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Detective Story.

Detective Story. English Author : Arthur Conan Doyle .

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Detective Story.

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  1. Detective Story. English Author: Arthur Conan Doyle.

  2. Arthur Conan Doylewasborn on 22(nd) May 1859 in Edinburgh,Scotland.Hewas a Scottishphysician and writerwhoismostnotedforhisfictionalstoriesabout the detective Sherlock Holmes, which are generallyconsideredmilestones in the fieldof crime fiction. Heisalsoknownforwriting the fictionaladventuresof a secondcharacterheinvented, Professor Challenger, and forpopularising the mystery of the Mary Celeste.Hewas a prolificwriterwhoseotherworks include fantasy and science fiction stories, plays, romances, poetry, non-fiction, and historicalnovels.

  3. Life and career. Hisfather,Charles AltamontDoyle, wasborn in England,and hismother,Mary, was Irish Catholic.In 1864 the family dispersed due to Charles's growingalcoholism and the childrenweretemporarilyhousedacross Edinburgh. In 1867, the family cametogetheragain and lived in squalidtenementflats at 3 SciennesPlace.In 1879 hecomposedhis first novels, The Mystery ofCloomber, notpublisheduntil 1888, and the unfinished Narrative of John Smith, whichwould go unpublisheduntil 2011.

  4. The brilliant Dottor Bell,whosecoldpersonalityscientificmethod and deductiveabilitiesinspired Sherlock Holmes' character,so ithas a link with the medical thriller. The whole life ofDoyleis a long seriesofhard-foughtcrusadesofwhichspiritualismwasonly the last.Heopened a medicalpracticethathadlimited success,itwas in thatperiodthatDoylebegantowrite the adventuresof Sherlock Holmes whichbegantohave success among the British public. The first novelabout the detective Sherlock Holmes was 'A study in Scarlet' in which the narratoris Dr. Watson that in a senseis the authorhimself.In 1885 DoylemarriedLouisaHawkins, the sisterofoneofhispatients.Shesufferedfromtuberculosis and died on 4 July1906.Thefollowingyearhemarried Jean Elizabeth Leckie. Hediedof a heartattack at the ageof 71.

  5. Gruppo U.D.A: Boero, Bulla, Fabbrini, Ferrando, Gazzo, Trudu.

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