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Presentation Transcript

  1. Title Slide

  2. Data Sources

  3. Alhurra & Radio Sawa Surveys Survey research for Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa in the Middle East is done by ACNielsen and D3 Systems (for Iraq and Syria only) through the BBG's global research program independently managed by the Washington, DC-based research firm InterMedia. Unless otherwise noted, interviews are face-to-face among adults (aged 15+) .

  4. Reach

  5. Middle East Reach

  6. Total Audience of Alhurra and Radio Sawa

  7. Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa Weekly Audiences by Country

  8. Alhurra Trends

  9. Daily and Weekly Viewership of Alhurra Base: All respondents

  10. Radio Sawa Trends

  11. Radio Sawa Listeners Under 30

  12. Alhurra in the Broadcast Environment

  13. Station Comparison: Yesterday Viewing

  14. Algeria 2007

  15. Bahrain 2006

  16. Egypt 2008

  17. Iraq 2008

  18. Jordan 2008

  19. Kuwait 2007

  20. Lebanon 2008

  21. Morocco 2008

  22. Oman 2008

  23. Saudi Arabia 2008

  24. Syria 2008

  25. UAE 2008

  26. Weekly Audiences in Millions:Main Regional Stations

  27. Reliability

  28. Reliability of Alhurra

  29. Reliability of Radio Sawa

  30. Understanding

  31. “Understanding” Question Q: To what extent has your listening to Radio Sawa/viewing of Alhurra increased your understanding of: current events/American culture and society/U.S. policies? • A great deal • Somewhat • Very little • Not at all • Don’t know/Not relevant

  32. Alhurra: Understanding of Current Events

  33. Alhurra:Understanding of U.S. Culture and Society

  34. Alhurra:Understanding of U.S. Policies

  35. Radio Sawa Understanding of Current Events

  36. Radio Sawa Understanding of Culture & Society

  37. Radio Sawa Understanding of US Policies

  38. Radio Sawa asa News Source

  39. The Question • While surveys showed from the start that Sawa was attracting large audiences, critics charged that listeners were using it solely as an entertainment station. • Are listeners in fact using Sawa for news or are they switching off when the news comes on?

  40. What Do Listeners Do When the News Comes On? • Q.When you are listening to Radio Sawa and the news comes on do you usually? • Listen the same as to any other program • Pay more attention • Pay less attention • Switch to another station • No special pattern • Don’t know/Not relevant

  41. What Do Sawa Listeners Do When The News Comes On?

  42. Using Radio Sawa For News

  43. TV Channels Used for News • Did you watch [LIST OF CHANNELS] in the last 12 months? • When was the last time you watched [EACH CHANNEL WATCHED IN LAST 12 MONTHS]? • And of the channels you have mentioned [ALL CHANNELS WATCHED IN LAST 12 MONTHS], which do you regularly use for news and information about current events?

  44. “Regular” Use of Alhurra for News

  45. Frequency of Watching News on Alhurra • You mentioned that you have watched Alhurra. How often do you watch the news on that station?

  46. Frequency of Watching Alhurra for News

  47. Most Important Channels for News and Information • Among the channels you use for news and information [CHANNELS MENTIONED IN C.4.5], which one is your most important source of news and information? • Which is the second most important source of news and information? • Which is the third most important source of news and information?

  48. Alhurra as a Top News Source

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