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Understanding Hunters’ Responses to Chronic Wasting Disease: The Potential for Conflict Index

Understanding Hunters’ Responses to Chronic Wasting Disease: The Potential for Conflict Index. Jerry J. Vaske Mark D. Needham Michael J. Manfredo Peter Newman Colorado State University Jordan Petchenik Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources. Application Context. CWD:

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Understanding Hunters’ Responses to Chronic Wasting Disease: The Potential for Conflict Index

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  1. Understanding Hunters’ Responses to Chronic Wasting Disease: The Potential for Conflict Index Jerry J. Vaske Mark D. Needham Michael J. Manfredo Peter Newman Colorado State University Jordan Petchenik Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources

  2. Application Context • CWD: • Transmissible fatal disease of deer & elk • Emaciation, loss of body functions, excessive salivation • Similar to Creutzfeldt-Jakob (humans), scrapie (sheep) • Not known to be transmissible to humans • Research: • ISSRM Conference (2004) • Special journal issue (Human Dimensions of Wildlife)

  3. Management Goal: Eradicate entire wild deer herd within 4 miles of where CWD positivedeer have been found

  4. Methods • Mail survey of 2001 Wisconsin gun deer hunters • N = 1373 (67% response rate), cluster analysis: • Hunted deer in Wisconsin in 2002 • Dropped out of deer hunt in Wisconsin in 2002 due to: • Strong CWD influence • Weak CWD influence • Data weighted to adjust over-sampling CWD area • Study assessed: • Behavioral intentions – CWD response (8 scenarios) • Support for non-lethal & lethal management actions

  5. Scenario Example Scenario 7.For the approaching deer hunting season, wildlife managers know the following: CWD has been DETECTEDin your deer management unit CWD certified USDA test is NOT AVAILABLE How likely or unlikely is it for you to take the following actions?

  6. Traditional Display • Scenario 7 – Percentage distribution • I will give up deer hunting for the 2003 deer season

  7. Traditional Display Acceptability ratings forScenario 7 • I will give up deer hunting for the 2003 deer season

  8. PCI and Means Means & PCI measures for Scenario 7

  9. Very Likely Unsure Very Unlikely Action Likelihood Continue to hunt in same unit Hunt, but switch to a new unit Give up deer hunting for season PCI – Situation 1 Hunted in Hunter dropouts Hunter dropouts 2002 season Weak CWD CWD CWD not been detected in unit you hunt in USDA certified test for CWD is available

  10. Very Likely Unsure Very Unlikely Action Likelihood Continue to hunt in same unit Hunt, but switch to a new unit Give up deer hunting for season PCI – Situation 3 Hunted in Hunter dropouts Hunter dropouts 2002 season Weak CWD CWD CWD detectedin adjacent unit only USDA certified test for CWD notavailable

  11. Very Likely Unsure Very Unlikely Action Likelihood Continue to hunt in same unit Hunt, but switch to a new unit Give up deer hunting for season PCI – Situation 7 Hunted in Hunter dropouts Hunter dropouts 2002 season Weak CWD CWD CWD has been detected in unit you hunt in USDA certified test for CWD notavailable

  12. Strongly Favor Unsure Strongly Oppose Action Support Reduce deer herd within 4 miles of where infected deer detected Reduce deer herd within 40 miles of where infected deer detected Eradicate entire herd within 4 miles of where infected deer detected PCI – Lethal Actions Hunted in Hunter dropouts Hunter dropouts 2002 season Weak CWD CWD

  13. Strongly Favor Unsure Strongly Oppose Action Support Do nothing to control CWD and let the disease take its natural course Monitor CWD and wait for complete test results before managing PCI – Non-Lethal Actions Hunted in Hunter dropouts Hunter dropouts 2002 season Weak CWD CWD

  14. Results Summary • Did hunt in 2002 gun deer season: • Hunt in unit in 2003 irrespective of CWD, testing • Hunter dropouts: • Weak CWD influence: • Hunt in unit in 2003 if CWD not in unit, irrespective of testing • Divided on 2003 hunt if CWD in unit, testing unavailable • Strong CWD influence: • Hunt in unit in 2003 if CWD not in unit, testing available • Divided on 2003 hunt if CWD in adjacent unit • Stop hunting if CWD in unit, testing unavailable • All hunters: • Favored CWD monitoring & testing • Divided on lethal management (herd eradication) • Did not favor CWD taking its natural course (no mgmt)

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