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Introduction to E-Commerce Technology for Efficient Business Operations

E-commerce involves buying and selling products using computer networks to enhance speed and decision-making. It facilitates various business processes, advertising, order taking, and reduces time and costs. This global phenomenon enables online shopping, banking, and secure transactions, benefiting both companies and consumers. E-commerce utilizes electronic applications to improve information distribution and marketing strategies.

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Introduction to E-Commerce Technology for Efficient Business Operations

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  2. INTRODUCTION • MEANING E-Commerce – electronic commerce e-commerce needs are • Organisation • Merchants • Consumer • Goods and services – to increase the speed of delivery • To search and retrieve information to take decisions.

  3. E-commerce associated with Buying Selling Products and services via., computer networks Future via networks - Myriad of networks – information super highway (I - way) I – way transform information technology ex., electronic applications. I – way is a global one. It is also called as NII – National information infrastructure. through EDI we are exchanging the information from computer to computer.

  4. e – commerce facilitates new types of information 1) business process – interacting 2) online advertising – marketing 3) online order taking – customer service 4) it also reduce – time, cost, cost of production& service.

  5. e – commerce helps1) home shopping2) home banking3) e-cash4) credit & debit payment5) in transaction between company and consumer6) by using EDI7) bar code scanning, market research, information processing & decision making8) information distribution – prospective consumers – advertising, sales & marketing

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