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John Calvin. Journey to Protestantism. Early Years. Calvin studied in France in Paris from 1521 to 1526. (Grolier Online) During this time he was introduced to appeals to reform the church. (Grolier Online)
John Calvin Journey to Protestantism
Early Years • Calvin studied in France in Paris from 1521 to 1526. (Grolier Online) • During this time he was introduced to appeals to reform the church. (Grolier Online) • Eventually from 1525 to 1530 Calvin's father turned him to the study of law. (Grolier Online) • After his father's death in 1531, Calvin could now make his own choices, which eventually led him to back to the subject he once loved, theology. (Grolier Online)
Protestant Conversion • Calvin started to experience a Protestant conversion shortly after his father's death. (Grolier Online) • Later, Calvin states his conversion in the introduction of his book Commentary on Pslams written in 1557. (Grolier Online) • He states in his book that "Since I was more stubbornly addicted to the superstitions of the Papacy than to be easily drawn out of so deep a mire, God subdued my heart-too stubborn for my age-to docility by a sudden conversion." (Grolier Online)
Studying Protestantism • Calvin started to learn about religous issues in France especially Jacques Lefèvre d'étaples, a disciple of Luther, who tried to force Luther's views in Paris. (Grolier Online) • Eventually Lefèvre was forced to leave Paris. (Grolier Online) • After hearing about Lefèvre, Calvin went to visit him in Nerac. (Grolier Online) • The meeting between them led to the writing of one of Calvin's most famous books, Institutes of the Christian Religion. (Grolier Online)
Institutes of the Christian Religion • The Institutes of the Christian Religion was written as an introductory textbook on the Protestant faith. (Grolier Online) • Calvin offers instruction in Christian doctrine while defending Protestant teaching against its critics. (EBSCOhost) • The first edition reflects the influence of Martin Luther ideas on Protestantism. (EBSCOhost) • He composed five Latin editions of his book and translated or supervised four translations into French. (EBSCOhost)
Spread of Protestantism • Calvin drew up a Church Order, a set of rules for governing of the church. (Davis 23) • He devised a catechetical system for the young which was carried all over Europe. (Davis 23) • Primary and elementary schools were set up to educate the young, so they could be better Christians. (Davis 23) • Calvin also established the Academy at Geneva, the first Protestant University, where thousands of young men were trained for the ministry of the Word. (Davis 23)
Protestantism Today • It was Calvin's theology and form of church government that triumphed in the Protestant Church of France, the Reformed Church of Germany, the Church of Scotland, the Reformed Church in Hungary, the Reformed Church in Holland and in Puritanism in Old and New England. (Davis 23) • In the early 21st century, relations are relatively good between the Catholic Church and mainstream Protestantism. (EBSCOhost) • The Churches Uniting in Christ (CUIC), established in 2002 from the former Consultation on Church Union (COCU), represents the partnership of nine mainstream U.S. Protestant denominations. (EBSCOhost)
Works Cited • Davis, Thomas J. Spiritual Leaders and Thinkers: John Calvin. 13 vols. SpiritualLeaders and Thinkers. Chicago: Chelsea, 2005. • Institutes of the Christian Religion." Masterplots II: ChristianLiterature. 2008. Salem Press, Inc. EBSCO. 23 Feb. 2009. http://web.ebscohost.com/lrc/detail?vid=3&hid=12&sid=42454578-a69a-4e73-af0e-528ab733099f%40SRCSM2&bdata=JnNpdGU9bHJjLWxpdmU%3d#db=lfh&AN=MOL9830002045 • Lakeside Publishing Group, LLC. "John Calvin.." John Calvin (May 2006): 1. History Reference Center. EBSCO. Upper Merion Area High School. 18 Feb. 2009 http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=khh&AN=21488842&site=ehost-live. • Mullett, Michael. "JOHN CALVIN, THE MAKING OF THE REFORMER.. (cover story)." History Review (Mar. 2008): 6-11. History Reference Center. EBSCO. Upper Merion Area High School. 18 Feb. 2009 http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=khh&AN=30032046&site=ehost-live. • Noll, Mark A. "Calvin, John." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 2009. Grolier Online. 5 Feb. 2009 http://wf2dnvr8.webfeat.org/KEzUL1286/url=http://gme.grolier.com/cgi-bin/article?assetid=0049350-0. Picture: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Calvin.jpg