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Mongolian adventure tours

Find the best Mongolian adventure tours with Altai Expeditions. Altai Expeditions is the best adventure company in Mongolia. Here is some best adventure activity like Trekking. Book now and save with altaiexpeditions!

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Mongolian adventure tours

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WEL COME TO altaiexpeditions.com

  2. About UsAltai Expeditions was founded by Bugibay Bekbolat, also known as Bek, a native of Bayan Ulgii and an ethnic Kazakh.The Kazaks have been the dominant population group in the western provinces of Mongolia. Kazakhs are Muslims who have their own culture and traditions, which are an important part in their lives

  3. Mongolian adventure toursFind the best Mongolian adventure tours with Altai Expeditions. Altai Expeditions is the best adventure company in Mongolia. Here is some best adventure activity like Trekking. Book now and save with altaiexpeditions!

  4. Contact UsPost address :Mongolia, Bayan Ulgii Post office Box #13, UlgiiEmail : altaiexpeditions.mn@gmail.comPhone +976 (99) 42 7003Website-www.altaiexpeditions.com

  5. Thank You

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