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NanoSearch DMS V2.3. Make our daily job became easy With Documents Management System. What is NanoSearch DMS?. A few click. Problems. Solutions. Trouble to handle documents. Cant search content of document. hard to manage. No backup High Maintenance Cost.
NanoSearch DMS V2.3 Make our daily job became easy With Documents Management System
What is NanoSearch DMS? A few click Problems Solutions • Trouble to handle documents. • Cant search content of document. • hard to manage. • No backup • High Maintenance Cost • No more trouble to handle documents. • Can search content of document. • easy to manage. • Easy Backup • Low Maintenance Cost
Why NanoSearch DMS? • NanoSearch is a Open Source Web Application, it also mean that you can access it anywhere and anytime. By using NanoSearch, you can digitize your documents and make it became searchable in just a few click. NanoSearch is also more easy to implement and manage compare to other DMS. Many Hardcopy Documents Scanning Upload Document to server Press a button to index file Document content ready for search
But some of my document is confidential, what can I do? • Simple, just go to FileSecurity page and set confidential file that can only search & view by Top Management Staff.
Is NanoSearch Powerful? • NanoSearch is same as other well known search engine like Google or Yahoo. It provide fulltext search, boolean search and a special function “Search Within Result”
Can NanoSearch search my website? • Yes, now you can even use NanoSearch to search all the word inside your Website.
Can NanoSearch Centralize My Document Management? • Yes, NanoSearch come with File Manager that automate User & User Group File management. Any user or any group of user will automatic entitle their own folder to manage their file for sharing and keeping. Example: Once we register A group of Project Member, all the Project related file can be upload and view by this Project member only.
Is NanoSearch File Manager Secure? Is my file protected? • Yes, NanoSearch File Manager is using FTP as backbone. All file upload or download must go through FTP Authentication. In addition, file is not reside inside HTTP Server, means hacker cant issue a HTTP path command like http://www.something.com/public/abc.pdf to get the file.
Overall Architecture • User can access from Web Interface to manage their file with “Protected File Transfer Backbone”. User also can search Document by searching documents content. Group user also can had their own group folder to keep their important file.
What Document Format NanoSearch Support? • NanoSearch Support 2 main format. That is PDF Format and DJVU Format. DJVU format is the latest technology. File keep in DJVU format is about 4-10 times smaller than PDF and 100 times smaller than TIFF. In addition, NanoSearch also support JPG format.
Hardcopy Documents PDF File Upload to Server Indexing for search Digital PDF File Upload to Server Indexing for search Can I Upload my existing digital documents to server also? Process for Hardcopy Documents • Yes, as above shown, if your document already been digitize to PDF format, you also can upload your document to server to make it searchable by others. Process for Digitize Documents.
Can NanoSearch handle more than millions of documents? • Yes, technically NanoSearch’s Index Database can go up to 2 TeraByte (2,000,000MB), and document file size is unlimited. Index Database is the database that store all the document content for search engine to search.
Is uploading Document to Server simple & easy? • Thanks for FTP Technology. Upload file is as easy as just Drag & Drop. This function is design to ease users daily upload document job.
My Corporate need customized on NanoSearch, can it be done? • No Problems, NanoSearch is 100% Made In Malaysia . It can be twisted anyway as you like to suit your corporate Documentation Environment.
Can I had 7x24 support? • Yes, we do provide 24hours per day , 7 days a week Platinum On-Call Maintenance package for some customer that need fast response time when system down.
Is Server License expensive? • Dont worry, NanoSearch is Open Source Project, it support either Linux Server or Window Server. Linux Server is free. * Recommend to use Suse Linux because its user friendly interface and free.
Can Mysql concurrent handle many web user? • As benchmark tested from Mysql, Mysql can handle many user concurrently. It is best suitable for Web Application http://www.mysqlbrasil.com.br/uploads/93/mysql-performance-whitepaper.pdf
Thanks For Your Time • Thanks for you time to see this repsentation, if you intrested on NanoSearch, please contact me for demo and implementation. Isaac Tan Tian Meng 016-2622382 issac@time.net.my