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Maharashtra SSA IIIrd party for evaluation of construction of school infrastructure under SSA in Maharashtra. Educational Profile - Maharashtra. Introduction. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is the flagship Programme of
Maharashtra SSA IIIrd party for evaluation of construction of school infrastructure under SSA in Maharashtra
Introduction • SarvaShiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is the flagship Programme of Government of India to achieve Universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE) in the country in a mission mode. • The largest Programme of its kind in the world, SSA is an integrated, comprehensive scheme in partnership with G.O. I, State Governments. The participation of Local Self Governments, the community and grass root level structures like Village Education Committee, Parent-Teacher Association and Mother-Teacher Association etc are essential requirements
Physical Achievements Civil Works :-Physical Targets - Physical Progress upto2009-10
Construction related aspects : • construction process:- Almost all constructions under SSA are being executed through the Village / Ward Education committees. This practice is common in all Districts of Maharashtra Monitoring/Supervision structure;-.The State has Technical personals at State, district and block level as under, who are supervising the civil works and providing resource support.
Third Party evaluation for SSA School building constructions in Maharashtra • A Third Party evaluation (TPE) of civil works components such as Class rooms, CRC’s, BRCs, New school buildings are being undertaken since 2004-05. • A Third Party evaluation work is awarded to the interested reputed consultancy firms / organizations such as Recognized Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics, Architects etc after inviting open bids.
The TOR for TPE also asses the cost effective technologies, effective community participation, use of local material, procurement of quality building material and building technologies beside assessing environmental issues.
Problem Analysis Problem Definition Solution Finding Action Planning Process of Problem-Solving Followed by Third Party Recognition of a ‘problem’ Exploration of the problem. Data gathering to understand the problem. A clear – “best” – picture of the problem is achieved. Possible solutions are Identified. Data is sought, analyzed and Interpreted. Criteria are used to determine the most viable solution. What is to be done, by whom, when and how?
Other requirement of the agency / consultant • Training and orientation to persons • Testing of Materials • Poor quality of Construction • Attending social problems
A presence of consultant at all vital stages of construction helped the VEC ,S.S.A. Engineers in identification from purchase of good quality material for construction till completion of work . • VEC is also supported by a detailed construction manual in Marathi language that include the drawings ,the technical details ,the estimate ,the Testing producers and broad tips for construction
VEC training Programmes and the construction manual help in solving basic site issues for : • Reducing Wastage of materials at site • Ensuring safety in the area surrounding the construction. • As far as possible ,avoiding damage to the existing flora and fauna. • Restricting air and noise pollution to a minimum and Ensuring proper time management .
Work Shop Photograph At District level
Construction of 39 Class Room in PimpriChinchwad Municipal Corporation Thergaon -39
Construction of 39 Class Room in PimpriChinchwad Municipal Corporation ,Thergaon -39
Identification of problem and Reporting GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC THANE At PhadkePada, Opp. Bharat Gears Ltd, Mumbra – Shilphata Road – Dist. Thane. 400 612. Email - civilgpthane@ rediffmail.com Phone No: -, 022 25493329, 02232445631, Fax: - 022 25494389 ___________________________________________________________________ No. GPT/CECC/SSA/06-07/ 33 Date:- 23/04/07 To, The Chief Engineer MPSP, Charni Road Mumbai. 400004 Sub: - Information regarding Poor Quality work in Mumbai Region Sir, Please find enclosed herewith report of poor quality works in Thane & Raigad district. The detail such as name of village, name of Taluka, name of district & type of works along with brief description of poor quality work is mentioned below the photograph for each case. You are requested to please instruct the concerned field staff to rectify the defects and improve upon the quality. Thanking You Yours faithfully (M.A. Mulay) Authorized Representativ Government Polytechnic Thane Thane Encl.: As above Copy forwarded to The Executive Engineer SSA ZillhaParishadRaigad & Thane for information & necessary action.
Village – AbitgharTaluka – Wada Dist. Thane Type of work – CR Poor Quality Brick Masonry with long horizontal crack
Photographs of Defective Works Bricks are used as Lintel instead of R.C.C. Band
Retrofitting suggested by consultant Due to poor quality of concrete because of less curing
District complied as suggested by consultant After completion of Retrofitting.
Removal of Defect 40 Class Room Construction at Ranjangaon (Shenkunji ) District Aurangabad
PimpriChinchwad Municipal Corporation 40 Class Room School Bldg , PimpaleGurav.
Side View PimpriChinchwad Municipal Corporation 40 Class Room School Bldg PimpaleGurav