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The Colonies Fight for Their Rights. Section 1. French and Indian War. Struggle over land between the British and the French 1740s both became interested in the Ohio River valley French could travel from Lake Ontario to the Ohio River down to Louisiana
The Colonies Fight for Their Rights Section 1
French and Indian War • Struggle over land between the British and the French • 1740s both became interested in the Ohio River valley • French could travel from Lake Ontario to the Ohio River down to Louisiana • British fur traders were interested for business • French build a chain of forts to block British claims • British respond by building a fort in western Pennsylvania • Before it was completed the French seized it • Dinwiddie, Gov. of Virginia, asked George Washington to raise a force and expel the French • Spring of 1754 Washington marched troops toward Ohio River • Encountered a small French force, had a brief battle, Washington retreated
Cont. • Build a stockade named Fort Necessity • Month later a large French force arrived and forced Washington to surrender • Washington returned to Virginia after being released • The French were left in control of the Ohio River valley • Washington became a hero for his courageous attempt to resist the French
The Albany Conference • Even before the war started the British were urging the colonies to prepare for war • Suggested the colonies negotiate an alliance with the Iroquois • Iroquois controlled Western NY, territory the French would have to pass through to reach the Ohio River • 7 colonies sent representatives to meet with 150 Iroquois leaders at Albany, NY (Albany Conference) • 3 major outcomes from the conference • Iroquois refused an alliance with British, but agreed to remain neutral • Colonies agreed Britain should appoint one supreme commander of all British troops • Albany Plan of Union- plan to unite colonies to form a federal government
The British Triumph • 1755 British commander in chief, General Edward Braddock, arrived in Virginia with 1,400 troops • Appointed Lieutenant Colonel George Washington to serve as his aide • Headed west to attack Fort Duquesne • He was cocky and careless about being ambushed • 7 miles from Fort Duquesne he was ambushed by French and Natives • Braddock was shot and killed • Washington took over and formed a retreat • Washington’s bravery and leadership saved many men • Washington had 4 bullet holes in clothing and his hat.
Cont. • Fighting continued for the next 2 years • 1756 fighting between France and Britain spread to Europe, Seven Years’ War • Prime Minister William Pitt decided to send most of Britain’s troops and fleet to North America and India to attack the French and seize their empires • British quickly cut off the supplies and reinforcements France had been sending the North America • Iroquois realized the tide had turned and ended their attacks leaving France severely outnumbered
Cont. • 1758 General John Forbes was the new British commander • Sent troops to attack Fort Duquesne….again • French burned the fort and retreated knowing they were outnumbered • British built Fort Pitt in its place, later becoming the city of Pittsburgh • British victory at Quebec was the turning point in North America • Spain entered the war in 1761 on the side of France • Britain seized Spain’s colonies in Cuba and the Philippines
Treaty of Paris • Finally ended the war in 1763 • Treaty eliminated French power in North America • New France and Louisiana became part of the British empire • Spain gave Florida to Britain in order to get Cuba and the Philippines back
Colonies Grow Discontented • The price of victory was high • British gov’t borrowed large amounts of money to pay for the war • Britain was now in debt • British officials thought the colonies should have to pay for part of the war effort • Especially the cost of stationing British troops in the colonies • These policies angered the colonists
Proclamation Act of 1763 • Spring of 1763 the Delaware Prophet convinced Pontiac, chief of Ottawa, to go to war with the British • United several Native groups • Ottawa • Delaware • Shawnee • Seneca • Attacked forts along the frontier and burned several towns • British weren’t surprised, they had been expecting this • Due to settlers moving into western territories in defiance of the colony’s treaty • British weren’t ready for another war so they decided to limit western settlement • Royal Proclamation of 1763
Customs Reform • George Grenville- prime minister and first lord of the Treasury in Britain • Desperate to find a way to reduce Britain’s debt • New tax policies were the answer • Grenville discovered that British customs agents weren’t collecting a long of money, which tells him that the merchants were smuggling goods in and out of the colonieswithout paying customs duties- taxes on imports and exports • Gets congress to pass a law sending smugglers to a new vice-admiralty in Halifax, Nova Scotia • Vice-admiralty courts were run by navy officers, not juries • They also violated British common law