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NAOC HPC Environment and Applications. Changhua Li Chinese Virtual Observatory (China-VO) National Astronomical Observatory of China. VO & HPC. 一 . 数据与计算是 VO 资源的两大组成部分,两者缺一不可. 二 . 高性能计算是进行大规模数值模拟与可视化的必备条件. 高效能低成本多尺度离散模拟超级计算应用系统 ( GPU 超级计算系统) (2009) ------GPU 机群在数值天体物理学研究中的应用.
NAOC HPC Environment and Applications Changhua Li Chinese Virtual Observatory (China-VO) National Astronomical Observatory of China
VO & HPC 一. 数据与计算是VO资源的两大组成部分,两者缺一不可 二. 高性能计算是进行大规模数值模拟与可视化的必备条件 高效能低成本多尺度离散模拟超级计算应用系统 (GPU超级计算系统)(2009) ------GPU机群在数值天体物理学研究中的应用
LAOHU SOFT. • 配备有专业的集群作业管理系统platform LSF • 2. 支持多种MPI(openmpi) • CUDA 4.0 • FFT, GSL,IDL,gnuplot等许多开源工具基础库软件 5. 自主研发的GPU资源管理中间件,真正实现了CPU/GPU 异构集群环境下的作业全自动管理提供GPU设备分配接口 GetFreeGpuDevID() 共享内存技术实现进程间通信 对SAPPORO开源库进行修改
LAOHU Application List NBODY Simulations (NBODY6++, phiGPU, Galactic Nuclei, Star Clusters) NBODY Simulations (Gadget2, galactic dynamics) Correlator Gravitational Microlensing Local spirals formation through major merger Dark energy survey 7. TREND, the Mentocarlo simulation for the extreme-high energy Extensive AirShower(EAS) 8. Parallelization of Herschel Interactive Processing Environment 9. The HII region and PDR modeling based on CLOUDY code 10. Reconstructing primordial power spectrum and dark energy equation of state ……
Berczik, P., Nitadori, K., Zhong S., Spurzem, R., Hamada, T, Wang, X.W., Berentzen, I., Veles, A., Ge, W., Proceedings of the International conference on High Performance Computing High Performance massively parallel direct N-body simulations on large GPU clusters Amaro-Seoane, P., Miller, M. C., Kennedy, G. F., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Tidal disruptions of separated binaries in galactic nuclei Just, A., Yurin, D., Makukov, M., Berczik, P., Omarov, C., Spurzem, R., Vilkoviskij, E. Y., The Astrophysical Journal Enhanced Accretion Rates of Stars on Supermassive Black Holes by Star-Disk Interactions in Galactic Nuclei Taani, A., Naso, L., Wei, Y., Zhang, C., Zhao, Y., Astrophysics and Space Science Modeling the spatial distribution of neutron stars in the Galaxy Olczak, C., Spurzem, R., Henning, T., Kaczmarek, T., Pfalzner, S., Harfst, S., PortegiesZwart, S., Advances in Computational Astrophysics: Methods, Tools, and Outcome Dynamics in Young Star Clusters: From Planets to Massive Stars Spurzem, R., Berczik, P., Zhong, S., Nitadori, K., Hamada, T., Berentzen, I., Veles, A., Advances in Computational Astrophysics: Methods, Tools, and Outcome Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in High Performance Massively Parallel Direct N-body Simulations on Large GPU Clusters Khan, F. M., Preto, M., Berczik, P., Berentzen, I., Just, A., Spurzem, R., The Astrophysical Journal Mergers of Unequal-mass Galaxies: Supermassive Black Hole Binary Evolution and Structure of Merger Remnants Li, S., Liu, F. K., Berczik, P., Chen, X., Spurzem, R., The Astrophysical Journal Interaction of Recoiling Supermassive Black Holes with Stars in Galactic Nuclei ..... http://silkroad.bao.ac.cn/web/index.php/research/publications LAOHU publication
LAOHU & HPC-GRID PORTAL(Gridway, Dirac) GLOBUS Toolkits Internet
LAOHU in the future • 1. Upgrade the GPU Cards to K20 • 2. Add a Intel phi 5110 Card • other requirement.
Correlator 射电望远镜 综合孔径成像
并行化处理(一) • Openmpi调度所有的进程,使得各进程能够根据RANK来执行不同的操作 • 采用双缓冲机制来实现采集与发送的并 行,MPI接收与执行的并行
并行化处理(二) • 采用OPENMP来增加进程内部的并行性,使得单进程在不同的处理阶段形成多线程的流水线结构。同时,通过OPENMP也可以优化循环代码,使得循环操作也能够尽可能的实现并行。