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The Revised Constitution, Chapter Operations, and Then Some. Presented by the Strategic Planning Committee Alpha Iota State. MEMBERSHIP. Membership.
The Revised Constitution, Chapter Operations, and Then Some Presented by the Strategic Planning Committee Alpha Iota State
Membership An active member shall be a woman who is employed as a professional educator or has been retired from an educational position. An active member shall participate in the activities of the Society. (C/III.B,1)
Membership A reserve member, so requesting, shall be restored to active membership. (C/III.B.2.b.)
Membership A former member shall be reinstated to membership by the chapter receiving the request. (C/III.F.)
Vision: Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide (C/II.C.)
Organization’s Name: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International may also be known as the Society, Delta Kappa Gamma, ΔΚΓ, or DKG. (SR/1.02)
Pin Etiquette: The official jewelry may be worn on a ribbon or other manner as desired by the member. (SR/1.16)
Meetings Chapter personnel, all of whom must be members of the Society, shall be defined in the chapter rules. It is desired that the appointed parliamentarian be a member. (C/VI.B.3)
Meetings The chapter executive board may meet through electronic communication as long as all the members may simultaneously hear one another and participate during the meeting. (C/IX.A.2.c)
Meetings Regular meetings are meetings where chapter business is conducted. (SR/9.11)
International Program of Work is now … Educational Excellence Committee(pRogram and Projects)
International Committee Modifications Members voted to eliminate these International committees and reassign their responsibilities: Personal Growth and Services Professional Affairs Program Research
Educational Excellence Responsibilities The committee shall be organized to function as a committee of the whole or, at the discretion of the chair, in groups , to accomplish it’s responsibilities for personal and professional growth. The committee shall promote programs and projects for excellence in education.
Education Excellence Responsibilities The committee shall identify long-term and short-term programs and projects that focus on topics adopted by the Society. The committee shall transmit suggestions for study and action to state organizations and chapters. International Project: Schools for Africa (International/state/chapter participation)
Educational Excellence Responsibilities The committee shall support programs of action that promote personal well-being, intellectual growth, and global awareness of women educators; encourage a focus on the arts …, and develop strategies that will enable chapters to encourage members to become leaders.
Educational Excellence Responsibilities The committee shall encourage state organizations and chapters to participate in programs that promote professional growth of women educators. Society-wide Focus: Involvement in activities that will assist early career teachers (International/state/chapter participation)
Educational Excellence Membership Chairman 2 representatives from each of 5 regions Plus, Music Representative NGO Representative
But … What about the state organization POW? What about chapter program teams? Must our structure change? Must we revise state and chapter policies to reflect the same structure International is using?
Program State organizations and chapters may fulfill their constitutional responsibilities by establishing committees, as needed. (C/VIII.A.c)
Scholarships/Grants The Society offers up to twenty-nine (29) annual international scholarships for graduate study. (C/XIII.B.5.a)
Scholarships/Grants The applicant is required to: b. have completed a bachelor’s degree or c. be accepted and enrolled in a graduate program of a nationally accredited institution of higher education, preferable pursuing a doctoral degree; (SR/13.62.b-c)
Scholarships/Grants(AND Money Matters) The term grant-in-aid shall represent the general category of awards granted by state organizations and chapters that are supported by funds other than the scholarship fee. (C/XIII. C. 2.a)
Money Matters The chapter treasurer shall maintain a record of receipts, bills, and bank statements. (C/VI.C.9.a.(3))
Money Matters International dues shall be an amount recommended by the Executive Board and approved by the international convention. (C/IV.A.1)
Money Matters International active dues shall be U.S. forty and No/100 ($40.00) and international reserve dues shall be U.S. Twenty and No/100 ($20.00). Beginning in 2012 international active and international reserve dues may be adjusted each biennium based on the United States of America Social Security Administration’s Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) average for the previous two (2) years, rounded up to the nearest whole dollar. (SR/4.11)
Money Matters The amount of international dues shall be set biennially by the executive board and approved by the convention. (SR/4.12)
Money Matters Chapter members may vote to pay an amount in addition to dues and fees for the support of a chapter or state organization project. (SR/4.41)
International Constitution and Standing Rules, 2010 edition, will be available in January 2011.
Presented by …MI Strategic Planning Committee Dr. Paula Dent, Chairman Nancy Berkompas Judy Foster Sally Garrison Mary Hartman J-Jay Pechta Dr. Helen Popovich Eileen Rodak Jackie Smart Mary Tracey