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Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE. Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development. I. Introduction Different core issues for implementation of ESD in different countries: Information and Awareness Knowledge Systems
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development • I. Introduction • Different core issues for implementation of ESD in different countries: • Informationand Awareness • Knowledge Systems • Environmental Protection and Management • Peace and Equity • Local Context • Transformation • Culture • Cross Cutting Issues and Themes • Health • Environmental Education International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development • I. Introduction • Different core issues for implementation of ESD in different countries: • Example 2: Germany • Further develop the concept of ESD and broadly spread good practices • Forge stronger links between individual players / stakeholders in ESD • Increase public visibility of ESD • Strengthen international co-operation International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development • Introduction • Role / contribution of TVET for Sustainable Development and • interlinked strategies: • („Bonn Declaration“ on Learning for Work, Citcenship and Sustainability) • Advocacy and vision building • Support for the review and development of National TVET policies • Guidelines for Planning and Implementation • Capacity Building and Training Programmes • Learning Support Materials, Resources and Equipment • Networking and Partnership in TVET • Ongoing Monitoring, Evaluation and Research International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development • Introduction Role of TVET Teachers regarding ESD background of the systems perspective: • VET-teachers = key actors in renewal and updating of Vocational Education in any country • International there is no „common standard“ in TVET teacher training (TT); • TVET TT is everywhere closely linked to the development of the public education system • TVET in the different educational systems varies considerably from country to country • When searching for a model,it is difficult to recognise the systemic logic behind the • institutional layout in most of the countries: • Institutions have normally been built up to solve the problems of the day – and • major reforms of the institutional capacity appear hard to implement International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development II. TVET Teacher training models as starting point for implementation of Innovations towards ESD (German case) Main variants / models of TVET TT programmes existing at universities: • the „teacher model“ (with an emphasis on pedagogics and didactics) • the „engineer modell“ (with an emphasis on disciplinces of science and with marginal • pedagogy) • the „occupational-science model“ (which integrates a knowledge-based understanding of technology, • work-processes and didactics) At some universities occupational specific content is basically derived from the corresponding engineering curricula (the engineering model), whereas at a number of universities the occupational specific content is based on the idea of exploring the specific knowledge which is inherent to work processes on the level of skilled work, so called work-process knowledge. There is no scientific academic discipline behind this „occupational area“ – perspective – it is a study field which requires continuous empirical research and theoretical constructs to be able to follow changes in technology, work processes and developments in work organisation in companies, and on this basis analyse the impact of these changes on new competencies / qualifications required of skilled workers in production. International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2008
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development Actually discussed main approaches of renewalTVET TT: • The „engineer-model“ with higher pedagogic-didactic emphasis with a view to enhance pedagogical professionalism but still being a highly scientific „discipline“ model stressing enhanced subject knowledge to empower new teachers to adequately cope with the knowledge explosion. • VET TT education based on science of „occupational areas“ – criticising the discipline model for its lack of convergence between abstract engineer disciplines and actual vocational practice. It is based on a concept of vocational study fields, which combines work, technology and education, and which have to be studied empirically in the work place-observing and conceptualising „what is a skilled worker actually doing?“ Its focus is on developing action competencies and how to train for these through didactic „shaping“ of learning environments. • Modularised education based on inter-disciplinary-criticising the „occupational area“-model for its difficul-ties with integrating new job profiles; the boundaries of „occupational areas“ are changing perpetually under the pressure of „megatrends“, as: • - globalisation - individualisation - ICT • - knowledge explosion - Lifelong Learning - Sustainable Development • This model replaces the second subject in existing VET TT programmes with a number of modules to choose from for students. It is more flexible, integrates innovations rapidly without having to change the full programme and increases individual study competence. It also allows for more specialised studies after the teacher students own choice. International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development III. Demands of ESD to re-orient TVET Teacher training TVET Teachers must be enabled to reflect in their practice the dimensions of SD: - Economic dimension Ability of a system to produce goods and services on a continuing basis - Environmental dimension Ability of a system to maintain a stable resource base, avoiding over-exploitation of renewable resource systems, and depleting non-renewable maintenance of biodiversity, atmospheric stability, and other ecocsystems functions not ordinarily classed as economic resources - Social dimension Abilty of a system to achieve distributional equity, adequate provision of social services including health and education, gender equity, and political accountability and participation International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development III. Demands of ESD to re-orient TVET Teacher training TVET Teachers must be enabled to act as “service provider” for Individuals, Economy and Society - Pedagogical training seems often too academic and traditional and is not linked enough to the world of work; there must be awareness, that the primary function of TVET teachers is to produce not „teaching“ but „qualifications“ needed in modern economy; what is needed in TVET system is a configuration of teaching, learning and practical work experiences - Regarding of developing such an integrated approach is to support the development of TVET schools in becoming continuing vocational training providers, which engage proactively in providing training in new competences on demand of companies and communities - The provision of continuing vocational training to experienced workers from local companies is conductive to the continuous qualification of TVET teachers as courses of this kind require teachers to combine theory with the actual workplace experience of their adult course participants. These activities should have immediate spill-over effects on initial vocational training. International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development Sustainable action process in companies: TVET Teachers should be able to understand the SD-process in companies as well as they should be able to fulfill their „service func-tion“ to deliver appropriate training and competences for workforce to sucessful changes towards Sustainability International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development • III. Demands of ESD to re-orient TVET Teacher training • TVET Teachers must be enabled to link closely with the world of • work and local/regional communities / society to identify the real • training needs and to develop appropriate training programmes as • well as for youth, adolescents and adults • - Very few specialised, separate TVET TT institutions exists • TVET TT tends either to be integrated with general teacher education or to be sub- • speciality in other university programmes • At the same time, many institutions delivering VET-training, often under different • ministries; This has a negative effect on the development and systematic accumulation of TVET expertise and on research and innovation • There is also a lack of didactical thinking on vocational subjects which needs institutional „homes“ and can best be developed in centres of competence; • Some institutional concentration would, therefore, be advisable International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development III. Demands of ESD to re-orient TVET Teacher training TVET Teachers must be enabled to link closely with the world of work and local/regional communities / society to identify the real training needs and to develop appropriate training programmes as well as for youth, adolescents and adults - The traditional way of teaching divides the comprehensive learning process of the learner into the teaching of theoretical and practical subjects – this is not useful for understanding of work processes and demands of communities - There is a need to devote more attention to the development of the content of vocational subject in its own right. Vocationally specific subject theory is often underdeveloped - Teachers should not only have academic qualification and practical real-life work experience; they must be trained to convert this experience into their teaching concepts International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development III. Demands of ESD to re-orient TVET Teacher training TVET Teachers must be enabled to link closely with the world of work and local/regional communities / society to identify the real training needs and to develop appropriate training programmes as well as for youth, adolescents and adults • Existing TT curriculum will have to be changed if appropriate learning environments are to be • created • Teacher training methods need to focus more on the outcomes for learners in form of • demonstrated competency • If the learning environment is more active and project-based, learners are more likely to develop • the deep understanding of vocational concepts and skills, which is required in a rapidly changing • economy – special in context of complex concepts od Sustainable Development • This transfer of knowledge and skills is more likely to occur if the TT curriculum is based on • solving problems similar to those experienced in the world of work International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development III. Demands of ESD to re-orient TVET Teacher training TVET Teachers must be enabled to link closely with the world of work and local/regional communities / society to identify the real training needs and to develop appropriate training programmes as well as for youth, adolescents and adults • The dominant model for continuing TT is still supply-based: institutions such as universities etc. • offer training courses to VET schools either free of charge or on market terms. • Continuing VET TT, in particular, is still focused on individuals rather than groups, and does not • include institutional and organisational development. • More emphasis should be put on demand-led training provision close to, or within, the schools. • Training needs assessements are still mostly not carried out. International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development IV. Strategical/methodological aspects to re-orient TVET Teacher training towards ESD Main levels in of institutions and personnel in TVET TT International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development IV. Strategical/methodologicaL spects to re-orient TVET Teacher training towards ESD Demands and areas to be integrated in TVET TT: • integration of training and workplace learning • continuous adjustment to labour market developments / developments in society • special didactics relating to the huge range of practical skills • improvement of training programmes based on training needs assessement • methods of curriculum development • methods and techniques of ICT, Internet, databases and ICT-based media development • improvement of the standards of teaching and of the learning environment • vocational training for adults and special pedagogical/methodological tasks of re-training • organised transfer of research findings on VET to institutions involved in VET International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development IV. Strategical/methodologicaL spects to re-orient TVET Teacher training towards ESD Levels, problems and priorities regarding TVET TT: Levels Problems Priorities System * Lack of coherent national policies for TT * Encouraging similar status, pay and conditions TVET * Making salaries for trainers of teachers equivalent toand General education similar qualified employees in companies * Discontinuity between teacher training and curriculum * Development of standards for trainers of teachers and development trainers, based on core competencies including skills of * Disontinuity between TT and labour market needs teaching adults * Delay in identifying national occupational standards * Linking the upgrading of VET and TT to salary increases * Involvement of social partners in curriculum development and assessement of VET TT Regional * Unclear policies on the regional dimension of TT * Networks of „Teachers and Regional Adult Training * Inadequate registers of training opportunities at clearly Centres“ to disseminate good practice defined levels * Development of „practioner-experts“ drawn from * Shortage of VET trainer trainers outside the core created enterprises and VET schools to become trainers of through special projects teachers and trainers * Lack of specialised regional institutions for VET TT * Lack of integration of off-site and school or workplace- based training International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development IV. Strategical/methodologicaL spects to re-orient TVET Teacher training towards ESD Levels, problems and priorities regarding TVET TT: Levels Problems Priorities Local * Lack of procedures for guaranteeing standards in * Encouraging enterprises to support and become involved private TT institutions with TT * Inadequate links between training institutions and * Forming partnerships between TT institutions and companies enterprises Institu- * Unclear policies on regional dimensions of TT * Networks of „Teachers and Regional Adult Training tional * Inadequate registers of training opportunities at clearly Centres“ to disseminate good practice defined levels * Development of „practioner-experts“ drawn from * Shortage of VET trainer trainers outside the core created enterprises and VET schools to become trainers of through special projects teachers and trainers * Lack of specialised regional institutions for VET TT * Lack of integration of off-site and school or workplace- based training Team * Equipping TT departments with appropriate modern * Support for organisational development of TT institutions technological equipment and helping staff to use with the development of team approaches similar to best practices such technology in their teaching and training in other sectors * Age profile of trainers of teachers and trainers skewed towards the over 40s resulting in „old mentality“ resistant to change International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development IV. Strategical/methodologicaL spects to re-orient TVET Teacher training towards ESD Levels, problems and priorities regarding TVET TT: Levels Problems Priorities Individual * TT training is not an attractive profession due to low * Arrange to update trainers of teachers and trainers with salary, status, lack of career ladder and better knowledge and experience of the current labour market rewards for working in the commercial sector * Develope the role of „practioner-expert“ by using practising * „Brain drain“ to other professions and problems of teachers as trainers of other teachers recruitment * Insufficient experience of some trainers of teachers * Align qualifications and teacher and trainer profiles with the changing needs of the professions and teachers with the * Teacher trainers do not always have the world of companies / world of work credibility in VET schools for which they are training VET teachers * Excessive demands of multiple roles for the multiplicators (teacher, trainers, project manager) International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development V. Strategical framework to re-orient TVET Teacher training • Level at which Funding and Change leader(s) The innovation Target groups Effects (+/-) • the innovation timetable and strategy * Policies and * Achievements • is implemented * External/Internal * Top-down-“force“ * Plans dissemination * Unintended • * Short/long-term * Diffusion-“persuade“ * Materials * Pilot consequences • * Sustainable ? * Bottom-up-“empower“ * Knowledge * Large scale * Barriers • * Skills • * Values • System • National • Regional • Local • Institutional • Whole • Team • Individual • Teacher and • trainer training • Teacher and • trainer International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development V. Strategical/methodological approaches to re-orient TVET Teacher training Top-down „Cascading“ Network „Syn-Energizing“ Bottom-up“Self- developing“ National Project Between teacher and trainer Within teacher Individual reform training institutions and trainer teacher and training trainer institution training From system to institutions International – National - By individuals and institutions Regional - Local International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development Process line to introduce innovations in TVET (TT) towards ESD anticipation, innvation development of a observation-reflex as well in front end (old technologies) as afterwards (analysis- strategy of markets) to anticipate new trends and to be innovative process of professionalization progressive searching for improvement product, demand, branch, area embedding in a superior theme and / or in an area- oriented dynamic, to develope demand-driven products activities, additional knowledges Command of necessary additional knowledges for exercice of activitiessse. qualifications and occupations acquisition/ update of basic-qualification necessary for exercice a occupation to do something make something good make something better to do more International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development Suppliers of technologie Laboratorys, private research-institutes Consultancy companies Universities public research- institutes Public administration institutio-nally local contacts professio- nally contacts Interested persons from other areas families / inhabitants TVET for ESD International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009
Fostering and Building Human Capital for Sustainable Knowledge Societies in SEE Selected issues in the re-orientation of TVET to Sustainable Development Your Partner in: Human Resource and Organizational Development in International Cooperation Tailor-made training solutions Made in Germany with worldwide experience InWEnt: Contact: www.inwent.org harry.stolte@inwent.org International Conference: Dr.Harry Stolte Bucharest, 6-7 March, 2009