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Bees require supplementary honey bee nutrition and feeding when the food stores are poor. Supplementing the food stores of bee colonies with sugar syrup and pollen substitute/pollen supplement is referred to as supplementary feeding.<br><br>Contact Details of Apiary Boost:<br>Email: info@apiaryboost.com.au<br>Call: 61 402 018 963<br>Address: Windaroo 4207, Jacobs Well 4208, Branyan 4670, Australia<br>Website: https://apiaryboost.com.au/
All That You Want To Know About Supplementary Feeding Of Bees
Beekeepers have many reasons for this, but the most common are to stop the beehive from starvation. To allow the bees to have more honey than they need, offer a buffer against future shortages. To build up the population during early spring or right before a honey flow. Bees require supplementary honey bee nutrition and feeding when the food stores are poor. Supplementing the food stores of bee colonies with sugar syrup and pollen substitute/pollen supplement is referred to as supplementary feeding.
When do the bees need feeding? • The honey bee nutrition and supplemental feeding can be offered • When the colonies do not have enough stores in fall for wintering • Stimulatory feeding during spring as a stimulus to rear more brood • When new colonies or new queens are being prepared • During drought and even before honey flow when colonies are very powerful and they may have tired their food stores.
Ways to feed honey bees Honey bees gather surplus food in the form of nectar and pollen when bee forage is present in plenty. Nectar is converted in to honey and stored for future use when there is shortage of flora. Similarly pollen is processed to form bee bread for later use to meet protein necessity of the colony. But with commercial interests in mind different hive products are harvested from bee colonies which need to be supplemented for their survival. Colonies are fed sugar in different forms to supplement honey and pollen substitute or supplement in place of pollen. Thus, it is essential to know method of preparation of different types of feeds given to bee colonies and methods of feeding.
Pollen substitute or supplement should be fed only during dearth period when pollen is not present or during spring when colony demand for pollen is more for brood rearing as compared to available pollen.
Contact Details of Apiary Boost: Email: info@apiaryboost.com.au Call: 0402 018 963, 0450 411 425 Address: Windaroo 4207, Jacobs Well 4208, Branyan 4670, Australia Website: https://apiaryboost.com.au/