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Forest Products Annual Market Review 2001-2002: Insights and Forecasts for Sawn Softwood Industry

Gain valuable insights into the sawn softwood industry with expert presentations by Dr. Chris Gaston and industry leaders. Learn about production drops, consumption trends, trade patterns, and the impact of currency fluctuations on global markets.

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Forest Products Annual Market Review 2001-2002: Insights and Forecasts for Sawn Softwood Industry

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sawn Softwood Timber Committee forecasts by Dr. Chris Gaston, Group Leader, Markets and Economics, Forintek Canada Expert presentations by • Mr. Pierre Verneret, Director, Fédération Nationale du Bois, France • Mr. Andrey Benin, General Director, Concern Lemo, Russian Federation

  2. Highlights of Forest Products Annual Market Review 2001-2002 (1-4) • Sawn softwood production in the UNECE region dropped almost 4%. • Consumption of sawn softwood ended a 3-year period of growth in the UNECE region in 2001. • Consumption in the Russian Federation rose slightly, by 3%. • Continued growth in trade outside of the region.

  3. Highlights of Forest Products Annual Market Review 2001-2002 (5-8) • Sawn softwood exports dropped for EU/EFTA and “Other Europe”. • Exports from Canada remained steady. • United States exports of sawn softwood were at decade-long lows. • United States sawnwood imports at an all-time high.

  4. Highlights of Forest Products Annual Market Review 2001-2002 (9-12) • 27.2% duty on US sawn softwood imports from Canada. • Japan remains an important market. • Trade patterns in 2001 were influenced by the strong dollar. • The fall in value of the dollar will change the competitive position of exporters in 2002.

  5. Europe: Sawn softwood

  6. Europe: Sawn softwood

  7. North America: Sawn softwood

  8. North America: Sawn softwood

  9. Russian Federation: Sawn softwood

  10. Russian Federation: Sawn softwood

  11. Next presentation Mr. Pierre Verneret, Director, Fédération Nationale du Bois, Paris

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