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Roots. Take in oxygen during respiration. Absorb and translocate water. Store food as starch. Anchor the plant. Gives off CO2. Produce nitrogen in legumes. Leaves. Carries out photosynthesis. Transpiration. Stores some food. May be used for asexual propagation. Stem.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Roots • Take in oxygen during respiration. • Absorb and translocate water. • Store food as starch. • Anchor the plant. • Gives off CO2. • Produce nitrogen in legumes.

  2. Leaves • Carries out photosynthesis. • Transpiration. • Stores some food. • May be used for asexual propagation.

  3. Stem • Translocates water and nutrients from roots to leaves, and sugars and starches from leaves to roots. • Stores food. • Supports leaves, fruit, and flowers. • Growth from the meristem of the terminal bud and lengthens the stem. • Growth in the cambium layer thickens the stem.

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