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Ofsted Feedback & Quality Dissemination W elcome June 10. Workforce Requirements – Skills Now! Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention Learning leadership + a High Performing L&D function – Competency Framework Educational Governance MPET Review. Strategic Context. Context
Workforce Requirements – Skills Now! Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention Learning leadership + a High Performing L&D function – Competency Framework Educational Governance MPET Review Strategic Context
Context Scrutiny - Public funding (JIF) Ensure minimum performance Value for money Promote quality improvement Scale and complexity Type of provision across the academy Our first Ofsted
To All Inspected Sites Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust University Hospitals of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust Cheshire HR Services North Cumbria University Hospital NHS Trust Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Liverpool PCT Mersey Care NHS Trust St Helens & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust Calderstones NHS Trust Our thanks
This inspection felt less like an inspection and more a professional discussion Now not just driving… but flying Engaging opportunity for many Verbal feedback
Grades 3= Satisfactory
Ofsted Highlights • Learners • Good development of skills and confidences • Teaching and learning satisfactory with some good resources • Some lack regular access to assessors • Missed opportunities for E&D and health and safety • Planning for progression needs to be further developed. • Success rates Overall strong and above national but timely rates are Low • Leadership • SAFH provide strong vision, motivation and promote high standards • Recent quality actions having an impact • Strong partnership working • Good safeguarding and satisfactory equality and diversity • Board level strategic direction and planning needs to be articulated • Systematic planning and monitoring needed • Quality of Provision • Good range of provision • Satisfactory assessment • Arrangements for IAG satisfactory • Learner plans lack detail • Need to enhance tracking • Need to focus more on target setting • Varied approach to SFL
SAfH has recently implemented a good range of actions to improve the speed at which learners achieve their qualifications. Learners enjoy learning and gain good work-related skills. SAfH works well with employers to develop and expand provision that meets the needs of local communities. The organisation has established strong partnerships to engage learners from under-represented groups and deprived communities. Good use is made of the specialist knowledge of SAfH to support staff training across the regions. effectiveness
Learners enjoy learning and take pride in their work. They develop a good range of workplace and social skills and benefit from their training programmes. They make good progress in the development of caring skills and understanding the needs of those they are caring for. The standard of learners’ work is generally satisfactory, and in some cases good, and this equips learners well for further study or employment…Many learners have progressed on to other courses that further enhance their value in the workplace and their own sense of worth. Outcomes for learners
Teaching and learning are satisfactory. Assessors share their extensive, relevant industrial experience in vocational areas with learners and use it well in planning activities related to employment practices. They are skilled motivators, encouraging learners to participate fully both in direct training workshops and workplace activities. The quality and frequency of assessment is varied. Not all learners have regular access to assessment and a few learners have long gaps between assessments… The majority of learners receive useful verbal feedback from assessors on their work; however a few assessors do not sufficiently record details of observed assessments. Planning of learning does not include all aspects of the learner experience. Learners access a wide range of training from their hospital training which is not included in learning plans. Many individual learning plans lack detail and target setting does not clearly identify what the learner needs to do to make progress. Quality of Provision
Learner and Employer feedback to OFSTED • Employer Views • Having a very good relationship with the Academy • Very responsive and flexible approach • SAfHs good understanding of the employers’ needs • SAfHs commitment to breaking down barriers and supporting the local community to participate, use and benefit from the knowledge of the wide range of practitioners • Learner Views • The good level of help and support provided by the assessors • Courses that fit in well with working days • The rapid response made to requests for help • Being given the opportunity to move onto bigger and better things • Being able to achieve a qualification • Being respected
Continue to improve and sustain learners’ overall and timely success rates Further strengthen data management and monitoring and analysis Further strengthen quality assurance approach/systems Develop robust assessment practices, system and protocols Promote and reinforce safeguarding, and equality and diversity, during assessments and reviews. Use of individual learning plans and use of targets Focus on progression pathways and IAG Share best practice Long term strategic plan for academy Ofsted recommendations
There will be an increase in the number of Bands 1-4 staff achieving a minimum level 2 or higher qualification. There will be an increase in the number of Bands 1-4 staff accessing funded educational activity. There will be an increase of staff meeting the required national levels for literacy and numeracy. At least 80% of staff undertaking funded educational activities under the IIH/JIF and apprenticeship investment will complete their programme of study within the expected time frame 100% of Accredited Centres will utilise and populate the Educational Monitoring Tool. Key Performance Indicators 2010/11
100% of Accredited Centres will support and provide the required level and detail of learner information, centre and organisational documentation required to ensure compliance with quality assurance mechanisms and any requirements for internal/external inspections. 100% of Accredited Centres will produce on an annual basis a statement of activity, opportunities for development and quality improvement action plans. All Accredited centres shall ensure that access to the opportunities provided through IIH/JIF is promoted in a manner sensitive to target groups’ needs. All Accredited centres will participate in networks and forums to support the sharing, dissemination and adoption of best practice in delivery of work-based learning provision. Key Performance Indicators 2010/11
Group1 Quality Improvement Plan Review plan Is it understandable? Anything missing? Are the actions for trusts clear/ appropriate Group 2 & 3 Subject Specific Plan Read the specific subject specific section of the ofsted report With reference to the recommendations made identify and record 2 key actions that could be taken to improve position Sense checking!
Skills for life (Literacy and Numeracy) Formats: NLMS, CD Stand alone
Undertaking Peer Teaching Observation Reviews Facilitator: Dilys Taylor Half Day session 20th July 10 – 1pm Liverpool Seminar – Peer Teaching Observation
Openness to challenge and innovation Focus, rigour, sharing and consistency Improvement orientated - best we can be Maximising opportunities for engagement and progression Share and Adopt Our common challenge