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REC in the European Environment and Health Process

REC in the European Environment and Health Process. MARTA SZIGETI BONIFERT Executive Director. Loss of statistical life expectancy. The most vulnerable areas in Europe are.

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REC in the European Environment and Health Process

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  1. REC in the European Environment and Health Process MARTA SZIGETI BONIFERT Executive Director

  2. Loss of statistical life expectancy

  3. The most vulnerable areas in Europe are • Southern Europe and the entire Mediterranean Basin due to the combined effect of high temperature increases and reduced precipitation in areas already coping with water scarcity.

  4. Heat waves Data-Source: IVS, WHO, …

  5. Legal instruments and policy tools • The legal and policy instruments in some pilot NIS and SEE countries were assessed and specifically addressed to the four Regional Priority Goals of the CEHAPE • RPG I: Water and sanitation • RPG II: Transport safety and accidents • RPG III: In door and outdoor air quality • RPG IV: Chemicals safety REC Video – Click!

  6. REC and E&H in Europe • EEHC member: • active involvement in Budapest E&H conference • shaping the policy documents • Healthy Planet Forum in 2004 • Member of the CEHAPE Task Force, implementation of Regional Priority goals in Europe, 2004/2009 • EEHC Regional meeting in REC, 27-28 November 2006 • Roadmap towards the 5th E&H Ministerial meeting in Parma in 2010

  7. E&H Topic Area focuses on • Supporting cooperation between environmental / health sector by policy integration on international and national level in all REC countries • Strengthening the role of the precautionary principle in public health and environment protection, with special focus on the future of our children • Implementation of the EU E&H Strategy, Action Plan and the CEHAPE by active involvement in the European processes / by multi-stakeholder cooperation • Regional participation in implementation of the CEHAPE Programme Goal 3: Prevention and reducing respiratory disease

  8. REC Projects • E&H: • Indoor air quality in schools, reducing respiratory diseases of children (8 countries, 3 years, research) • Involvement of civil society in CEHAPE implementation, awareness raising • Sustainable Transport: • Sustainable transport, Survey of Public Transport in 6 cities in CEE • Urban Transport Benchmarking

  9. In-door air quality in schools • Pilot project in 2004: Clean environment, better future for our children • In-door air quality in schools project in 8 countries in 2006-2009 • reporting in E&H Ministerial conference in 2009 • Awareness raising for improvement of indoor air quality in the schools • Adoption of the Italian-Hungarian pilot project concept

  10. Why we need to improve the indoor air quality in schools? • respiratory diseases: 15-20%, in age 11-13 • time spent in the school and its effect on the health condition of the children • 6-8 hours, O2 <>CO2 concentration, NO2 from heating, dust, organic chemicals • the school environment – outdoor air quality

  11. 2. Indoor air quality in schools • Need>> investigation of the „legal frame” of in-door air quality in schools • Need>> complex research>>in-door air quality in schools, in homes and living conditions in homes >> respiratory diseases • Need>>Training of the selected school staff

  12. European cooperation on in-door air quality in schools • In-door air quality project in 8 countries in 2006-2009 • Austria, Italy, Norway-Hungary, Slovakia • Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia • >> reporting: E&H Ministerial conference in 2010

  13. Perspectives • E&H Research • Project implementation with partners in Europe • Strategic Environmental Assessment • E&H Impact Assessment • Facilitating E&H sector policy integration in the CEE region

  14. Thank you for your attention! Email: mbonifert@rec.org Website: www.rec.org

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