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Customer Empowered Network Update Canada. Bill St. Arnaud bill.st.arnaud@canarie.ca. Proposed ROADM network. CANARIE, ORANO, RISQ, NYSERnet and MICHnet exploring to deploy ROADM network on customer owned fiber from Chicago to Detroit to Toronto to Montreal to New York
Customer Empowered Network UpdateCanada Bill St. Arnaud bill.st.arnaud@canarie.ca
Proposed ROADM network • CANARIE, ORANO, RISQ, NYSERnet and MICHnet exploring to deploy ROADM network on customer owned fiber from Chicago to Detroit to Toronto to Montreal to New York • MICHnet and NYSERnet have already deployed ROADM networks between Chicago and Detroit, Buffalo and New York respectively • CANARIE and ORANO will build new ROADM network linking Buffalo to Detroit and Buffalo to Montreal to NYC • Wavelength swaps will be then be encouraged between respective networks • Only cost for an end to end wavelength is the interface cards at each end – about $17K • ROADMs further enable possibility of the customer owning and controlling the network • With ROADMs all active optical network devices can be at the customer premises • If university or researcher needs a wavelength they can self provision by purchasing their own line driver card
Utilization trends Gbps Network Capacity Limit Jan 2005
UCLPv2 • Demand for CENs is exceeding our wildest expectations • New version of UCLP will allow easier integration of CENs into end to end networks for specific communities and or disciplines • UCLPv2 will be based on SOA, web services and workflow to allow easy integration into cyber-infrastructure projects • Network is no longer a static fixed facility – but can “orchestrated” with different topologies, routing etc to meet specific needs of end users
SURFnet APN resources advertised to CANARIE Amsterdam YEG YUL New York YVR Geneva YOW Winnipeg YYZ ONS TRIUMF YCG Halifax OME MAN LAN HDX STAR LIGHT HDX Pwave HDX APN Resource List CreationView by CANARIE staff Lightpath Object Creation CANARIE ONS Network Resources 1 Toronto Edmonton Chicago is hidden 2 CANARIE OME Network Resources ONS Montreal ONS ONS Vancouver BCnet Toronto Ottawa Edmonton Chicgao 3 MAN LAN HDX 4 New York Chicago Seattle Toronto STAR LIGHT HDX 5 Ottawa Amsterdam Vancouver Edmonton Montreal To Fermi Victoria New York Geneva New APN Resource list composition To Brookhaven
CANARIE provides APN resource list to TRIUMF 1G Interface WS URI: http://canarie_apns/triumf_apn.ws 5G Interface WS 10G Lightpath WS 1G Lightpath WS Toronto Ottawa Amsterdam Vancouver Edmonton Montreal To Fermi Victoria New York Geneva NOTE: This resource element is actually an aggregation of several elements on CANARIE network. The exposed WS may actually be a BPEL composition of the underlying WS elements To Brookhaven
HEPnet APN/Lightpath creation process • HEPnet receives APN resource list from CANARIE • HEPnet acquires additional CENs or from dark fiber local loops at universities • HEPnet create new APN resource lists or lightpath objects • TRIUMF/HEPnet staff create a number of child lightpath objects or APNs • UCLPv2 GUI displays several APN windows • Original TRIUMF/HEPent APN resource list provided by CANARIE • 802.11 p/q lightpath WS created by UoVic for TRIUMF/HEPnet • CWDM channel lightpath WS created by UBC for TRIUMF/HEPnet • In this example HEPnet creates a lightpath object for the Tier 2 connection between TRIUMF and UoVic
TRIUMF GUI harvests other CEFs from UoVic, UoT, etc TRIUMF Tier 1 1G Interface WS UoToronto Physics Tier 2 5G Interface WS UBC Physics UA Physics UoT Physics 10G Lightpath WS External links or APNs UoVictoria Physics Tier 2 UdM Physics TRIUMF CEN UoT CEN Carleton Physics Toronto Amsterdam Vancouver Edmonton Montreal UoV APN Ottawa Victoria CA*net 4 New York Geneav Chicago FERMI Tier 1 Note: Typical View on TRIUMF UCLP GUI CERN Tier 0 Brookhaven Tier 1
TRIUMF/HEPnet Lightpath Object Composition GUI UBC Campus CWDM Lightpath Object UoVic Campus 802.11 Lightpath Object TRIUMF APN Toronto Ottawa Amsterdam Vancouver Edmonton Montreal To Fermi Victoria New York Geneva UoVic TRIUMF To Brookhaven Vancouver Victoria Lightpath Object for 2 Gbp Tiier 2between TRIUMF and UoVic Composition Window
UoVic Physics UCLPv2 GUI or adds Router WS to lightpath object UoVic Physics router resource CLI interface exposed as a WS Resource Window UoVic TRIUMF Vancouver Victoria Lightpath Object for 2 Gbp Tiier 2between TRIUMF and UoVic Created by TRIUMF/Hepnet UoVic TRIUMF Vancouver
UoVic workflow process to attach a router • UoVic gets URI from TRIUMF/HEPnet composition of a lightpath object linking Tier 2 site • UoVic physics uses UCLPv2 or some other workflow tool that links “router” WS to the lightpath object • A “router” WS is essentially a WS that encapsulate some of the CLI commands on the router • This is already available on Juniper routers • The router WS provides the necessary CLI commands to active the router interface that faces the lightpath object • Finally the router WS may also change the forwarding table of the router (ie. OBGP)
CANARIE provides APN to NRC Edmonton Saskatoon Customer Owned Fiber Vancouver Winnipeg Ottawa Montreal Regina Victoria Toronto Calgary Fredericton Seattle Chicago New York Halifax CA*net 4 router 2G Lightpath WS GbE interface WS
NRC partitions APN Edmonton Saskatoon Vancouver Winnipeg Ottawa Montreal Regina Victoria Toronto Calgary Fredericton Seattle Chicago New York Halifax
NRC logical view of APN Edmonton Saskatoon Vancouver Winnipeg Ottawa Regina Montreal Victoria Toronto Fredericton Seattle Chicago New York Halifax
Recommended Browsing • UCLP Roadmap Document • http://www.canarie.ca/canet4/uclp/UCLP_Roadmap.doc • LOOKING • http://lookingtosea.ucsd.edu/ • NEESgrid Tele-Operation Network Protocol • http://it.nees.org/documentation/pdf/TR-2004-23.pdf • Common Instrument Middleware Architecture • www.instrument-middleware.org • EU GridCC • http://www.canarie.ca/conferences/advnet2004/ppt/maron.ppt • CABA open building interexchange web services for high voltage AC and building management systems • http://www.caba.org/councils/obix.html