspected bug to an assertion monitor, which is then checked. • Allowing designers to verify the same assertions using both simulation and formal verification. • Increasing observability in both simulation and formal verification. • Since the assertions were included in the design as it was created, formal verification could be started earlier, before any test vectors had been written. • Assertions are also used at the design boundaries to provide checks for interface behavior. • Useful when modules from different designers are integrated. Such interface-checking assertions make modules more portable. •  Modules with embedded assertions become self-checking wherever they are later reused.

  4. Assertion in VHDL • Syntax: assertdesired_conditionreport “repot message”severity severity_level • Modeling properties of the hardware system via “assert” is hard and tedious

  5. Example1

  6. Example2:

  7. PSL (Property Specification Language) • What is PSL? A declarative language for describing behavior and properties of system over time • Key characteristics of PSL : • Mathematically precise well-defined formal semantics. • Known efficient underlying verification algorithms. • Intuitive and easy to learn, read, and write. • A layered language, ideal for reuse, and supports multiple HDL flavors • VHDL • Verilog • SystemC • SystemVerilog

  8. Use of PSL • Documentation: • easy to read and write but precise and executable property description instead of ambiguity of natural languages is omitted • Driving Assertion-Based Verification: • Formal verification ( Static verification ) • Simulation ( Dynamic verification ) Assertion based verification helps us in defining bugs at an earlier stage, before propagating to other parts of design

  9. FVTC considers:Temporal e CBVForSpec Sugar PSL based onSugar 2.0 PSL 1.01 Approved PSL 1.1 Approved IEEE 1850 PSL Sugarcreated at IBM Haifa Research Labs FVTC formed inAccellera (OVI) 1994 1998 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Syntactic sugaring of CTL Branching-timesemantics plus regular expressions Linear-timesemantics Added to Sugar PSL enhancementsand clarifications History FVTC: Formal Verification Technical Committee.

  10. Modeling Verification Temporal Boolean PSL: A Layered Language

  11. Modeling Verification Temporal Boolean PSL: A Layered Language • assert • always • ( not (A and B) )

  12. Boolean Layer • The Boolean layer is used to: • Specify logic expressions without specific timing information using a standard HDL syntax such as Verilog and VHDL • Example (Verilog): // A and B are mutually exclusive ( !(A & B) ) • Example (VHDL): -- A and B are mutually exclusive ( not (A and B) )

  13. Boolean Layer • Any subprograms, overloaded functions etc. allowed in a VHDL boolean expression can be used. • Example: always (unsigned(ASLV) <= 10) always (MYFUNC(B) = '1') • For a VHDL expression containing only std_logic values, the equality operator (= ’1’ or = ’0’) can be omitted: • PSL interprets std_logic ’1’ as true and std_logic ’0’ as false. • Example: never ((GNT and BUSY) = ’1’) never (GNT and BUSY) • For a VHDL expression containing mixed boolean and std_logic values, the equality to ’1’ or ’0’ is required because VHDL logical operators cannot be used for combinations of boolean and std_logic types

  14. Temporal Layer • The temporal layer is used to: • Specify when the Boolean expression must be valid Example: // A and B are always mutually exclusive always( not (A and B) ) t.!(A(t) & B(t)) • There are many temporal operators: • alwaysproperty • neverproperty • nextproperty • untilproperty • …

  15. Temporal Layer Operators • Occurrence operators: • always: the property should hold in every cycle. • never: the property should not hold during any cycle. • eventually!: the property shall hold in some cycle in the future but before the end of verification process. • next: the property shall hold in the next cycle(s). • Clock Cycle Definition: never (GNT and BUSY)@falling_edge(CLK); always (EN1 or EN2)@(CLK’event and CLK = ’1’); always(ACK -> next (not BUSY))@rising_edge(CLK); • It is possible to define a default clock and thus avoid the need to repeat the explicit clock operator @ in every single assertion. default clock = (rising_edge (clk)); assertalways CONDITION;

  16. Temporal Layer Operators • until operator: • requires that first property hold till the second property holds. pkt_startop |-> not pkt_xfer_en_n until pkt_endop once a packet is started, the pkt_xfer_en_n shall be low until the packet ends. • before operator: • requires that one property hold before another. • opcode_fetch before execute_opcode; an opcode_fetch process should occur before an execute_opcode phase • abort operator: • there is a need to abort the checking in case of a reset, soft reset, pkt_abort etc. • ({pkt_sop} |-> {not pkt_xfer_en_n until pkt_eop}) abort pkt_abort; aborts checking once a pkt_abort is seen.

  17. Verification Layer • The verification layer is used to: • Specify how to use the property: • assert: the tool should attempt to prove the property, • assume: the tool may assume the given property is true, • cover:the tool should measure how often the given property occurs during simulation. Example1: // A and B must always be mutually exclusive assertalways( not (A and B) ); Example2: assert (always CONDITION) @(rising_edge (clk));

  18. Modeling Layer • The modeling layer is used to: • allows extra code fragments from the underlying language (VHDL) to be included with the properties to augment what is possible using PSL alone. • For example, the modeling layer could be used to calculate the expected value of an output. Example: // If req is asserted, ack must be asserted in the next cycle SIGNAL req; req <= readA_req or readB_req; -- psl assert always (req -> next (ack and gnt)) @rising_edge(clk);

  19. PSL Layers • signal req; • req <= readA_req OR readB_req; • -- psl assertalways(req ->next(ack AND gnt)) Boolean layer Temporal layer Verification layer Modeling layer

  20. Usage • Verification directives can be embedded in the HDL code as comments. -- psl property ENABLED is always … • Can break over several lines as long as each line is commented. -- These assertions are complete! -- psl property NOT_GNTBUSY is -- never (GNT and BUSY)@falling_edge(CLK); -- psl property P1 is -- always(ACK -> next (not BUSY))@rising_edge(CLK); -- psl assert NOT_GNTBUSY; -- psl assert P1; Note: VHDL comments are not allowed inside a PSL assertion, i.e. between psl and the semi-colon terminating the assertion.

  21. Usage • Assertions can be placed anywhere in a VHDL component, but it is better to group them together at the begining or end of your design code. 2. Alternatively, verification directives can be grouped into verification units, or vunits, and placed in a separate file. Note: PSL keywords are case sensitive.

  22. PSL Sequences • SERE: • Sequential Extended Regular Expressions: • Where enabling and fulfilling conditions extended over several cycles. • PSL sequences enable us to describe a sequence of Boolean expressions (i.e. states) • PSL sequences are marked by curly braces ‘{’ and ‘}’. • Advancement of time occurs with each concatenation operator ‘;’ Example: { req; busy; gnt }

  23. another possible match one possible match • To explicitly match the waveform, we would need to specify the following req req req busy busy busy Example: {req and not busy and not gnt; not req and busy and not gnt; not req and not busy and gnt} gnt gnt gnt PSL Sequences Matching • A PSL sequence can have multiple matching diagrams Example: {req;busy;gnt}

  24. Temporal Operators for Sequences • PSL supports the following temporal operators for sequences: • Overlapping implication |-> • Non-overlapping implication |=> • Equivalent to next |-> Example(s): sequence S1 = { req; ack } ; sequence S2 = { start; busy; end } ; // Event “start” occurs on the same clock cycle as “ack” property P1 =alwaysS1 |-> S2 ; // Event “start” occurs on the next clock cycle after “ack” property P2 = alwaysS1 |=> S2 ;

  25. Temporal Operators for Sequences • fifo_almost_full |=> fifo_push |-> fifo_full; • Once the fifo is almost full, a push in the next clock cycle shall make the fifo_full to be asserted (in the same clock as the fifo_push occurred).

  26. Liveness Properties assert always req -> eventually! ack; • i.e. whenever req is true, ack must go true at some future cycle, but there is no upper limit on the time by which ack is required to go true. • This is known as a liveness property. • Liveness properties are characterized by the fact that they do not possess a finite counter-example, and hence in principle they cannot be disproved by simulation. • However, liveness properties can in principle be proved or disproved by static model checking tools.

  27. Operators for SERE • PSL supports the following operators for SERE: • Repetition in n consecutive clock cycles [*n] • Repetition in n non-consecutive clock cycles [=n] • Repetition in n non-consecutive clock cycles [->n] • we want to go to the nth repetition and immediately (1 clock after) after the occurrence of that last repetition we would like to check for the next expression in sequence. The intermediate repetitions may be non-consecutive i.e. can be spread across multiple cycles • Repetition for 0 or any number of clock cycles [*] • Repetition for 1 or any number of clock cycles [+] • Repetition for n to m clock clock cycles [*n:m] • The number of repetitions must be a positive integer • Keyword inf stands for an infinite number of clock cycles

  28. Operators for SERE • {a[*2]} means {a;a} • {S; T[*3]; V} Equivalent to {S; T; T; T; V} • {a[*]} means {a;a;...;a} with a repeated zero or more times • {a[+]} means {a;a;...;a} with a repeated one or more times • {[*]} matches any sequence whatsoever • {S; [*2]; V} Equivalent to {S; -; -; V} where - represents a cycle in which no checks are performed • Or operator: sequence S4 is {B; C}; sequence S5 is {R; S}; property P3 is always ( {T} |=> {S4} | {S5} ); • After T occurs, either S4 or S5 must start in the next evaluation cycle. • The following sequences would satisfy this property:- Sequence 1 is {T; B; C} Sequence 2 is {T; R; S} Sequence 3 is {T; (B and R); S} • In sequence 3, both S4 and S5 start in the cycle following T. However only S5 completes. • {a[=2]} means {[*];a;[*];a;[*]}, i.e. non-consecutive repetition • {a[*1 to 3]} means {a} or {a;a} or {a;a;a}

  29. 0 or more 1 or more clock req 0 or more ack write wait done Example property P1 = { req[+]; ack; wr[*4] } |=> { (wait and (not req))[*]; done } ; assert always P1;

  30. Example Properties are Derived from Specification • property done_rcving_implies_int =alwaysrose(done_rcving) ->rose(int) ;assert done_rcving_implies_int ; Receiving Data: When the reception of data is complete, then an interrupt should occur:

  31. Example Properties are Derived from Specification Receiving Data: property rcving_until_done_rcving =alwaysrose(rcving) -> (rcving until done_rcving) ;assert rcving_until_done_rcving ; If the signal that indicates a reception in progress is active, then it should remain active until the reception is complete: For a given property f and signal clk, f@rose(clk), f@(posedge clk), and f@(rising_edge(clk)) all have equivalent semantics, provided that signal clk takes on only 0 and 1 values, and no signal in f changes at the same time as clk

  32. Usually a separate file from RTL vunit inputs outputs RTL module A vunit binds to a module or an instance Verification Units • Verification with PSL is based on using verification units vunit <name> [(<module binding>)] { <declarations and verification layer directives> }; VU for Grouping Properties and Directives • Example: • vunit my_unit (my_module) { • defaultclock = rising_edge (clk); • assumeneverread AND write; • property P1 = never (full AND write); • assert P1; • assertalways (read ->NOT empty); • };

  33. Tools ( cont )

  34. Refrences • URL: http://www.eda.org/vfv/docs/PSL-v1.1.pdfProperty Specification Language Reference Manual Version 1.1 • URL: http://www.doulos.com/knowhow/psl • URL: http://www.project-veripage.com/psl_tutorial • URL: http://www.esperan.com/pdf/esperan_introduction_to_psl.pdf • URL: http://www.esperan.com/pdf/esperan_psl.pdf • URL: http://www.esperan.com/pdf/esperan_psl_1-1_tutorial.pdf • URL: http://www.esperan.com/pdf/esperan_psl_tutorial.pdf • URL: http://members.cox.net/vhdlcohen/psl/psl2_pref.pdf • URL: http://members.aol.com/vhdlcohen/vhdl/vhdlcode/PSL_quickrefvhdl.pdf • URL: http://members.aol.com/vhdlcohen/vhdl/vhdlcode/PSL_quickrefvlog.pdf • URL: http://www.jasper-da.com/safelogic/PSL_ref_guide_VHDL.pdf • URL: http://www.pslsugar.org/papers/date04_adriana.pps

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