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Understanding Stroke: Causes, Signs, Symptoms

Learn about ischemic stroke, including its causes, signs, and symptoms, as well as transient ischemic attacks (mini-strokes) and hemorrhagic strokes. Discover risk factors, first aid measures, and subarachnoidal bleeding symptoms.

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Understanding Stroke: Causes, Signs, Symptoms

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stroke Z. Rozkydal

  2. Ischemic stroke Temporary or permanent disturbance of the brain due to insufficient blood flow Causes: blood clot in brain vessels Temporary- recovery of the blood flow in 1-4 minutes Permanent 90 percent of all strokes

  3. Ischemic stroke- signs F- facial weakness A- arm weakness S- speech problem T- time to call 155 Temporary or permanent disturbance of function of part of the brain due to insufficient blood flow or perfusion of brain tissue Causes: blodd clot in bnrain vessels Remporary- recovery of the bloodd flow in 1-4 minutes Permanent Symptomy: Desorientace, pokles ústního koutku, asymetrie obličeje afázie, postižení zraku, porucha vědomí, pomalý rozvoj hemiparézy nebo hemiplegie Není bolest hlavy.

  4. Ischemic stroke- signs Facial weakness Arm weakness Speech problem Sudden loss of vision Sudden confusion Dizziness, sudden fall Temporary or permanent disturbance of function of part of the brain due to insufficient blood flow or perfusion of brain tissue Causes: blodd clot in bnrain vessels Remporary- recovery of the bloodd flow in 1-4 minutes Permanent Symptomy: Desorientace, pokles ústního koutku, asymetrie obličeje afázie, postižení zraku, porucha vědomí, pomalý rozvoj hemiparézy nebo hemiplegie Není bolest hlavy.

  5. Transient ischaemic attack – TIA - ministroke Small blood clot or small embolus It lasts only few minutes Symptoms: parestesia, double vision, no vision dysarthria, dysphagia, ataxia, vertigo aphasia, hemiparesis Good prognosis 20 % of all ischaemic strokes- fibrilation of ventricles

  6. First aid Keep the casualty comfortable Fresh air, keep airways open In unconsciousness- rescue position Record vital signs Nothing to eat or drink CPR

  7. Haemorhagic stroke Burst blood vessel in the brain Atherosclerotic changes 10 % of all strokes Bleeding, oedema, pressure to the surrounding tissue Sudden onset, usually in younger age Sudden headache, nausea, vomiting Irregular breathing Hemiparesis, hemiplegia Somnolence, sopor, coma Mortalita až 40 % Při bezvědomí > 48 hod. špatná prognóza

  8. Risk factors of a stroke: Hypertension, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol Smoking, alcohol First aid Keep the casualty comfortable Fresh air, keep airways open Avoid aspiration In unconsciousness- rescue position Record vital signs Nothing to eat or drink CPR

  9. Subarachnoideal bleeding Causes Congenital malformation of vessels, aneurysma, One half of casualties are under 45 years Symptoms: Sudden onset, headache, nausea Spasm in neck muscles, impaired vision, unconsciousness Mortality- 80 % without surgery First aid- as in haemorhagic stroke

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