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Disability. Paralympics. Lesson Objectives: Define disability and think about the social and personal problems that disabled people may face. Improve knowledge of the Paralympics.
Disability Paralympics
Lesson Objectives: Define disability and think about the social and personal problems that disabled people may face. Improve knowledge of the Paralympics • The disability Discrimination Act defines a disabled person as anyone with ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect upon his/her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.’ • Disability covers a wide spectrum of impairments, including: • Physical impairments(difficulty in moving parts of the body • Sensory impairments (hearing or sight) • Communication difficulties (speech impairments • Learning difficulties (for example Autism, Down’s Syndrome) • Mental health issues (eg. Depression, schizophrenia)
Facts • 20% of disabilities are congenital (from birth)(blindness, epilepsy, Spina Bifida, Cerebal Palsy) • 80% of disabilities are acquired. Common causes are accidents, illness or conditions such as a stroke. • There are about 9.8million disabled adults in the UK; 22% of the adult population. • There are about 700,000 disabled children in the UK; 5% of all children • Only 5% of people with a disability use a wheelchair
Attitudes to disability • Disabled people experience exclusion from mainstream opportunities due to environmental, attitudinal and organisational barriers rather than due to the effect of their impairment.
By Matt BlakePUBLISHED:17:42, 21 August 2012| UPDATED:07:59, 22 August 2012 Blind pensioner falls 20ft onto concrete path after builders remove his balcony... then put up a sign warning him of the danger Wheelchair bound Klaus Ohlmeier, 67, plunged more than 20ft to a concrete path in Hamburg, Germany He suffered broken ribs, internal bleeding, broken ribs It came after a building firm was contracted to remove all balconies on building while they added insulation He is suing the company for damages A blind pensioner plunged more than 20 feet onto a concrete path after bungling builders removed his balcony... then put up a sign to warn him of the danger. Wheelchair-bound Klaus Ohlmeier, 67, fell from the second-storey of his care home in Hamburg, Germany, as he popped outside for a breath of fresh air. His defenestration left him with serious internal bleeding and several broken ribs and needing intensive hospital treatment. Wheelchair bound Klaus Ohlmeier, 67, fell from the second-storey of his care home in Hamburg, Germany (pictured), as he went outside for a breath of fresh air. 'I heard a noise, and then I can’t remember anything. I’m just glad it didn’t come out any worse,' said Mr Ohlmeier. He has now filed a lawsuit against the building firm that made the extraordinary blunder. The company had been contracted to remove all the balconies on the side of the building while they worked on improving it’s insulation. With the balcony removed, the sliding doors that previously led into the open had effectively become long windows. Just a strip of metal across the opening separated Mr Ohlmeier and the two-storey drop. He says he should have been told of the work, especially given his love of the outdoors and the fact that he cannot see. 'I need a lot of fresh air,' Ohlmeier told the court. Patrick Bauer, the unnamed firm's 38-year-old site manager told the court: 'There was a sign.' Now being sued for injury resulting from negligence, he added: 'I didn't want anything to happen.‘ He said that the company initially replaced the balconies with wooden planks for safety, 'but we had to remove them to insulate the blind people's home'.
By James TozerPUBLISHED:18:28, 31 August 2012| UPDATED:02:03, 1 September 2012 'Disability champions' jailed for claiming £1.8MILLION in benefits to fund luxury cars, scuba diving and a penthouse apartment Barry Brooks has been jailed for eight years after claiming he was unable to climb stairs, had to use electric wheelchair and could not lift anything heavier than sandwich. Yet photographs revealed him riding motorbike, scuba diving and playing with ball in pool on holiday Fraudster stole £1.8m for himself in claims put through fake business Claims submitted by Brooks co-director of company Derek Arnold who has also been sentenced to eight years in jail A benefits ‘parasite’ who pretended he needed a wheelchair as he conned his way to a millionaire lifestyle was yesterday ordered to stand in the dock as he was jailed for eight years. Barry Brooks, who insisted on being known as ‘Sir Barry’ and claimed he could barely walk, falsely claimed £1.8million after setting up a sham business pretending he was helping disabled people get work. Instead, the 49-year-old and his lover and co-director Derek Arnold, 55, spent the money on a portfolio of properties, top-of-the-range cars and holidays. Their deceit was exposed after investigators raided their house in Bromley, Kent, and found photos showing Brooks scuba-diving around a wreck in Gran Canaria, dive-bombing into a swimming pool and riding a motorbike. Yesterday Brooks arrived at court in a wheelchair but, after he was warned by Judge Martin Beddoe that he could be found in contempt of court for persisting with the ‘charade’, he walked to the dock with the help of a frame.The judge jailed both men for eight years for conspiracy to defraud and fraud in a ‘brazen and entirely parasitical’ con based on a belief ‘the system was a cow to be milked’. Brooks claimed he had to use a wheelchair and could not lift anything heavier than a sandwich, Southwark Crown Court was told. But medical experts concluded he was ‘malingering’ and making up his disabilities. Investigators discovered he was using grants of £29,000 a month to buy five properties in the UK as well as a penthouse apartment in Spain. The pair set up a firm called Access Audit Corporation in 2004 purporting to provide training and advice to disabled people. Brooks claimed £1million through the Access to Work scheme for taxis, support and equipment. He even put in daily taxi fare claims while he was holidaying in Thailand and the Canary Islands. In addition, the men received £880,000 in grants for finding work for ‘clients’ the scheme purported to employ in a ‘cynical fraud’ against the Department for Work and Pensions. There is ‘no evidence’ the scheme ever employed anyone, the court heard. The men’s home was raided after suspicions were raised in 2009. Among the items found were three Jaguars plus an Audi cabriolet, a Mini and a Range Rover, Suzuki motorbikes and £50,000 in cash. Brooks had also planned to ‘build an empire’ of UK offices, as well as buy a country house, Duncraig Castle in Scotland and property in the Caribbean and Florida.
CelebrationParalympics – a brief history • Dr Ludwig Guttmann was a German Jew who left Germany to escape Nazi persecution. He established the spinal injuries unit at Stoke Mandeville hospital and found that many of the hospital's patients were young men injured in the Second World war. Guttmann believed that sport was would be good for the patients' physical and emotional well-being and in 1948 organised the Stoke Mandeville games for British World War II veterans. This was the first event organised solely for disabled athletes. In 1952 injured Dutch veterans were invited to Stoke Mandeville to compete against the British. • Eight years later, in 1960, Sir Ludwig Guttmann took a team of disabled athletes to Rome to compete in a games parallel to the Summer Olympics. They were a great success and the Paralympic Games have been held immediately after the main Summer Olympics ever since. The first Paralympic Winter Olympics were held in 1976. • The Paralympics are governed by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) which is based in Bonn, Germany. The IPC is supported by National Paralympic Committees (NPC) that represent athletes with impairments from their respective countries. • The Paralympics share many of the traditions of the Olympic games: • They begin with an Opening Ceremony and end with a Closing Ceremony • The Olympic flame burns throughout the competition • Gold, Silver and Bronze medals are awarded to winners • The Paralympic symbol (above) consists of three agitos coloured red, blue and green. The agitos are meant to symbolise movement and the colours are the three most popular colours on national flags. • Although some Paralympic sports are specific to certain disabilities eg Wheelchair events, other events are open to a range of disabilities. To ensure equality and fairness the Paralympic Governing body has defined disabilities into five main groups - amputees, cerebral palsy, spinal injuries, visually impaired and others.
Summer Paralympics Sports that have featured in the Summer Games are: • Archery, Athletics, Basketball, Boccia, Cycling, Dartchery, Equestrian, 5 a side Football, 7 a side Football, Goalball, Judo, Lawn Bowls, Powerlifting, Rowing, Sailing, Shooting, Snooker, Swimming, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Weightlifting, Wheelchair Basketball, Wheelchair Fencing, Wheelchair Rugby, Wheelchair Tennis, Wrestling
Winter Paralympics Sports that have featured in the Winter Games are: • Alpine Skiing, Biathlon, Cross Country Skiing, Ice Sledge Hockey, Wheelchair Curling
Extended tasks Tanni Grey-Thompson: 'My years of experience of dealing with bias against disabled people' – video Baroness Grey-Thompson, Britain's most decorated paralympian, talks to disability campaigner Nicola Clark about growing up with spina bifida; the difficulties faced by disabled athletes today; and about her role as a cross-bench peer in the House of Lords, where she has had to learn fast as she tackled the welfare reform bill http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/video/2012/feb/24/tanni-grey-thompson-disabled-video
Enw: ................................ Dosbarth: 11 . . . Dyddiad : .../.../12Disability and the Paralympics Define the term disability: ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 2. State 4 impairments disabled people may have __________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________________________ ___________________________________ 3. About what % of people have a disability in the UK? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. What % of people are born with a disability? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. What % of disabled people use a wheel chair? ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. Why do disabled people experience exclusion from mainstream opportunities? ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Read the article about Klaus Ohlmeier. What is your reaction? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Read the article about Barry Brooks. What is your reaction? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
9. Note 6 facts about the Paralympics: __________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________________________ ___________________________________ 10. What does The agitos symbolise ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 11. Note similarities an differences between the Paralympic games and the Modern Olympic games in the table below:
London 2012 Complete the sentences: Great Britain won ____________ medals China won _____________silver medals Tunisia won 5 ______and______medals Canada won mostly __________medals The top 5 countries won a total of __________________________medals The top 3 countries won a total of __________________ gold medals 7. The top 8 countries won a total of _____________________bronze medals