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Explanatory Writing

Explanatory Writing. ELA 6 th and 7 th grade Ms. Paiva. What about it?. On the NJASK 6 th -8 th graders may be given an Explanatory prompt about a quote .  You will have to read a famous quote and explain what it means and how you can relate to it. You will have 30 minutes . .

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Explanatory Writing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Explanatory Writing ELA 6th and 7th grade Ms. Paiva

  2. What about it? • On the NJASK 6th -8th graders may be given an Explanatory prompt about a quote.  • You will have to read a famous quote and explain what it means and how you can relate to it. • You will have 30 minutes. 

  3. Remember Q.E.C.L • Quote • Example • Connection • Lesson

  4. Quote This is your first paragraph. It is your Interpretation paragraph. • Tell your reader what the quote says and who wrote it/or said it. • In the words of… • Explain what the quote means. • I understand this to mean… • My understanding is… c. State your position/point of view

  5. Example This is your second paragraph. It is your Example or Scenario paragraph. • Give an example or scenario to support your position • For example, • Provide adequate details. (SHOW DON’T TELL!)

  6. Connection This is your third paragraph. It is your Connection paragraph. • Make a connection to the quote. • Text to self • Text to text • Text to world • I can remember… • This reminds me of a time…movie…book…friend…show…

  7. Lesson This is your fourth & last paragraph. Every quote teaches a lesson…What did it teach you? • Explain the lesson learned in this quote: • Looking back… • This has taught me… • I have learned… • In the future I plan to… • As a result… • In reflection… • Now that I am wiser… • Experience has taught me…

  8. Let’s Practice Analyzing Quotes! • Yes, sometimes you will need to read the quote more than once to fully understand what the writer was trying to say…THAT’S OK! • DO NOT read the quote once, and say, “I don’t get it!” –Instead REREAD it a second time, third time, fourth time… • BUT! If you brake down the quote into parts or sections. You are more likely to understand what it means.

  9. “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” • Notice how I “Broke the quote down into two parts”. • The first part: I can conclude that the author is saying • people fail in life. • The second part: I can conclude that the author is • saying people will achieve or become successful. • Now, if I put all my thoughts together, I can • concluded that the author is saying: If you dare to keep • trying and not be scared to fail, you will achieve what • you wanted and reach success.

  10. "If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere." --Anonymous

  11. "It is not enough to have a good mind.  The main thing is to use it well." -- Rene Descartes

  12. "Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment.” --Ralph Waldo Emerson

  13. "Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.“ --Will Rogers

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