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Slot Credit Substitutions

Slot Credit Substitutions. Basic Concepts and why it is a Desirable Public Policy Goal. CDM A&D Sub Group Meeting - April 18, 2001 Presented by Roger Beatty - American Airlines System Operations Control. If an airport arrival rate is constrained we can adjust demand by:.

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Slot Credit Substitutions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Slot Credit Substitutions Basic Concepts and why it is a Desirable Public Policy Goal CDM A&D Sub Group Meeting - April 18, 2001 Presented by Roger Beatty - American Airlines System Operations Control

  2. If an airport arrival rate is constrained we can adjust demand by: • Delay flights over time to used capacity that is available later in the day • Cancel flights and reaccommodate passengers • Combinations of both delay and cancel options • NOTE: The delay option is available to both the airlines and ATCSCC. The “Cancel and reaccommodate” is an airlineonly option and can be encouraged or discourage by incentive

  3. P-DELAY = #PSGR X min DLYD Passengers Passengers 0 CNX 60 176 (60 late) 116 93 93 87 87 87 87 P-Delay min =3600 Original P-Delay is 738% geater then revised TTL 443 P-Delay min = 26580

  4. Moved 5 min P-DELAY = #PSGR X min DLYD Passengers Passengers 60 116 MISSED 93 87 HOW CAN WE BRIDGE THE GAP AND ALLOW GOOD THINGS TO HAPPEN 87 TTL 443 P-Delay min = 26580

  5. SLOT CREDIT SUBSTITUTIONS (SCS) WOULD ALLOW: • Participants to submit a SCS if the slot released was of greater value (earlier) then the one requested (later) • One or more other flights that were available for compression to have their delay reduced to bridge the gap caused by the SCS • For flights to wind up in “true” slots and the 20 minute window would not be required

  6. Parties Involved in Slot Credit Substitutions: • Operator requesting the SCS • Operator(s) forming the delay reduction bridge for the SCS request • ATCSCC software and personnel running the Ground Delay Program

  7. The originator of the SCS cancellation should be able to “see” if an SCS is: • Required (If an normal sub would work why use a SCS?) • Possible (Are their flights available to form the delay reduction bridge) • Acceptable (Will ETMS/FSM process the request successfully and the desired delay reduction results be achieved)

  8. The operators forming the compression bridge should: • Have their flights that requested earlier CTAs receive appropriate delay reduction • Be notified of EDCT/CTA changes in a timely and convenient manner • Have minimal disruption to normal slot swapping activities

  9. ATCSCC should perceive SCS as a way to fulfill desirable policy goals: • It encourages cancellations and decreases passenger delays • Provides better passenger delivery rate • Reduces ATCSCC work load as part of the need to compress GDPs would be accomplished through the SCS process • Will not lead to greater data instability

  10. Slot Credit Substitution(SCS) is a Powerful Concept • It provides a frame work for better inter-airline slot utilization • Allows for better airline and ATCSCC distributed decision making • Could significantly reduce passenger delays • The question should not be IF we should do SCS but HOW we should do it and how quickly can we get it done

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