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Porifera ( Sponges )

Porifera ( Sponges ). By: Laia Alonso. Basic Information. Kingdom: Animalia Subkingdom : Parazoa Phylum : Porifera Phylum porifera is also known as those with pores . Special Features. - More than 8,000 known species (900 are fresh water, and the rest are salt water)

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Porifera ( Sponges )

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Porifera (Sponges) By: Laia Alonso

  2. Basic Information • Kingdom: Animalia • Subkingdom: Parazoa • Phylum: Porifera • Phylumporiferaisalsoknown as thosewithpores.

  3. SpecialFeatures • - More than 8,000 known species (900 are fresh water, and the rest are salt water) • - Sponge taxonomists guess there are15,000 species in the world. • - Can reproduce sexually or asexually • - They feed through pores on their outer walls • - Lives in water environments

  4. SpecialFeatures (II) • - Has a multicellular body, no organs, and few tissues • - No nervous system • - Fossil sponges are one of the oldest known animal fossils • - They are filter feeders, over 100 liters of water a day • - Body is full of pores

  5. Whenitappeared • Scientists have found, in rocks, traces of the chemical 24-isoprophylcholestane, which they say has to be found inside sponges around 1,800 million years ago. • Some fossils found around 580 million years ago have been classified as demosponges. • A type of sponge called Archaeocythids, which were very common and scientists found several of, were found 530 million years ago, but died out 490 million years ago

  6. LifeCycle • Found from the polar to the tropics and in clear and quiet oceans • Reproduce asexually or sexually • In asexual they produce the sperm and the egg. When they connect it attaches to a rock and waits to be formed. • In sexual the male releases the sperm, and when it comes across a female it attaches. Eventually a larva will be released and it can pick a spot to grow on. • Small sponge growing on the base of an adult sponge, and then breaking away. Called budding. • If one is cut or injured, it will also regenerate itself.

  7. LifeCycle (II) • From where it decides to stay, it will start do develop itself • Development can change depending on the environment • In average, they live around 20 years • Using asexual reproduction, can live up to 200 years • When dead, they usually disintegrate

  8. Feeding • Absorbs water through his pores. • This water provides it with food and oxygen. • The water is moved through the sponge because of the currents. • The food that the sponge takes is with this is then used. It flows through the pores. • They capture 90% of the bacteria

  9. Respiration • Respirationisunique. • Itabsorbstheoxygen, thesediffuse, andgetoxygenfromtheflowingwatersystem. • In thissystem, many soluble wasteproductsalso use diffusion. • Dependingonthetype, archeocytesremove mineral particlesandtakethem out intothewatercurrentsoreitherincorporatethemintotheirskeletons.

  10. Bibliography • http://sites.google.com/site/animalbiologyspring2010/porifera/life-cycle • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sponge • http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Porifera.html • http://www.biology.iastate.edu/Courses/211L/Porif/%20Porifindx.htm • http://tolweb.org/Porifera/2464 • http://www.infusion.allconet.org/webquest/PhylumPorifera.html • http://www.earthlife.net/inverts/porifera.html

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