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Gain insights into effective teaching, biblical philosophy, lesson preparation, and nurturing positive attitudes. Understand the impact of behavior on teaching and strategies for enhancing the classroom environment from "Teaching Techniques Revitalizing Methodology for the 21st Century" by Jonathan Thigpen. Learn the laws of teaching and the importance of developing a biblical philosophy of teaching. Cultivate a teacher-centered and student-centered approach, utilizing a variety of resources. Develop the necessary skills to advance the program of God in the church.
“Capable leaders who minister through teaching are needed if the church is to experience spiritual growth and to advance the program of God”John W. Wade
Course Description: This course gives the learner a foundational understanding of the meaning and application of teaching in Christian education.
Learner Objectives: • To acquire insight into current research on effective teaching. • To provide an overview of classroom teaching. • To develop a biblical philosophy of teaching. • To learn how to prepare effective classroom lessons. • To nurture and cultivate a positive attitude towards teaching. • To understand the impact of the teacher’s classroom behavior on teaching. • To learn effective strategies for enhancing the classroom environment.
Course Text: Teaching Techniques Revitalizing Methodology for the 21st Century, Edited by Jonathan Thigpen, Ph.D., Evangelical Training Association, 2003 Edition, ISBN: 0-910566-05-4.
Course Foundation – Our Commission: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations … to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” Matthew 28:19 & 20
Developing Your Philosophy of Teaching: Teacher’s Philosophy Defined – Consists of the things the teacher believes to be true about the universe, people, the goals of teaching, how people learn, and about how education should be practiced.
The Benefits of Developing a Biblical Philosophy of Teaching: • It will help you focus on the big picture. • It will help you adapt to constantly changing conditions. • It will make it easier for you to implement new methodologies in the teaching process. • It will help you see the link between methodologies and learning outcomes. 5. It will make it easier to reproduce yourself in the life of other teachers.
The Seven Laws of Teaching: 1. The Law of the Teacher - The teacher must know that which is to be taught. 2. The Law of the Learner - The learner must desire to learn that which is to be taught. 3. The Law of the Language - The language must be common to both teacher and learner. 4. The Law of the Lesson - Truth that is taught must be learned through truth already known. 5. The Law of the Teaching Process - The self-activities of the learners. 6. The Law of the Learning Process -The student must integrate into his or her own life the truth that has been taught. 7. The Law of the Review and Application • The teacher and student must continually review • and apply the truth taught.
You, the Teacher – First things First: • Faith in God and his Word, Personality, and Example. • Knowledge of the Bible, related Subjects and Students Characteristics. • Your Responsibilities – Positive Attitude, Lesson preparation and Self-Preparation.
Teaching Methods - Teacher Centered vs. Student Centered Methods: • Teacher Centered Methods – Lecture, Storytelling, and Illustrations. • Student Centered Methods – Group Discussion, Drama, Field Trips and Projects.
Teaching resources: • Print • Audio • Visual • Computer • Internet