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P HIL. 111-005 : I NTRODUCTION to P HILOSOPHY. Philosophy. theis@email.unc.edu. Before the next class, send me an email with the following: Name Year in school Where you’re from Previous philosophy classes, if any Anything else I should know.
theis@email.unc.edu Before the next class, send me an email with the following: • Name • Year in school • Where you’re from • Previous philosophy classes, if any • Anything else I should know.
PHIL. 111-005:INTRODUCTIONto PHILOSOPHY * * * Instructor: Ben Theis Office Hours: Thu. 4:00-6:00 E-mail: theis@email.unc.edu Course Web Site: http://www.unc.edu/~theis/phil32/ * * *
Metaphysics Metaphysics is the study of the nature of reality. (The study of how things really are) Some metaphysical questions: • Do tables and chairs exist? • Does god exist? If so, what is he/she/it really like? • What is the nature of the self? • Do we have free will?
Epistemology The study of the nature of knowledge. Some epistemological questions: • What is knowledge? • Does anyone know anything at all? • What does it take for a belief to be justified?
Guiding Question What can we know? • What is knowledge? • Can we know whether God exists? • Can we know what happens to us after we die?
Critical Reading (A Partial List) • Read S L O W L Y • Read more than once • Read aggressively • Write comments and questions in margins • Circle words that you don’t know and look them up
Critical Reading Continued • Identify the main ideas, supporting arguments, and supporting examples • Try to draw connections between one part of the text and another • Summarize the argument when you are done to see what you still don’t understand • Reflect about what the author is saying: Ask yourself if you agree with the author. If you don’t, figure out why.
“Argument” An argument is a set of sentences one of which (the conclusion) is taken to be supported by the remaining sentences (the premises).
“Argument” Premise 1 Premise 2 Premise 3 … ----------------- Conclusion
Examples I wear glasses. I am a philosophy instructor. ----------------------------------------- Therefore, at least one philosophy instructor wears glasses.
Examples I am the star player on Carolina’s basketball team. Everyone on the Carolina’s basketball team is over 7 feet tall. ----------------------------------------- Therefore, I am over 7 feet tall.
Examples If my battery is dead, then my car won’t start. My car won’t start. ----------------------------------------- Therefore, my battery is dead.
“Valid” An argument is valid if and only if it isimpossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false.
“Sound” An argument issound if and only if it is validandthe premises are all true.
Two ways for an argument to be bad: • One or more of the premises could be false. • The premises could fail to support the conclusion. (There could be some gap in the reasoning.)