1. History of Social Work What is a profession?
Unique skill, specialized training, systematic theory, code of ethics, professional association
Gain acceptance
Help with access to resources Critical to act in a professional manner, not just be called professionalCritical to act in a professional manner, not just be called professional
2. Conservative SW Tenet Ind & family responsibility & Private over public
Attend to defects & maintain a safety net
3. Liberal view Individual & institutional change
Partnership b/w public & private
4. Radical view Restructuring of broad political, social & economical structures
Will result in redistributing resources
5. Big ?’s Building a profession/ or a service delivery system
SW’s role in a national system of social welfare
Role of a profession in social change?
6. History of Social Work State charitable institutions (mid 1800’s)
Almsgiving to the poor (Judeo-Christian Practice)
Auctioned out
Poorhouse, >>>asylum(humane facility-for specific dependent group)
End of 1800’s( high $ & #’s, isolate groups) not a panacea
National Conference of Charities & Corrections
7. 2 Movements Charitable Organization Society
From UK to US 1877
Individual factor in poverty
Home visits to address moral deficits
Industrialization>relief (individual deviation)
Unemployment, fear of militancy, & ind. Responsibility
Led to COS
Joseph Lowell dependency “evil of modern life”
“visitors”, loans, job assistance
Outlet for college ed. Women
Mary Richmond
Systematic assessment into causes,training, “Social Diagnosis”
8. Settlement House Environmental & Social factors
Jane Addams & Ellen Starr-Ed woman of the day
Lived in poor neighborhoods, went from neighbor to service provider
Nursery, lectures/ cultural programs, space for neighborhood groups
Supported by charity but eyed government as source of reforms
Run by woman
9. Xercise