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Introduction to Biology

Introduction to Biology. Unit 1: The World of Life Chapter 1: The Science of Biology. Mr. Grivensky and Mr. Rutkoski. Biology as a Science. Science is a process of thinking and learning about the world around us Biology is the study of the science of Life. What is Life?.

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Introduction to Biology

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  1. Introduction to Biology Unit 1: The World of Life Chapter 1: The Science of Biology Mr. Grivensky and Mr. Rutkoski

  2. Biology as a Science • Science is a process of thinking and learning about the world around us • Biology is the study of the science of Life

  3. What is Life? • Defining “Life” or “Living” is not as easy as it may initially seem. • Even experts have a difficult time deciding if some things found in nature, such as viruses, are alive.

  4. There are 5 basic characteristics that are common to all living things 1. Made up of cells 2. Grow and develop 3. Obtain and use energy 4. Respond to their environment 5. Are able to reproduce

  5. What is an Organism? • An organism is an individual living thing • Organisms have all 5 of the characteristics that define them as living

  6. Hierarchy of Life Subatomic particle→ atom →molecule ↓ organ system ← organ ← cell ← organelle ↓ organism → population →community ↓ biosphere ←ecosystem

  7. Coral • Coral grows in colonies to form large reefs • They have tentacles that they use for the gathering of foodThey use energy for this and also use the energy in the food • Coral is a living thing because the individual organisms are made up of cells • Coral reefs grow each year because the individual corals that make them up reproduce to form new coral

  8. Biology at Different Levels • Questions at the Chemical Level • What are the chemical compounds that make up coral and its’ skeleton? • A biochemist would look at how coral animals obtain calcium from sea water or how they process calcium to turn it into calcium carbonate

  9. Questions at the Molecular Level • All living things contain a variety of molecules • A molecule is a chemical compound • Molecules:regulate the growth and developmenthelp the organism break down foodAid in removing wastes from the organismGive shape and texture to the organism’s body

  10. Questions at the Cellular Level • How are the cells organized and how do they react? • How do the cells reproduce?

  11. Questions at the Organism Level • What controls the rate of reproduction? • How do different types of corals differ from each other? • How do corals interact with other organisms?

  12. Questions at the Population Level • Population: all of the organisms of one type living in an area • How do corals interact with and affect their environment?

  13. Questions at the Global Level • Is coral a global concern? • A coral reef is the largest structure in the world that living things assemble • The Great Barrier Reef, near Australia, is more than 2000 km long and over 100 km wide. • It can be seen from space!

  14. The Steps of the Scientific Method • Claude Villee (a biologist) described the Scientific Method as “organized common sense” • Step 1: State a Specific Problem or Question based on observations of the natural world • Step 2: Propose a hypothesis: A hypothesis is a possible explanation

  15. The Steps of the Scientific Method • Step 3: Test the Hypothesis: Design a controlled experiment to check the hypothesis • Step 4: Analyze the Results: Review the results to determine if the hypothesis was correct or not. This may result in further testing. • Step 5: Repeat the Experiment

  16. Control and Variable • In order to perform an experiment there must be at least 2 groups. • Control group: Serves as a benchmark to compare your results to. • Variable: The variable is the factor in the experiment that is different in one group. (The fertilized group would be the variable group)

  17. Science and Truth • Scientific knowledge is changeable, based on new knowledge and experimentation • Spontaneous Generation Example

  18. Theories • When repeated experiments consistently confirm a hypothesis, the hypothesis is considered valid • A theory is developed when a series of closely related hypotheses are grouped together to form a complete explanation of something in the Natural World. • The theory that certain diseases are caused by germs is an example • Theories are the best explanation that the process of science has produced to date. • Theories are subject to change as new experimentation is performed

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