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Investigating the potential of wave energy in the Aegean Sea for decentralized energy production in remote island areas. The study includes numerical modeling using SWAN and validation of wave hindcast data to identify high-energy areas. The research highlights the benefits of coupling wave energy devices with existing renewable sources to reduce oil dependency and promote economic sustainability for isolated regions. Acknowledging support from EPSRC and researchers Dr. Vengatesan Venugopal and Dr. Daniel Friedrich.
7th International Scientific Conference on “Energy and Climate Change” 8-10 October 2014 Athens, Greece Investigating The Opportunities For Wave Energy In The Aegean Sea George Lavidas g.lavidas@ed.ac.uk
Content • 1. Introduction • 2. Wave Energy • Numerical Modelling • SWAN(Simulating Waves Nearshore) • 3. Area of Investigation • Validation of Hindcast • 4. Wave Energy Opportunities • Applications
1.Introduction • Greece is a Mediterranean country with abundant Renewable Energy (RE) resource. • Currently Photovoltaic, solar thermal, onshore wind and hydro account for the RE penetration. • In 2012 almost 13.8% of energy production
Aegean Characteristics • Greece offers many coastline areas. • Number of naval infrastructure in existence in most locations. • Many island complexes. • Islands are isolated from the centralized grid. • Energy is comprised mostly by oil imports and thermal stations. • Increased cost of energy is subsidized by the State.
2.Wave Energy • Waves pose a potential for the decentralization and energy production, in remote and island areas. • Resource assessment and identification of highly energetic areas is required. • Buoys offer some information of the wave environment.
Numerical Modelling • Most devices are to be located nearshore (depth <150m). • The absence and scarcity of buoys, make the assessment difficult. • Numerical wave models can substitute the procedure, if calibrated and set up correctly.
SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) • Is a third generation numerical model, resolving the wave kinematic action balance equation in a implicit way. • Improved physical terms for nearshore applications. • Allows different spectra to be resolved.
3. Area of Investigation Aegean Sea, hindcast 2010 A nested run was performed, Aegean Sea resolution is 0.025x0.025 degrees. All shallow water physical terms activated and calibrated accordingly. JONSWAP spectrum considered for wave generation and propagation.
Validation of hindcast • Using multiple Indexes enhances the validation process. • Hindcsast was compared with 3-hr data buoy intervals. • High reliability of hindcast by SWAN
Significant wave height validation Peak Period validation
4. Opportunities for wave energy • Highest potential of wave energy can be identified through the results. • Summer months present the lowest power capacity.
Applications • Wave energy devices can be coupled with local RE sources and especially wind. • Due to the nature of the resource, waves and wind complement each other. • This can lead to multiple platforms utilization. • Employment and infrastructure opportunities. • Desalination plants can also benefit from wave devices. • Reduction of oil usage in island energy production. • Overall diversification of the energy mix. • Reduction of the economic cost for remote islands.
THANK YOU Acknowledgments: • EPSRC for the research grant • Dr. Vengatesan Venugopal • Dr. Daniel Friedrich