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Part 1: GENRE REVIEW. Created by Stephanie Pleak. Fiction Texts. Realistic Fiction:
Part 1:GENRE REVIEW Created by Stephanie Pleak
Realistic Fiction: A made up story that could take place in real life. Sometimes, a story will include other types of text such as advertisements, email correspondence, or informational flyers to make the story seem more realistic. Ex: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Historical Fiction: Made up story that takes place in an actual/real setting. The events in the story may or may not have occurred. The characters may or may not have been real. Ex: Bud, Not Buddy
TRADITIONAL LITERATURE: stories passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. Legends : A semi-true story told from person to person which is based on historical facts, but with mythical qualities. Usually have a moral or lesson. Origin Myths: Stories from long ago that were created to explain things that people observed in the world around them. They tell how the world began. There are myths about how the sun and the moon came to light up the sky and about how oceans were formed. EX: Pandora’s Box Fables: short stories told from long ago. These stories usually have animals as characters that talk and portray human characteristics. They have a lesson or moral that is stated at the end of the story.
FOLKTALES: Stories told from long ago and from around the world. There are many types of folktales: • Fairy tales: include the magic and the rule of 3. They set long ago. Ex: Cinderella, Three little pigs • Tall tales:about people who supposedly really lived and places which really exist; protagonists perform superhuman deeds; exaggeration is shown. Ex. Pecos Bill, and Paul Bunyan • Trickster tales:usually about animals who trick other animals; the trickster usually wins due to his cleverness and some kind of character flaw of his victim. Ex: Anansi • Porquoi tales:explain how or why something is the way it is today; often have animals as main characters. Ex:, Why Rabbit has a Short Tail
Features and Elements of fiction texts: • Characters: Main character- who the story is mostly about. • Setting: Place, environment, and time (PET). • Plot:What happens in the story. The conflict or problem and a solution/resolution are part of the plot. • P.O.V (Point of view): • First person-story told by the character ( pronouns: I, me , we) • 3rd person limited-told by a narrator. The reader only knows the thoughts and feelings of one character (pronouns: he, she, them). • 3rd omniscient- told by a narrator. The reader knows thoughts and feelings of all the characters. (pronouns: he, she, them). • Theme: an idea that occurs throughout a text. • Moral : Lesson of a text usually gives advice on how you can be a better person
EXPOSITORY TEXTS: Give facts and information about a topic. Organization: Compare/Contrast: tells are things are alike and different. Sequential order: puts things in order in which it occurs. Cause/Effect: the results of something are explained. Order of importance: structured from most important to least important or vice versa. Descriptive: tells characteristics in great detail. Classification Scheme: puts things into groups based on characteristics. Chronological order: puts things by dates in which it occurred. Elements: Real pictures Facts Dates Bold words Headings Sub heading Titles Colored/bold print Graphics (maps, charts, graphs) italics
PERSUASIVE TEXT: Writing that tries to convince or persuade you to do something or to think a certain way. Examples: letters, articles, editorials, advertisements, and posters. Fact: a statement that is true and can be proven. EX: The sky is blue. Opinion: cannot be proved true because it shows a feeling or belief. EX: That is the most beautiful blue sky. Author’s Purpose: the reason the author is writing.
LITERARY NON-FICTION: A form of writing that uses elements of fiction to tell a story about a subject Biography:A story written about someone else’s life BIO=LIFE GRAPH=WRITE Autobiography: A story your wrote yourself about your own life. AUTO=SELF BIO=LIFE GRAPH= WRITE • Elements: • Tells a story about a person’s life. • Story may be written about someone by someone else or written about someone by him/herself. • Tells about meaningful events in the person’s life. • May include facts • May include dates. • May include real pictures. • May include a lesson he or she has learned over time. EXAMPLES: Abigail Adams: A Woman Ahead of her Time The life of Benjamin Franklin
POETRY: a type of literature that expresses ideas, feelings, or tells a story in a specific form (usually using lines and stanzas) • Rhythm: a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line • Figurative Language: describes something in a poem • similes: use like or as to compare two things. Ex: The guitar notes were like drops of honey. • metaphors: compare two things by saying one thing is another thing. Ex: The girl who sang the solo was a nightengale. • idiom: play on words that doesn’t mean what it actually says. Ex: I have butterflies in my stomach. • Imagery: Pictures we form in our minds. EX: high, silvery clouds.
Sound Effects found in poetry: • alliteration: two or more words in a line that stars with the same consonant letter. Ex: Peter Piper picked a pickledpepper.\ • onomatopoeia: word that imitates a sound it represents. Ex: buzz, swoosh, thump. • rhyme scheme: words that rhyme at the end of each line. • His customary dwelling place A • Is deep within the human race. A • His childish pride he often pleases B • By giving people strange diseases. B • Do you, my poppet, feel infirm? C • You probably contain a germ. C • 4. Internal rhyme: words rhyme within a line. • Ex:While I nodded nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping.
DRAMA: A play that tells a story through the words and actions of characters. Dramas can be performed on stages, theaters, or read aloud. • Acts: Sections of a long drama • Scenes: Acts are divided into smaller sections called scenes in which the setting may change. • ***Scene or Act is to play as Chapter is to a book • Cast of Characters:A characters name followed by a colon (: ) that tells you who is speaking. EX: Teacher: Please sit down! • Stage Directions: provides information such as the time and place of the story or a description of a setting, usually in parenthesis ( ) or italics. EX: (Time: Present. Setting: A classroom in San Antonio, Texas)