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ANS Pharmacotherapy review can help mitigate Medicare Set Aside Part D exposure with optimal results for both Payer and Claimant. For more info visit http://bit.ly/1QrThLS.
Accounting for prescription drug coverage in the face of inflating pharma costs and excessive prescriptions is the perfect storm for excessive MSAs, resulting in fewer settled claims. ans-solutions.com
To reach settlement quickly and with optimal results for both Payer and Claimant, a comprehensive expert approach is necessary. ans-solutions.com
ANS Pharmacotherapy Review At ANS we mitigate Medicare Set Aside Part D exposure with a unique 3 step Pharmacotherapy Review program: PharmReview PharmIntervention PharmCompliance ans-solutions.com
Pharmacotherapy Review often leads to improved quality of care and life for the injured worker. ans-solutions.com
Experience shows that ANS Solution’s comprehensive Pharmacotherapy Review Program can reduce pharma costs by as much as 25%. ans-solutions.com
ANS Solutions – Your Answer for Workers’ Compensation Medical Cost Containment Call ANS Today To Get On the Road To Settlement! Dial908-315-7500 Visit ans-solutions.com