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Binaries in the Kuiper Belt. Keith Noll HotSci@STScI July 7, 2010. illustration credit: G. Bacon. Several things (we think) we know about the Kuiper Belt, some of which we know (in part) because of binaries. Keith Noll HotSci@STScI July 7, 2010. illustration credit: G. Bacon.
Binaries in the Kuiper Belt Keith Noll HotSci@STScI July 7, 2010 illustration credit: G. Bacon
Several things (we think) we know about the Kuiper Belt, some of which we know (in part) because of binaries Keith Noll HotSci@STScI July 7, 2010 illustration credit: G. Bacon
1. There are many more binaries in the Kuiper Belt than might have been expected!
More than 400 KBOs have been searched for companions with HST • > 60 new binaries discovered by HST - Total known > 70 • What is the fraction of transneptunian binaries (TNBs)? -> binaries/total ~15% BUT... this number is subject to observational and sample biases • TNBs are more loosely bound than would have been predicted (from analogy with Main Belt) • TNBs are much larger relative to their primaries than previously known populations
There are many more binaries in the Kuiper Belt than might have been expected! • Binary formation took place in a denser, dynamically colder disk than currently exists.
TNBs formation mechanisms • Collision • produces predominately wide binaries • requires ~103 higher density at all sizes • Dynamical Capture • requires ~103 higher density at smaller sizes (<100 km) • relative velocities must be on the order of the Hill velocity • Direct Collapse • requires significantly higher surface density for instabilities to form • produces nearly 100% binaries (Nesvorny 2010)
The separation distribution of TNBs is strongly peaked at small separations • rules out collisional origin • consistent with capture or collapse • The angular momentum of TNBs is high • incompatible with fission • inconsistent with known or suspected collisional systems • The eccentricity distribution of TNBs rules out exchange reactions
There are many more binaries in the Kuiper Belt than might have been expected! • Binary formation took place in a denser, dynamically colder disk than currently exists. • The colors of Kuiper Belt objects are primordial.
TNO colors span a very wide range in the optical from slightly blue to ultra red (relative to solar colors) • TNB colors span the same range • Benecchi et al. (2009) found that the colors of TNBs are correlated • significance of 99.983% • (Spearman rank correlation) • This correlation cannot be attributed to any known environmental effects • implies that colors are primordial • indicates existence of one or more “snow lines” in the region of TNO formation • color gradients should be present in protostellar disks
TNO colors span a very wide range in the optical from slightly blue to ultra red (relative to solar colors) • TNB colors span the same range • Benecchi et al. (2009) found that the colors of TNBs are correlated • significance of 99.983% • (Spearman rank correlation) • This correlation cannot be attributed to any known environmental effects • implies that colors are primordial • indicates existence of one or more “snow lines” in the region of TNO formation • color gradients should be present in protostellar disks • Schaller et al. (2010) propose CH3OH as a possible candidate CH3OH
There are many more binaries in the Kuiper Belt than might have been expected! • Binary formation took place in a denser, dynamically colder disk than currently exists. • The colors of Kuiper Belt objects are primordial. • The rotation of binaries constrains formation models.
6 of 8 binaries with known pole positions are prograde (Grundy et al 2010) • Favors capture at moderately high relative velocity: v > RH - effect of collisions remains tbd - Kozai resonance mechanism seems not to affect inclinations Figure 4 from Schlichting et al. 2008 predict spins as a function of relative velocity. Figure 1d from Johansen and Lacerda 2010 predict uniformly prograde spin.
There are many more binaries in the Kuiper Belt than might have been expected! • Binary formation took place in a denser, dynamically colder disk than currently exists. • The colors of Kuiper Belt objects are primordial. • The rotation of binaries constrains formation models. • TNOs have wide range of densities.
Orbits yield system mass: M ~ a3/P2 • Diameter from thermal emission or direct measurement yields density • Measured densities span 0.5-4.2 g/cm3 • High density objects are hydrostatically or collisionally compressed and provide evidence of differentiation • Low density objects require very high fraction of void space => “bubble” piles
There are many more binaries in the Kuiper Belt than might have been expected! • Binary formation took place in a denser, dynamically colder disk than currently exists. • The colors of Kuiper Belt objects are primordial. • The rotation of binaries constrains formation models. • TNOs have a wide range of densities. • The current Kuiper Belt is a composite of multiple populations.
The inclination distribution of binaries in the non-resonant, non-scattering population (Classical TNOs) departs strongly from random (99.2% probability) • Binaries are concentrated in the low inclination portion of this population (Cold Classicals) • Cold Classicals show a high proportion of red objects (Tegler and Romanishin 2003, Doressoundiram et al. 2005; ~2 sigma) and higher albedo (Brucker et al. 2009)
There are many more binaries in the Kuiper Belt than might have been expected! • Binary formation took place in a denser, dynamically colder disk than currently exists. • The colors of Kuiper Belt objects are primordial. • The rotation of binaries constrains formation models. • TNOs have a wide range of densities. • The current Kuiper Belt is a composite of multiple populations. • One of these populations may be an undisturbed remnant of the protoplanetary disk.
Seven known ultra-wide binaries (a/RH >0.08) (Parker et al. 2010) • all are Cold Classical • can be unbound by single collision in 2-6 km size range • dynamical stability depends on size distribution - existence of binaries constrains number of small KBOs • Simulations show that none of these binaries can survive scattering with Neptune as it migrated outward • Suggests the Cold Classicals have never interacted with Neptune
There are many more binaries in the Kuiper Belt than might have been expected! • Binary formation took place in a denser, dynamically colder disk than currently exists. • The colors of Kuiper Belt objects are primordial. • The rotation of binaries constrains formation models. • TNOs have a wide range of densities. • The current Kuiper Belt is a composite of multiple populations. • One of these populations may be an undisturbed remnant of the protoplanetary disk. • Binary statistics may help constrain models of Neptune migration.
The capture of TNOs into resonances depends on the nature of Neptune’s migration • Smooth migration results in a detectable difference in the binary fraction in the 2:1 resonance relative to the 3:2 (Murray-Clay and Schlichting 2010) • Current statistics 3:2 0.05 (+0.05/-0.02) 2:1 0.23 (+0.16/-0.08)
Summary • There are many more binaries in the Kuiper Belt than might have been expected! • Binary formation took place in a denser, dynamically colder disk than currently exists. • The colors of Kuiper Belt objects are primordial. • The rotation of binaries constrains formation models. • TNOs have a wide range of densities. • The current Kuiper Belt is a composite of multiple populations. • One of these populations may be an undisturbed remnant of the protoplanetary disk. • Binary statistics may help constrain models of Neptune migration.