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The Recent Changes in Mifepristone Label

The FDA has approved changes to the label for Mifepristone abortion pill. The new label states that the pill, which is generic version of brand Mifeprex, should be taken at a lower dose than what was recommended on the old label.

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The Recent Changes in Mifepristone Label

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  1. The Recent Changes in Mifepristone Label +JamieCrews123 /abortionpillsrx @jamiecrews99

  2. About Mifepristone: • The FDA approved new Mifeprexlabel with what research shows is safest and most effective. • Using Mifepristone is a self-induced early medical abortion procedure. • People purchase mifepristone andmisoprostol online or elsewhereto discontinue an early pregnancy. • The medication combination is an option to an aspiration abortion. www.abortionpillsrx.com

  3. It’s Mechanism: • The Mifeprex abortion pill blocks the action of the progesterone hormone that is vital to maintain a pregnancy. • This causes the uterine lining to break down, which ends the pregnancy. www.abortionpillsrx.com

  4. Changes made by FDA to mifepristone label: • According to the old label, the drug could be taken up to 49 days, however as per the new label, it can be taken up to 70 days after a woman’s last menstrual cycle. • The new label had lowered the dose of the pill too, that is from 600mg to 200mg. • This regimen has decreased the side effects as well as the cost of the abortion pill. • The new label has eliminated the number of appointments that a woman needed for abortion from 3-2. www.abortionpillsrx.com

  5. Is Mifepristone same as Emergency Contraception: • No, the plan B contraception pill (emergency contraception) is used to prevent pregnancy from occurring after unprotected intercourse. • However, Mifepristone is used to end the existing pregnancy. www.abortionpillsrx.com

  6. Expected Side effects of Mifepristone: • There are some common side effects of a medical abortion, such as: • Weakness • Nausea • Vomiting • Headache • Dizziness • Diarrhea • Fever/ chills. • As per the FDA, there are very rare chances of serious side effects, which take place in less than 0.5% of people who consume the abortion pills. www.abortionpillsrx.com

  7. www.abortionpillsrx.com

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