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Screen Name: IPML

Screen Name: IPML. Screen Use: The IPML screen is used to add the providers children living in/out of a provider's home and any additional comments about the provider's family. IPML Screen Description: Basic Provider Record Update.

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Screen Name: IPML

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Screen Name: IPML Screen Use: The IPML screen is used to add the providers children living in/out of a provider's home and any additional comments about the provider's family. IPML Screen Description: Basic Provider Record Update Scenario: As a certifier, case worker or support staff, you just received a call that a provider has a new born baby. Additionally, the provider is buying a new home and will be moving soon. You need to enter all this information into the IPML screen. Prior to doing this, you will need to locate the provider number.

  2. This section of the IIS screens training will teach you how access the IPML screen to enter the provider's child living in the home and additional comments about the address change.

  3. IPML,P14527,fb In a blank DHR screen, Type IPML,provider number,fb and then press Enter.

  4. The Basic Provider Record Update screen is displayed.

  5. 070106 Press the Tab key to line three, directly under the (MMDDYY) DOB field, Type the birth date of the child.

  6. Press the Tab key to the SEX field, Type the sex of the child (M for male, F for female). 070106 F

  7. 070106 F I Press the Tab key to the WHEREABOUTS field, Type ‘O’ for out of home or ‘I’ for in the home.

  8. 070106 F I N Press the Tab key to the LEDS HISTORY field, Type ‘Y’ for Yes or ‘N’ for no. A persons criminal history is checked through the LEDS system via internet. The LEDS system searches the entire United States. Branches have a limited amount of people with access to LEDS. Check with your co-workers to find out who can do a LEDS check for you.

  9. 070106 F I N Press the Tab key to the COMMENTS field, Type comments about the provider. PROVIDER PLANS TO MOVE; ADDRESS UPDATE WHEN INFO RECEIVED.

  10. You must also go into FACIS, the Provider Detail section under the Provider Notes tab to update changes in provider information. Press Enter to update the screen.

  11. When all data entries have been completed in the IPML screen, press the Pause Break key. A blank DHR screen will appear so that you can complete work for other screens.

  12. Quick Review! • The IPML screen is used to add the providers children living in/out of a provider's home and any additional comments about the provider's family. • A persons criminal history is checked through FACIS. • You must also go into FACIS, Provider Detail section under the Provider Notes tab to update changes in provider information. T or F T or F T or F See the next slide for the answers.

  13. Check Your Answers The IPML screen is used to add the providers children living in/out of a provider's home and any additional comments about the provider's family. TRUE. A persons criminal history is checked through FACIS. FALSE. A persons criminal history is checked through the LEDS system via internet You must also go into FACIS, Provider Detail section under the Provider Notes tab to update changes in provider information. TRUE.

  14. Congratulations!

  15. YOUhave successfully completed the DHS IIS Data Entry Screens Training.

  16. Special thanks to Christina Latham-Brown and Leslie Burr in the CAF Training Unit, and all the branches who participated in creating the IIS Data Entry Screens Training.

  17. QUESTIONS? Contact Service Desk Click the ‘X’ to close and return to the Main Menu Created By: Training & Development Specialists: Jenene Hinson Cheryl Hamilton-Jefferson Program System Support Unit 2850 Broadway St NE Salem, OR 97303

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