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Dynamic Fields: Physical Education & Sports Studies for a Healthier Life

Explore the interconnected realms of Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport Studies to enhance physical fitness and well-being. Learn about the evolution and importance of structured physical activities, from athletics to leisure, and their impact on overall wellness. Discover the fundamental components of health-related fitness and skill-related goals, as well as the significance of a physically active lifestyle for personal growth and social interaction. Dive into a comprehensive understanding of movement concepts, motor skills development, and the benefits of physical activity in promoting quality of life.

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Dynamic Fields: Physical Education & Sports Studies for a Healthier Life

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Physical Education, Exercise Science, And Sport Studies: Dynamic Fields

  2. Allied Fields • Common heritage • Specific disciplines • Related to exercise, play, games, leisure recreation, athletics.

  3. Exercise The practice, to strengthen, or to condition through physical activity.

  4. Play amusements engaged in freely for fun

  5. Games Outcomes with winners/losers and guided by rules

  6. Leisure Freedom from work and responsibility

  7. Recreation Personal renewal during leisure time with, or without, physical activity

  8. Athletics highly structured competitive activities for skilled individuals

  9. intensity Fitness & Education Highly Competitive • Physical education • exercise • Athletics • recreation rules rules • Sport • Sport • Games • Leisure • Play Fun & Diversion Highly Skilled intensity

  10. Sport Physical activities governed by formal and informal rules that involve competition against an opponent or oneself and are engaged in for fun, recreation, or reward.

  11. Exercise Science Analysis of the human body in motion

  12. Physical Education Process of obtaining physical, mental, social, & fitness skills through physical activity

  13. PHYSICAL EDUCATION is an integral partof the total education processand has as its aims the development of: physically mentally socially & emotionally fit citizens through the medium of physical activities that have been selected and planned to achieve specific outcomes.

  14. Are you physically educated?

  15. A PHYSICALLY EDUCATEDPERSON From “National Standards for Physical Education,” NASPE, 1995.

  16. Demonstrates competence in many different forms of physical activity. • Demonstrates proficiency in a few forms of physical activity.

  17. Applies movement concepts to the development of motor skills

  18. Exhibits a physically active lifestyle

  19. Achieves health-enhancing level of physical fitness

  20. Demonstrates personal & social behavior in physical activity settings.

  21. Respects differences among people in physical activity settings.

  22. Understands that physical activity provides opportunities for…

  23. Enjoyment • Challenge • Self-expression • Social interaction.

  24. Quality of Life

  25. Importance of physical activity is stressed in reports such as Healthy People 2010.

  26. Goal 1:Increase quality and years of healthy life.

  27. Goal 2:Eliminate health disparities.

  28. Physical education, exercise science & sports studies add value to the lives of participants.

  29. Wellness constant/deliberate choices for a better life in all aspects (mental, physical, spiritual, emotional).

  30. Physical Fitness ability of the body to perform efficiently without undue fatigue and to adjust to demands placed upon it.

  31. Components of Health-Related Fitness • Cardiorespiratory endurance • Muscular strength • Muscular endurance • Flexibility • Body composition

  32. Agility Balance Coordination Power Reaction Time Speed Components of Skill-Related

  33. These goals fit into the three domains of learning • Cognitive • Affective • Psychomotor

  34. Otheralliedfields • Health • Recreation • Dance

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