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Third Grade Newsletter. September. Welcome to Third Grade!. Wow! We are now almost finished with our 3 rd week of school. The children have done a great job learning classroom and school routines . We have all settled in nicely and are ready to conquer the school year!
Third Grade Newsletter September Welcome to Third Grade! Wow! We are now almost finished with our 3rd week of school. The children have done a great job learning classroom and school routines. We have all settled in nicely and are ready to conquer the school year! The 3rd grade year has a very full curriculum. It is the first year the students will be taking the Virginia SOL tests. You can help your child be successful by doing the following: Communicate with your child’s teacher using the take home folders and agendas Making sure your child completes' his/her homework 3. Make sure your child goes to bed early so he/she is rested for his/her school day. 4. Be on time for school! Contact Information Sugarland Darielle.Robinson@lcps.org Elementary Shannon.Cain@lcps.org Go Wildcats! Important News Kacey.Greenawalt@lcps.org Sugarland Elementary 571-434-4460 Please feel free to email us anytime and for any questions you may have. It is much easier to get in touch with us through email than a phone call. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Please make sure your child is coming to school on time. It is important that they do not miss instruction due to a very full curriculum to prepare them for SOL’s. Back to School Night was a great success! Thank you for attending! Conference forms will be coming home with your child soon. Please sign up as soon as possible as times go quickly. PTO information sugpto@gmail.com Kimberlee.Brewer@lcps.org Please send in a snack with your child. Third grade has one of the last lunches and we do have a snack time during the morning. Make sure it is easy to eat and healthy! No peanut products! 3rd Grade Studies for September Social Studies: We have covered citizenship and the importance of government. Upcoming units are parts of government and Maps and Globes. Science: We are currently covering Matter and the Scientific Method. Upcoming units are Water Cycle and Earth, Moon, and Sun. Math: We studied time, money, and temperature. We are currently covering graphing and data collecting; place value; standard, expanded and word form of numbers. Language Arts: We have created an environment rich in literacy & continue to expose the students to it. Read every day! > <
Boletín de TercerGrado Septiembre Bienvenidos a TercerGrado! ¡Guau! Estamosfinalizandonuestratercerasemana de escuela. Los niñoshanhecho un gran trabajoaprendiendolasrutinas del salón de clase y de la escuela. ¡Tenemostododispuesto y estamoslistosparaconquistar el año! El grado 3ro es un año con un gran currículo. Es el primer año en el que los niñostoman los exámenes de SOL de Virginia. Ustedpuedeayudar a suhijo(a) haciendo lo siguiente: Comuniquese con la maestra de suhijo(a) usando el folder queva a casa y la agenda. Asegúrese de quesuhijo(a) complete la tarea. Asegúrese de quesuhijo(a) vaya a la camatemprano y descanse lo suficiente. 4. ¡Asegúrese de quesuhijo(a) Lleguesiempre a tiempo a la escuela! Información de Contacto Sugarland Darielle.Robinson@lcps.org Elementary Shannon.Cain@lcps.org Go Wildcats! NoticiasImportantes Kacey.Greenawalt@lcps.org Escuela Sugarland571-434-4460 Si tiene alguna pregunta no dude en escribirnos. Es mucho más fácil contactarnos por el correo que por teléfono. Le responderemos tan pronto como nos sea posible. Kimberlee.Brewer@lcps.org • ¡ Por favor asegúresede quesuhijo(a) Lleguesiempre a tiempo a la escuela! • Esimportanteque no pierdainstrucción en un año tan importanteparaprepararsepara los SOLs. • La Noche de Regreso a la Escuelafuetodo un éxito! ¡Gracias porasistir! Los formatosparalasconferenciasirán pronto a casa. Por favor inscríbase lo más pronto posible. • Información de PTO • sugpto@gmail.com Por favor envie un snack con suhijo(a). Nuestroalmuerzoesuno de los últimos y tendremos un tiempo en la mañanaparacomerlo. Asegúrese de que sea algonutritivo y fácil de comer! No productosquecontenganmaní! 3rd Grade Studies for September Social Studies: We have covered citizenship and the importance of government. Upcoming units are parts of government and Maps and Globes. Science: We are currently covering Matter and the Scientific Method. Upcoming units are Water Cycle and Earth, Moon, and Sun. Math: We studied time, money, and temperature. We are currently covering graphing and data collecting; place value; standard, expanded and word form of numbers. Language Arts: We have created an environment rich in literacy & continue to expose the students to it. ¡Lee todos los días! > <