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Foods for E*rectile Dy*sfunction

You all are aware of what dark chocolate is but many of you wonder if I tell you, dark chocolate could boost your s*exual performance too. Actually, dark chocolate is made of almonds, nuts, Brazil nuts, walnuts and peanuts that skyrocket your dopamine level. Dopamine is also known as u201cpleasure hormoneu201d. Try to eat two to 3 dark chocolate a week to stay your mood on.

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Foods for E*rectile Dy*sfunction

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  1.    Home  Blog  Top 10 Amazing Foods for Erectile Dysfunction: The Complete List Top 10 Amazing Foods for Erectile Dysfunction: The Complete List  Sidebar Top 10 Amazing Foods for Erectile Dysfunction: The Complete List by Amdel Herbal Amdel Herbal. Posted on March 11, 2019 Erectile dysfunction, the destroyer of millions of people’s sexual life and still counting and the irony is, there is no definite treatment to cure it. Fortunately, there are several methods prevailing in the market to cure erectile dysfunction erectile dysfunction and foods for erectile dysfunction are one of them. Add these natural foods in your diet chart to cure erectile dysfunction and live healthy sexual life. cure There are millions of people searching for how to prevent erectile dysfunction naturally erectile dysfunction at home and a healthy diet may be the answer to their questions. erectile dysfunction naturally or how to cure It’s a problem that may ruin the one’s sexual life and may be personal life too if not treated at the right time. The market is filled with tons of medicines, oil and other products, but many of them are not reliable and do more harm than benefits. Viagra is very popular for ED but it’s a temporary cure that lasts just for a few hours. Using Viagra for a long time may cause some serious side effects too. After looking at all the available options, foods are only the safest and effective way to fight with erectile dysfunction without harming yourself. Today, we will discuss the top 10 foods items that can reduce the ED and lead you a better sexual life. Let’s

  2. Today, we will discuss the top 10 foods items that can reduce the ED and lead you a better sexual life. Let’s check them out! 10 Special Foods for Erectile Dysfunction 1. Dark Chocolate You all are aware of what dark chocolate is but many of you wonder if I tell you, dark chocolate could boost your sexual performance too. Actually, dark chocolate is made of almonds, nuts, Brazil nuts, walnuts and peanuts that skyrocket your dopamine level. Dopamine is also known as “pleasure hormone”. Try to eat two to 3 dark chocolate a week to stay your mood on. 2. Red Wine Wine is not always bad for our health; actually, red wine is a great source of cholesterol. And when it comes to manhood, red wine can do wonder to the men. Red wine contains some rare ingredients like nitric oxide, which increases the blood flow towards the genitals and relaxes the arteries. It also increases the compound quercetin that is responsible for blocking the enzyme that let our body to push away testosterone. Drinking red wine boosts testosterone level that results in a harder erection that stay longer.

  3. 3. Berries Berries have numerous health benefits from weight loss to inflammation and many others, but do you know, eating berries also increases your sperm count? Yes, berries can increase your sperm count and it is said that the better your sperm count is, the better erection you will get and ultimately will perform better on the bed. Researchers say that there is a direct connection between eating berries and reducing erectile dysfunction. 4. Green Tea Green tea is known for its key health benefits like weight loss, lower the cancer risk and improve the brain function. And that’s why millions of people daily consume green tea. It’s a very popular beverage that consumed across the world. But, it can also help you fight with erectile dysfunction. Green tea contains catechins (natural antioxidants that help keep cell damage and provide other key health benefits) that boost your metabolism and flush out free radicals that responsible for damaging blood vessels. It helps the blood to flow towards the genitals freely. Do you know, the more blood your penis contains during erection, the harder erection you will get.

  4. 5. Banana Banana is not only helping you add more muscles in your body but also help you have a strong erection too. In research, researchers found that people eating fruits like, banana, berries and apple are 14% lower chances to develop erectile dysfunction that people who don’t. It contains potassium that controls that sodium level and maintains the healthy blood flow towards the whole body parts. 6. Hot Peppers You may wonder how hot peppers can help you fight with erectile dysfunction. Okay, let me explain, recently a study published in physiology and behavior, found that people who regularly eat spicy foods tend to have a lower risk of erectile dysfunction. Their testosterone levels are always higher than the others. You may try chilly papers, they release endorphin hormone that is very important for better sexual health.

  5. 7. Broccoli Broccoli is one of the healthiest foods items to eat. It has plenty of health benefits. Eating broccoli regularly not only makes you healthier but also reduces the erectile dysfunction risks. Broccoli contains vitamin C that helps blood circulation throughout the body and also directly linked to improving the libido. Another plus point is, broccoli is not that costly that no one can afford. 8. Salmon Fish Fish has always been a great source of vitamins and highly famous among non-vegetarians. Many doctors and experts recommend the salmon fish to their patients because of their key benefits. When it comes to erectile dysfunction, salmon fish is most recommended because it contains nitric oxide that is very important for blood circulation towards the male genitals.

  6. 9. Olive Oil Olive oil is one of the best beverages to include in your diet that reduces the risk of erectile dysfunction. It is said that Olive oil is more beneficial than Viagra when it comes to erectile dysfunction. It is loaded with ingredients that increase the testosterone level and ultimately boost sexual performance. In a study, it is found that Greek men who taking olive oil in their diet are 40% less suffered from erectile dysfunction. 10. Watermelon Watermelon is juicy fruit that found in the summer (especially in April to June). A big chunk of people love to eat this fruit because of its taste but when it comes to treating erectile dysfunction, it works like a natural Viagra. Watermelon is loaded with an amino acid that helps to relax the blood vessels and works similar to Viagra. It is not possible to eat watermelon in every season, but if you are suffering from erectile dysfunction then whenever find the chance to eat it, just go for it.

  7. So, these are the top 10 foods for erectile dysfunction that everyone should add in their diet and lower the risk of erectile dysfunction naturally. Check out here, if you are looking for the best herbal medicine for erectile dysfunction. If you have any question let us know in the comment section, we will try to answer your question as soon as possible. What else you are eating to fight with erectile dysfunction?     Posted in Blog. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment. SIGN UP TO NEWS LETTER Your name Your email SIGN UP SIGN UP WE OFFER Online store Help ? Logout Checkout

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